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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. All year? Wow...I'd be in heaven if NASCAR went year round! And though driving in circles or fast does sound fun, I'd rather not pay the speeding ticket that would probably come with it. I highly doubt the officer that would pull me over would understand that one very much. ;)

  2. All year? Wow...I'd be in heaven if NASCAR went year round! And though driving in circles or fast does sound fun, I'd rather not pay the speeding ticket that would probably come with it. I highly doubt the officer that would pull me over would understand that one very much. ;)

  3. Live Like you were Dying - Tim McGraw
  4. Sorry GLG...it's Steve Azar. You got the first name right though. Sure is Monday - Mark Chesnutt
  5. Well the Fontana race has just gotten over with...meaning there is only six races left of the 2010 season. :( I have to admit with thiry laps remaining, I was ready for the race to be over with, but now wish it wasn't. LOL. It was an eventful race with a lot of lead changes and a lot of cautions. The Roush drivers had a lot of problems...Greg Biffle's engine broke early in the race to finish his day, Carl Edwards had something break in his fuel after his car stopped running after a pit stop to put him in the pits for fourteen laps. Matt Kenseth's engine was blowing up at the end but was able to finish the race. Kevin Harvick, Juan Pablo Montoya, and Jeff Gordon all got served with speeding penalties in the pits...which is why I said was I ready for the race to be over with. With thirty laps remaining of the race, Gordon got caught speeding. He came into pits second, came out twenty-fifth where he stayed for awhile. Kyle Busch's engine blew with him in fifth spot towards the end of the race. With five laps remaining, David Ragen slid up the track and Kurt Busch ran into the back of him for the only accident related accident. The announcers said out of the twelve chase drivers, only Tony Stewart, Clint Bowyer, and Jimmie Johnson had no problems. (Which was the top three finishers of the race.) Here is the top ten finishers of the race: 1. Tony Stewart 2. Clint Bowyer 3. Jimmie Johnson 4. Kasey Kahne 5. Ryan Newman 6. Mark Martin 7. Kevin Harvick 8. Denny Hamlin 9. Jeff Gordon 10. David Reutimann Know not all of you are Jeff Gordon fans, but I have to say that I was and am very happily surprised to see him finish nineth after getting caught speeding so late in the race. He was stuck in 25th spot for a while there, but when a caution went in he got four tires, and then another he got two tires that helped his talent make his way up into the top ten. Definately not the win he may have had, but a great turn around on his part. He had awesome pit stops all day today,...once he had a 12.2 second stop with a four tire change! (Way to go team 24!!!!!!!!) For all you Jr fans, today (10-10-10) is his 36th birthday. He came home sixteenth today. Happy birthday Jr!
  6. Sorry BoJames and Hoss...if I can't make it to Altanta due to the distance, I know I surely wouldn't be able to make it there! Though I guess it'd only be fair to you if it was over there since I already went to four of them...but four is definately not enough for me! I voted for Bristol since I was able to make it there before (though it'd be easier for me to go if it was more central...lol) but loved Bristol as well as Nashville. Though both were on NASCAR tracks, Nashville is only Nationwide Series track while the Sprint Series races on Bristol.
  7. LOL...so how do you cure your hockey withdraws? I'll need some advice come the end of November. KHEE! Gotta blame the Dukes. If not for them, I'd never have gotten into NASCAR to begin with. LOL. Sounds like an interesting degree...glad your classes will lighten up next semester for you.

  8. Ahhh hockey...the sport I never got. LOL. Sure it is fun and exciting once you understand and know the players. ;) Glad it is back for you. As for me, my other favorite sport, baseball is over and done with. Well they still have the post season, but when the Chicago Cubs are done, I'm done. So now it is just NASCAR and a little football left for me. ;) What you going to college for? Good luck with it.

  9. Between the River and Me - Tim McGraw
  10. The Sprint Cup Series is going to be racing at Fontana, California today at three EST on ESPN. It is a two mile D shaped track that both Jeff Gordon and Jimmie Johnson are known to be great at. Gordon has three wins and Johnson has five wins at their native track. So if anyone is going to surpass Johnson for the point leader today, they have their work cut out for them. I personally hope that Gordon breaks out of his winless streak and make it a fourth win at Fontana. They will be racing for four hundred miles (I think) so I presume it will be 200 laps. I could be wrong...but it is the Pepsi Max 400. Talking of Pepsi Max, Gordon has been in their commericials saying they are giving away a prize per lap or something like that. Here is the top ten starters for today's race: 1. Jamie McMurray 2. Elliot Sadler 3. Matt Kenseth 4. Juan Pablo Montoya 5. Kasey Kahne 6. Martin Truex Jr 7. Greg Biffle 8. Jimmie Johnson 9. Dale Earnhardt Jr. 10. Joey Lagono Well, I don't know if there will be any lingering effects from last week's race between Kyle Busch and David Reutimann, but it is something to look for. Hopefully they have their differences worked out, but as of last night, they were saying they were still upset over what had happened in the race. (Reutimann had a good car, kinda lost control for a moment and Kyle Busch spun him into the wall. Reutimann had to fix his car and came out and retaliated against Kyle by slamming into him. Kyle was third in the chase prior to last week's race, but now is seventh...losing 60 points.) It has been the topic of discussion all week this past week as to how non chase drivers should race chase drivers or whether Reutimann was right or not. I have my own opinion on it all, but will keep it to myself unless y'all want to hear it. Don't want to bore you with it. Anyway, I just hope nothing comes out of it for today's race...never know who else may be collected in a little payback like that. In last week's case, no one else was involved.
  11. Thanks Pendragon and everyone else that posted here. You all are very talented writers that I could learn from! I agree with all that has said about DOH fan-fic writers and about the loop holes in the show that gives areas for writers to work with. There is a lot of options that we are given and are taken. It is great to see all the creative ways that writers have used the loop holes that were mentioned and see how others view Hazzard and their characters. Everyone is friendly, welcoming, and postive. Hnet is a great place to be with a lot of great friends that I have met over the years while I've been here. Thanks y'all! Thanks Daney! And Roger...I plan on having Jesse's nephew making out of the swamp alive and seeing on how Jesse's nephew will refuse to leave the swamp without Jesse, am willing to bet Jesse will too.
  12. I apologize for failing to keep up with this thread. The points don't seem to change that much so at first seemed like little use to keep posting to it and then kept forgetting. Well the points will not be made official until Monday, but thought I would post now that I am thinking of it. Sorry for lacking to post here! Shame on me! Kyle Busch won his twelveth race of the season in today's race and it looked like Danica Patrick was having her best run of the season in the Nationwide Series, but got spun out with eight laps to go. Top twelve points for the Nationwide Series as of 10/9/10: 1. Brad Keselowski 2. Carl Edwards (-384) 3. Kyle Busch (almost a hundred points behind Edwards) 4. Justin Allgaier 5 Paul Menard 6 Kevin Harvick 7 Joey Logano 8 Trevor Bayne 9 Steve Wallace 10 Jason Leffler 11 Brendan Gaughan 12 Michael Annett The Nationwide Series had six races remaining earlier this week. If that is the case they are down to five races left of the sason remaining. I think it is pretty safe to say that Keselowski is going to be getting his first championship in the Nationwide Series. I am not saying he is mathmatically set to win...I don't know, but it looks like he has it unless he doesn't finish the next five races and Edwards wins them all. Something big to knock him out of first place anyway. OK just looked up this season schedule to see how many races they had left for this year and it looks like all the races of this year up until now, that all but two has been won by a regular Sprint Cup driver that also races some or all of the Nationwide Series. (Justin Allgaier won a race and Boris Said who races the road races in Nationwide Series and Sprint.) Which only seems to back up my argument that the Sprint Cup drivers should stay out of the Nationwide series. I understand the Nationwide Series drivers can learn a lot from them and by driving with them and that it would be a big deal if they won against the best of the series. But how can their talent be shown when they are racing against Sprint Cup drivers, experienced drivers?
  13. *Without saying a word, Bo takes the shot gun from Jesse and moves his way past his uncle and toward where the scream had come from; hoping that whoever it was that screamed was not hurt. After a brief moment, he makes his way up the hill where he finds Cousin Alice tied up in one of the nets that Jesse had Bo make up for the beast. "Cousin Alice!" Bo exclaims as he makes his way to the net, searching for a way to put the net down without hurting her, "What are you doing up there? I mean here?" Cousin Alice says something but through her horrified muffles, Bo is unable to interpret what she had said. Nodding to himself, Bo sets the shot gut down besides a tree before beginning to climb the tree to the top where the net holds Alice. "OK Alice. It don't matter right now. Right now, you need to listen and do as I tell you to do. I'm gonna have to cut the rope," Bo looks around before he climbs onto the thick and large branch that holds Alice's rope. Sighing heavily he lies down on the branche and holds out his right hand to see if he could reach her through one of the gaps. Nodding he states, "Alice, sit up and grab my hand as tight as you can. With both hands if need be," Bo pauses, wondering if he'll be able to keep his balance once he has all of Alice's weight onto his arm; but he couldn't just let her fall either. After Alice grips tightly onto Bo's forearm, Bo continues, "Very good. OK, I'm going to cut it and then you'll have to try climbinb onto the branch with me. You understand?" Cousin Alice eyes Bo with frightened eyes, reminding him of that deer he had hit in highschool when it's eyes caught the headlights of Luke's truck. She nods and Bo forces a smile at her before taking the knife part out of his pocket knife and quickly cuts the top of the net and he hears himself grunt as the net falls and takes his knife with it onto the muddy ground. Bo grabs tightly onto the branch with the hand that had held the knife, steadying himself as he tries to help Alice up. As Alice climbs up onto the branch with Bo's help, Bo looks up to see Jesse standing below, seeing him there for the first time. Looking back at Alice, Bo asks, "You OK?" Alice silently nods, gripping tightly onto Bo's arm despite being safely onto the branch. "OK, we'll have to climb down the tree. I'll go first so I can help you down." Bo slowly backs himself to the trunk of the tree and climbs down with Alice following him down onto the muddy ground. "There we go. You OK?" Bo asks again, only to recieve another silent nod from Alice. "What in the world are you doing here like t his? That was set for that beast of a monster!" Alice looks fearfully at him and then over at Jesse. Looking back at Bo, she stubbornly speaks up for the first time, "I'm not telling you. Molly should never went to town. Never should have brought all this attention to the swamp. Sorry Bo, but I'm not telling you nothing. You know nothing about my life. About the swamp. Nothing. You don't deserve to be here. You don't deserve to be involved in such a great mystery as that thing. You need to go back to where you belong." Taken aback, Bo glances at Jesse, and then back at Alice. "Well can't say I'm too thrilled to be here to begin with, but especially if my help is unwanted," Bo spits out before bending down to grab his pocket knife out of the mud, standing back up he calmly states, "I don't get you. Guess I never have or probably ever will. You all act scared to death of that thing, we come and help and now you don't want it? Think you're too good for our help? Or is it just my help? Don't know what I did that was so offensive to you. Maybe you can let me in on what I did that made you so upset so I can apologize and move on from it." "I'm not talking to you, Bo," she stubbornly states, "you need to get off our swamp. We don't need your help." Bo eyes Jesse as he fights with his emotions and his temper. Looking back at Alice, he says the first thing to come to mind, "You don't need my help? I thought you said, you weren't talking to me." Alice crosses her arms across her chest and shoots Bo a hateful and angry look before looking away and stepping away from them. "That's enough, Bo. Why don't you go take a little walk on your own for a bit," Jesse speaks up after grabbing the shot gun from the tree. As Bo goes to argue, he states, "Don't argue with me. Go on. Just watch yourself and don't get too far away, ya hear?" "Yes sir," Bo hesitantly states as he turns away and begins walking back towards where he had came from feeling alone and rejected.
  14. Well glad that you found your way back then. ;)

  15. No TV? Must mean you have a life to live! :D LOL. Actually I don't watch all that much TV since I don't have cable and lack the time to do so during the week. Normally when I do watch TV is on the weekends and sometimes on Monday depending on whether or not I make it home Sunday night or not. LOL But that gives me ample time to watch the race since they race on the weekends. I think I'd go crazy without watching the races...go through withdrawl as I do during the off season. (Aren't I sad? LOL) Hope you are having a great weekend!

  16. *Bo eyes the empty space that the beast had been standing only moments ago, wondering if they'll ever catch the beast or get it contained in some way so they'll be able to go home. Sighing heavily, Bo glances over at his uncle who is now walking away from him toward where ever the scream came from. "Wonder who else is crazy enough to be out here," Bo mumbles under his breath as he allows Jesse to gain distance from him, but within eye sight.*
  17. Since the thread got renewed and I just read through it again, I thought I'd give my two cents worth as well. I will admit I am not a fan of either reunion movie. I do own them both on DVD, yet have yet to watch the DVD (so far, just part of my collection I guess) I can't remember if I have even seen the first one or not. Know I've seen the second one. I guess if I force myself to sit down and think in reality, Gy did what he had to do to make the reunions successful. After all, most people move away or leave home after a certian age after high school or college or whenever. Would Bo, Luke, and Daisy be happy to live like that forever? Especially since they did have their own dreams. Being a huge NASCAR fan, am glad that they had Bo accomplish his dream. I would love to see him out on the track against Gordon and Johnson . (Though I'd have a heck of a time knowing who to root for.) Jesse would want them all to achieve their dreams if it is possible and would be happy for them and wouldn't want to tie them down or have them stay at home when they could be out living their dreams like that. I guess it makes it more real having them move out like that...afterall, people do change once they grow up or older. Though I don't like to face reality at times. Which is why I have a hard time watching the reunion movies. The reunion movies are great and am glad that they did them. But for me, I'd rather picture Bo, Luke, Daisy, Jesse, Rosco and everyone as they were in the TV show. Not older or different. Just seems wrong to hear them talking on a cell phone or having computers and all that new technology. When I think of Hazzard, I want to see it as it was on the series. And it'd be aweful to think of The General locked in some chicken coop and not being used. Yes people change, things change, but I don't like thinking of our beloved Duke cast changing from how they were in the series. So I agree Gy did it right by them moving out and doing what they did and perhaps if I ever find the time, I'll sit down and watch the first one to know I've seen it. Knowing that is probably the last true Duke movie or show out there, am glad they did it and it was good for the show. But I still would like to think of Hazzard, The General, and the whole Duke cast to be as it was in the series. . . There is my two cents. Not that it is worth much.
  18. I am so glad to see that you found your way to Hnet! Whether you are a writer or a reader of fan-fic or just love the show, it's a great site to be at! :D

  19. Welcome to Hnet Waikiki! Hope to see you around here sometime. Just out of curiosity, are you on fanfiction.net too? Your ID seems familiar and just thought I'd ask. If so, my ID there is DOHNUMB3RSFAN01. Either way, thought I'd send you a hello and a welcome aboard! :D

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