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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Talk about talent. I mean it has to say something when a guy can touch several lives with different pieces of his work. I was a huge Renegade fan and would still love to watch the show today, MA listed a few of her favorites by him, and Roger has his own favorite. I would be interested in reading some of his books, reading what some are about, seems to be my kind of novels. He accomplished a lot in his career and was very talented at what he did. He will be missed by all.
  2. The monsters are a comin'...he looks or sounds pretty scary and big. Glad it's Bo facing him and not me. Little ol' Bo can take that beast down with his bare hands. Don't you think? HA HA. OK maybe not, but I'm sure he might be wishing he could right about now. . .;)

  3. *Bo watched the monster half in awe at it's size and shape and half in fear of all that the monster could do to them and he once again wonders if this will be the last moment of his life. If that ugly beast would be the last thing he'll be seeing before he is swallowed by blackness and taken into death. Swallowing heavily, he whispers, "Luke ain't never gonna believe this," he forces himself to breathe as his eyes remained glued on the beast, wondering what the beast will do now that he has obviously noticed the net. "what we do if he don't fall for your trap, Uncle Jesse?" he whispers again, whispering silently as to not to be heard by the monster.*
  4. Well, the Sprint Cup Series is going to be racing at Kansas on Sunday at 1:00 EST on channel ESPN. Kansas is a 1.5 mile tri-oval track which is Clint Bowyer's home state track, so maybe he'll be able to turn his sour luck around. Jeff Gordon won the first two races at Kansas, though hasn't won since then...though has several top fives and tens there. Here is the first fifteen starting positions for Sunday's race: 1. Kasey Kahne 2. Paul Manard 3. Jeff Gordon 4. Joey Lagano 5. Greg Biffle 6. Ryan Neweman 7. Juan Pablo Montoya 8. Matt Kenseth 9. Kurt Busch 10. David Ragen 11. Bill Elliot 12. Denny Hamlin 13. Regan Smith 14. Tony Stewart 15. Elliot Sadler Jimmie Johnson starts 21...and Dale Jr starts 20th. Surprise, surprise...I am looking forward to Sunday's race. HA HA. Have to say the mile and a half tracks are my favorite type of tracks...but that is also because those are the tracks that Gordon excell at the most. Though do have to admit I do love NASCAR's shortest track - Bristol.
  5. This Thing called Love -Dwight Yoakam
  6. Thank you Daney for posting this...I didn't hear about Stephen's passing until I logged in here. I was a huge fan of his TV show "Renegade" that starred Lorenzo Lamas (in fact a couple of months ago, was excited to find the first season of Renegade on DVD at Walmart for five dollars! Though have yet to find time to watch it...) How very sad. Entertainment or TV has lost a lot of talent with his passing. Him and his family will be in my prayers. Just looked him up online and found all kinds of shows that he produced or wrote or made that I never knew about. Such as the A-Team as Hoss had mentioned. Renegade he produced the show as well as played the villan: Donald "Dutch" Dixon. He was 69 years old. Thanks Daney for the news on Stephen.
  7. *Feeling embarassed over just little deer, looks away momentarily while upetset at himself for allowing his emotions to get a hold of him. Looking back in the direction of the deer, is startled once again just as the deer are startled and begin to run. The tree branches and thicket begin to move and a loud and heavy breathing and grunting sound pierces the silence from within the darkness of the thicket. "That ain't no deer. . ." Bo whispers to his uncle, his eyes glued at where the sound is coming from.*
  8. Wow...I'm right for once. Too bad it is at Bowyer's expense. The penalties don't get overturned often and there are people that are criticizing it...alot of fans upset with it or how things turned out. As posted, I've been going back and forth with how I feel due to my love for NASCAR and for my respect for Bowyer. I guess I feel that if his car was found illegal that he should be penalyzed for it...end of story. But don't know I agree with how big of a penalty they had given him. Never seen them dock a driver 150 points before. Childress is taking it up to a higher authority that will be heard next week...so his crew chief and car cheif will most likely be able to be at Kansas on Sunday, but wouldn't hold my breath on winning it if I were Childress or Bowyer. Sadly, I think they need to learn from it and move forward. Use the remainder eight races to focus on wins and to experiment or work towards next year. My opinion of course. I could be wrong, though about the appeal. . . (Well leave it to Darrell Waltrip to prove me wrong. Am at his page right now and he lists several other drivers that were fined big. One was fined 200 points, one 151 points. Gordon got fined twice (two different times) at 100 points...one of those times with Jimmie Johnson (plus their crew chiefs) and those were from infractions in the car. So I guess Bowyer isn't the biggest penalty NASCAR has dished out...)
  9. LOL GLG! Can't you see Roger behind the wheel of the General Lee and jumping over 32 parked cars? I'd pay to go see it, wouldn't you? Dang Roger...looks like you plan on doing a lot of hard work once you retire. Aren't you suppose to relax and enjoy life once you retire?
  10. Well Bowyer's and RCR's (Richard Childress Racing) appeal was over ruled this afternoon after an almost five hour appeal. So the penalty sticks. Childress is now taking his appeal to a higher court in NASCAR, but doubt that would take him far if all three people on the appeal panel overruled or denied his appeal. Childress even had a guy recreate how the tow truck could make whatever got higher, get higher. . Childress' pro reconstruction guy seemed to go all out and gave good examples of what they said happened and claim NASCAR paid no attention to it all. . .NASCAR states that there was discrepencies in his story and with what NASCAR found. Example that was given was that the man stated how it could raise the left rear end, not the right when both were up too high or something like that. If Childress' story is right, then why would they allow the tow truck bump into him like that to push him to victory lane - if the little love tap as they call it, could do damage to the car that they would take back to the shop? I don't know...though what gets me is how he passed post race inspection and then fail the one at the shop. Feel bad for Bowyer that they didn't even cut down his penalty at all, especially if their expert is right. But at the same time, if NASCAR found his car wrong, it is up to them to regulate it so that kind of stuff won't happen again. I want to believe Bowyer and Childress. They don't seem to be the types to cheat in order to win and don't remember them getting caught with something like this before. But at the other side, I still think for his penalty to be so high, that NASCAR must have found something specific that has made them so sure of the car being wrong. I could be wrong though. . . Well I have went back and forth and given y'all my two cents on the whole thing. What y'all think about it all? Would be interested to hear what you think about the whole thing, especially since y'all put up with all my ramblings about it.
  11. Well Richard Childress Racing, the team Clint Bowyer races for, is appealing NASCAR's penalty that was placed on them last week, today. I was hoping to come online and see the results, but so far, nothing. I will keep you posted. Read that out of all the appeals NASCAR has had, only ten were succesfully overturned. So I guess what's that saying is that statistics are not on Clint's side for his appeal. For Clint's sake, I am hoping that NASCAR made a mistake and will fess up to it, and that nothing was wrong with the car. And that Clint will win his appeal. I like Clint. He seems to be an honest driver and an honest guy, so it is hard for me to believe that his car was wrong -especially after being warned about pressing NASCAR's tolerance the week before. But if NASCAR is not wrong and his car was wrong, then I feel the penalty should stick. He was warned and yet his car was found out of regulations which is unfair to all the other drivers. Especially since he won the race. Though I do feel for NASCAR to give him and his team such a steep penalty as they have, that they are pretty sure of the infraction and that there was little to no question about the car being wrong. That is my opinion and hopefully I am wrong. Well I'll stop my rambling. I will let y'all know whenever I find out what happens with the appeal one way or another.
  12. *Brushing off the swamp moss and other things that had collected on his clothes from his climbing, Bo silently nods as he attempts to get comfortable in his crouching position. "Well," Bo slowly whispers back, "perhaps if he's as big as you make him sound to be, he won't be -" Bo cuts himself off as a loud rustling sound pierces through the thick silence of the swamp and Bo quickly glances around, hoping to find a big animal or an alligator. Not seeing anything, turns to Jesse, attempts to hide his emotions and whispers, "What was that? Is that him?" Silently looks around, in hope of finding the beast, if it's him, before the beast finds them.*
  13. Love Without End, Amen - George Strait
  14. LOL Roger. Should of known you'd say that. I thought of you when they showed that episode during CMT's Duke weekend a couple of weeks ago. . .
  15. *Bo nods. "The net will be fine if we have the time to set it up. Otherwise, we get caught in the middle of the act we may be in for a rough time. But it is better than nothing," Bo shrugs as he looks around, "I ain't got the bow and arrows, but we could collect big rocks in case he does escape. Something that ought to knock him out if need be." Bo goes silent as he shrugs awkwardly, unsure what his uncle would think of his idea, knowing his uncle frowned on violence as well as hurting others. Though technically, his uncle had been labeling this beast as a monster, not a man; so maybe he would feel differently.*
  16. *Bo eyes the tracks for a long quiet moment, thinking of what Jesse had said and of the choices he had been given. Looking up at his uncle, Bo confidently states, "Well if you're sure he passes here regularly, perhaps daily," he pauses dramatically, "then I'd say the best choice would be to lay and wait for him. Otherwise we try following after him, we may startle him without realizing he's there or we may be following him for a long time before we finally find him." Bo eyes his uncle closely before kneeling down and running his long fingers across the muddy tracks in awe of such a huge beast before thinking he will be facing it sooner or later. Fighting back the chills, Bo stiffly stands back up to glance around the swampy land.*
  17. You are very welcome, Roger. Was excited to see JJ win again, though was wishing it was Gordon. I am tired of hearing the media people keep counting all the races since his last win - like I need reminding of that. Anyway, was glad to see JJ bounce back...he normally does when he has a poor race as he had the last race so it wasn't surprising to see him win, especially at a track he is so dominant at.
  18. Well the point standings is still unofficial until tomorrow when they will be made official, but I thought I would post them anyway. I guess by some far off chance we get another repeat of last week where Bowyer's points got ripped from him (which seeing it was JJ who won this week, I doubt and hope that it won't happen) I will update the points. Thought I would go ahead and post them since I have the time and for the most part, they don't change. Like I said...for the most part - it could happen though . Here is the top 15 points: 1. Denny Hamlin 2. Jimmie Johnson (-35) 3. Kyle Busch 4. Kurt Busch 5. Kevin Harvick 6. Carl Edwards 7. Jeff Burton 8. Jeff Gordon 9. Greg Biffle 10. Tony Stewart 11. Matt Kenseth 12. Clint Bowyer (-235) (Bowyer and his team is appealing their penalty and will be heard on Wednesday of this week. If by chance he does win his appeal over his 150 point penalty, he will be seated nineth behind Jeff Gordon.) 13. Ryan Newman 14. Jamie McMurray (-19) 15. Juan Pablo Montoya (-909 behind Newman)
  19. Well now that the Dover race has just finished...that leaves eight races left of the 2010 season. *Sniffle* LOL. It wasn't the most exciting race, though have to admit I missed the majority of the first half of the race due to a church function. I think they only had four cautions and of the one I saw, was for debri. By now we all know that Clint Bowyer went on a roller coaster ride of high and low emotions last week with his win and then the large penalty that NASCAR had handed out to him and his team. Well, this Sunday, it didn't get any better for him. He ran into the wall just before half way mark and had to go into pits, well in pit road he was caught speeding and had to do a drive by penalty. He was at least two laps down by the time the race ended. Stewart and Biffle were both chase contenders that were a couple of laps down that had hurt them big time in points. As was Matt Kenseth who over shot pits and blew out his tire. He was having a pretty good run up until that point. . . AJ Allmindinger from Richard Petty Motorsports led 143 laps, which I think is the most he has ever led, only for him to get a low tire and had to go into pits early and to be pulled a lap down. He was two laps down at one point. He said it was a ten cent spring part that was in his tire that he must have ran over going out of pits that caused his tire to go down. He raced his way up to the lead lap to finish tenth! Way to go AJ! Jeff Gordon ran a pretty decent race all day running in the fifth to seventh position most of the day. Last half the race he said he car was lose...but what really cost him was his slow pit stop he had during his last pit stop...front right tire changer lost a lug nut I think to slow him down and costed him three seconds and several positions on the race track. If I remember right he went in eightth and came out twelveth. He finished eleventh overall. Kyle Busch led 46 laps before being chased down and passed by Jimmie Johnson. He had the fastest pit crew all day. Kurt Busch got caught speeding in pits half way through the race but rallied forward to get a top ten finish. Jeff Burton finished second. And Jimmie Johnson held on to win the race, leading the most laps, to make his fifth time of winning from starting at the pole. He got the maximum points today by qualifying first, leading the most laps, and then winning the race. (Am really excited since I picked him and AJ Allmindinger for two of my four fantasy race team...am now leading my team of three in points! YEE HAA as Bo would say ) Well here is the top ten finishers of today's race at Dover: 1. Jimmie Johnson 2. Jeff Burton 3. Joey Lagano 4. Kurt Busch 5. Carl Edwards 6. Kyle Busch 7. Paul Menard 8. Ryan Newman 9. Denny Hamlin 10. AJ Allmindinger Now we are on race number 3 of the chase in Kansas...am really hoping for a turn around from Gordon so he can regain some of them points he lost today. Of course, my opinion on that is very highly biased.
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