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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. No More Games - New Kids on the Block
  2. *Bo eyes the tracks for a long moment and nods slowly before standing back up, his mind instantly returns to the bow and arrow set he had left in the boat. Cussing himself out silently at his own stupidity, he eyes the tracks once more in thought of what he could do to stop something that seems to be so unhumanly big.* "Didn't mean to doubt your monster story. Gotta admit it seems unlogical. What now, Uncle Jesse?
  3. By your post Roger, looks like you had a great time and is excited about! Glad to hear it! It'd take a lot to get an action picture of a jump like that! At the Dukefests I've been to, my mom tried taking pictures of the jumps and did get a few great pictures, but it takes perfect timing.
  4. My Favorite Girl - New Kids on the Block
  5. You are welcome, Redneck Girl...just surprised I was able to be the one to tell you. I feel bad for Clint, but I guess if you are going to get the car wrong like that, then you gotta pay for it. Looks like he's still in the top twelve at twelveth...can't recall the exact number but it was like -185 points behind Hamlin. Could be wrong about that though. Hopefully he can cut into that point gap this weekend, but the championship hopes for him seem to be over just as soon as they got started.
  6. WB GLG! Glad to see you back and to see you found one of my favorite threads on the board! YEE HAAA!!!!!!!! Think the Dukes would've loved it too! Now for your question . . . Hamlin as far as points is going, is doing great. He is number one with Kevin Harvick breathing down his neck 45 points behind him in second. He's won six races thus far in the season which has won him the number one positin now that it is chase time. Though talking about Hamlin...he knows how to stir the fire as they say. After Bowyer got fined and all that, Hamlin was quick to speak up against Bowyer and RCR team saying they have been pressing the envelope for some time and that he isn't surprised that they got caught. He said something of how that little of a mishap can help a lot...something like that. Anyway you look at it he had words for RCR (Richard Childress Racing - where Clint races for). Kevin Harvick, who is another RCR driver, teammate of Clint's - today at practice got a little payback at Hamlin for what he said by running him into the wall to damage both of their cars. They had words with each other since their garage stalls are located next to each other. Richard Childress didn't come out and say it was payback, but he definately didn't deny it either. The drama thickens...All I have to say, is that they better not bring it to the race tomorrow where they could take out innocent other drivers around them...such as Gordon or Johnson . Not saying I approve of what Harvick did, but Hamlin needs to keep in his own business and not what he thinks of Bowyer or RCR. My opinion. Sorry GLG, know you like Hamlin and for your sake, glad your driver is doing so good, but don't think Hamlin should have spoken out as he did about it.l
  7. Hoss - Wow a hundred million dollars? Talk about a lot of cash! I don't know how NASCAR decides what to fine them. All I know is, is that Bowyer's fine is the highest I've seen them go. I'm sure the money part of it hits hard, but isn't their main concern right now...right now I am assuming that their more mad about the points and the suspencsion of Wilson right now. At least I would be. They earn a lot of money, so I am assuming they can write the check and move on from there, but points? That's hard to make up, especially with only nine races left to go!
  8. Another favorite scene of mine is at the end of "Carnival of Thrills" when the boys reunite and Luke helps Bo jump all them parked cars.
  9. Favorite scene? Dang Roger, this is a hard one. You know how many I'll have to chose from? There is a couple in "Ghost of General Lee" I like. I like the scene MA listed as well as the one between Enos and Rosco when they think the boys go into the pond. Though my favorite scene in that ep has to be when Jesse looks out the window and sees the boys out there and runs out to greet them. Of his excitement at seeing his boys a live after thinking they were dead and all.
  10. *Did I not secure it good enough?" Bo questions as he watches Jesse resecureing the boat as he forces himself to think of what Jesse had said. "Guess I should thank you for your brave and smart action that you did to help your brother. I guess my dad," Bo states awkwardly as he follows Jesse, taking everything in as he goes along, "and if you don't mind me stating, I don't care how well accustomed you are to the swamp, the swamp is still a horrible place." Bo goes silent and allows a small distance to grow between them.*
  11. Sitting at small table nearby by himself, Garrett Duke silently listens into the conversation that takes place several feet behind him. Only to send mischeiveious and ornery thoughts to cross his mind and a small grin crosses his face and he confidently takes a drink of his beer. Bo Duke was his twin brother according to their birth certificates and all the horrible stories his parents had told him while growing up in Knoxville, Tennesse; yet they had very little in common with each other. And they were definately not identical twins. One could possibly guess them to be cousins, very few would accuse them to be brothers, but no one would ever guess them to be brothers. They looked nothing like the other. And in Garrett's cold and hard eyes, he couldn't be happier about that. He didn't know how he could stand looking at himself in the mirror every day if he knew he looked like Bo. Not only did they have nothing in common with each other or that they didn't look alike, but they couldn't stand each other. Bo was able to ignore Garrett for the most part, but Garrett being who he was, couldn't help but to cause conflict with Bo. If he was being forced to live in this small hick town of Hazzard, he could at least find something to do to occupy his time. And now as he tips back onto the back legs of the wooden chair, his thoughts continue to sift through what he had just heard while thinking of his own beloved muscle car that sits in the garage at his house that he shares with his sister and LB Davenport. Of signing up for the same race that his cousins and his brother are currently talking about. He had been excited to be able to sign up for a race that he knew Bo and Luke were unable to race at, but now it seems they may have found a way to race without their junk car. But instead of being disappointed about it, he is ignited with new ideas of how he can finally prove himself to be the better driver. Only for his thoughts to fall back to Kristy, his and Bo's older half sister, who would once again be upset at him for having such thoughts. And he silently hears her griping at him to get along with Bo, to be nice; for her sake. But he was in Hazzard for her sake, he wasn't about to start getting along with the likes of Bo. Sighing heavily, he takes a last drink of his beer before dropping the chair back to all fours and smashes out the butt of his cigarette before standing up. Feeling his finger once again tracing his thick scar that runs down his neck, as he finds himself doing out of habit, he pulls his hand away and slowly turns towards the door. (Cue Daney)
  12. Please Don't Go Girl - New Kids On The Block
  13. You are very welcome, Hoss. I am always glad to offer my opinion when it comes to NASCAR. It was interesting to hear or learn about F1...I know very little about it other than their cars look different. Yeah I do find it odd how info is coming out now that the penalty has been handed out. I read on Yahoo!'s NASCAR page that Clint Bowyer is upset and says he's innocent - he wouldn't cheat in order to win. I want to believe him, he is a good guy and one of the drivers I do wish well for, but at the same time, how did NASCAR come up with it? And why? I guess Bowyer said that the amount of the infraction on his car wasn't even as thick as a quarter that NASCAR had claimed it to be. Which doesn't sound like that much, but I guess it wouldn't take much to change the car. Another thing with Bowyer, he was warned after last week's race that his car almost didn't pass inspection. Bowyer said his crew got their rear ends chewed out for that, so according to him they wouldn't push it again after that. They were told the car would be taken back to be searched in Loudon whether he won or lost due to his NH car - so I will give it to Clint when he says that why would they do it if they knew NASCAR was taking the car? And yeah he could have hit it purposely doing a burn out so that NASCAR wouldn't be able to search it...heard a truck had to push him at the a two ton tow truck pushed him into victory lane, so maybe that could have done? His car did pass pre and post race inspection, which brings up how did it pass then and not when they brought it to the shop? I don't know. That's what Clint is saying and asking. (I just heard Bowyer's press conference, it says about the same thing, but glad to share it if you want it. Let me know. He was pretty calm and out front about it. He does confront a compelling case for him and his team.) Which only complicates things on what to believe and what not to believe. If he is right, he definately did not deserve the penalty. I do believe I remember another case that NASCAR found something wrong with a car in the shop after passing post race inspection. So I guess it can happen. I do believe that NASCAR must have some definate grounds to fining Bowyer with if they are fining him so heavily...Bowyer says it is to make an example, but if they are to make an example out of him, would they fine him so heavily? I don't know. I guess that only NASCAR and Bowyer and his team are the ones that know the best about it. All I know is that NASCAR found something wrong with his car and that him and his team got hit with a heavy fine. I guess the bottom line is that NASCAR found something wrong with his car and they fined him to how they thought fit to the crime. But if he didn't do it on purpose, it was a pretty steep penalty to pay. Especially now that it is chase time. I voiced my two cents worth...what's y'alls?
  14. Happy Birthday! I hope you are having a great one...hope you are finding a good way to celebrate your special day. Hope to see you around here sometime soon...it's been awhile. ;)

  15. Happy birthday Daisy Mae! I hope you are having a great one!

  16. LOL Roger - I love that part. It always makes me laugh...even if the show has me torn by that part. I am surprised I can remember Carl's name as well. But I use to watch those two episodes a lot when I watched them almost every day, it was one of my favorites. As I said, I just hate seeing the boys fighting like that. But the end kinda makes it worth it. Same with "Good - Bye General Lee" and the ep you listed above. It just seems wrong to see them fighting and mad at each other like that. I like your quote...I remember Jesse saying that!
  17. Well I just gave my two cents worth on the NASCAR thread of what I thought of Bowyer's punishment, what you think of it? I feel I was pretty harsh about it, especially since I do like Bowyer (why can't it be someone like Kyle Busch? Can never be so lucky. LOL)

  18. Resident expert thanks Roger! And yeah, I've had a few words here and there this week over what all had happened. I feel bad for Bowyer, he is a good driver and a good guy, but by now he should know the rules and play by them. If you have to cheat in order to get the win, then it isn't winning in my mind. Not saying I think he did it on purpose, but still not playing by the rules. When Johnson got fined for his car weighing too much or something like that (it was when the new car first came out) his crew cheif, Chad Knaus, made a statement that the crew cheif is paid to push the limits with the car in order to get away with as much as possible. Something like that. Well Bowyer obviously went over the limits in NASCAR's mind. And to be fair to Bowyer, he may not have known about it. Perhaps it was his crew chief did it in order to push Bowyer for the win. Which he did get after 88 races in between his last win. But if you ask me, they should have taken the win away from him and gave it to the second place guy. As I said, to cheat to win, shouldn't qualify as a win in my book. I'm not saying what he did helped him win, but it makes me wonder if it did help him finish the race without running out of gas. After all, Bowyer and Stewart both pitted at the same time and Stewart ran out of gas two laps before the drop of the checkered flag, where as Bowyer ran out of gas doing his victory burn out. I didn't see the race on TV, so I don't know how Bowyer saved gas where as Tony didn't, heard someone online say Bowyer was fighting pretty hard with the third place guy and if that is so, that would have cost him some gas as well so he wasn't saving gas by doing that. As I said, I don't know if that helped him save or get more gas or not, just saying it makes me wonder. . . But as far as the punishment goes...OUCH! Six weeks without the crewcheif he's had all year or his car cheif. Meaning he has to find two other guys he likes and trusts to fill their spots. Not only that...what hurts the most is 150 championship points. He has absolutely no chance of winning the championship now. Unless he has nine stellar races and the other eleven drivers in the chase has lousy race...which I really don't see happening. Never seen NASCAR punish a driver with that many points, so it also makes me wonder, how big of an infraction it was. Or if this is NASCAR's way of setting an example. Either way you look at it, I am sure Bowyer felt like he got the wind knocked out of him when he heard that. I heard Larry McReynolds from FOX's NASCAR coverage say that the drivers can get a maximum of 161 points by leading the most laps and winning the race and perhaps where they start (Dont' know about that.) So, in my opinion, if NASCAR is going to fine him 150 points, they should have just taken the points he got from winning the race away from as well as the W in the win colomn. Give it to the guy who came in second (of course they'd have to search his car as well) who earned the win honestly. Sorry for my rambling long answer...hope y'all aren't asleep with boredom here. Thanks Roger for giving me the opportunity to voice my opinion on the topic. It is a big deal in NASCAR and amongst the fans I would think. As I said, I don't remember NASCAR fining anyone this big, especially come chase time when it all counts. I almost think they should kick him out of the chase if Ryan Newman in thirteenth has more points than he does now that he's been fined. Though with the chase set, doubt they would do that.
  19. It does make it a little easier to have friends online to talk NASCAR about...especially during the long three months that they are out of season! Talk about the longest three months of the year! Thanks for the advice, Roger...I'll try to find something other than the keyboard to cry on. Perhaps on the TV once they cross the finish line at Homestead in November.
  20. I am glad to hear that you are enjoying the time off with your family. Good luck with the job hunt and finding classes! I really hope you don't catch the flu! Definately not fun. Something must be going around the day care because there has been a few out here and there this week. I am feeling much better now, other than a cold.

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