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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. *Bo sits on the floor taking everything in; from his family, to the warm house and it's decorations, to Connor and his new family. A smile crosses his face as he is hit with a startling thought. This is the best Christmas. Ever. There may be no gift under the tree for him or his family or Daisy may not even be able to fix their big Christmas meal they always have this year. But they are together. They are a family. Not only that, but he was able to witness something he may never see again. A miracle being born for a sad and troubled young boy who was lost without a home. Now found with a loving and caring family with a bright and happy future that looms ahead of Connor. Bo looks up as Connor approaches him and silently gives him another hug. "Thanks Bo," he grins, "for everything." Bo shrugs and as he goes to say something, Connor walks away over to Karen and Mark to give them both hugs. "Thank you. For everything," he grins up at them, "this is the best Christmas. Ever." Everyone applauds at Connor's statement. As the room goes silent, everyone's attention is grabbed as Boss and Rosco walk into the room with a bag of gifts. "Merry Christmas everyone," Boss smiles at everyone, "I think Santa left these at the office for everyone." "Oh goody! Look! I see one with Connor's name on it!" Rosco pulls out a large wrapped gift out of the cloth bag and hands it to Connor and as he gives it to Connor, Connor hugs Rosco tightly before backing up with the large gift. Rosco watches as Connor drops to his knees and rips open the large box to see a large remote control General Lee car within a clear box. "For me?! Look!" Connor jumps up and takes it to Bo and Luke, "It looks like your car! Can you open it?" "Sure can," Luke states with a smile as he carefully takes it out of Connor's hands and slowly begins to open it while he begins to sing "O Holy Night". Everyone joins in with him as Rosco gleefully begins to hand out gifts to everyone. THE END ************************************** Thank-you for all who took time to read this. I hope everyone had a very special Christmas that was filled with happiness, laughter, and with great company of family and friends. Hope you all will find good health and happiness in 2011.
  2. I mainly read fiction...if you can tell by my list of favorite authors. My library contains all of their books with a few others. They are either lawyer or police books with a lot of action. Though I do read a few nonfiction books from time to time. Though it is normally about a person I like or some topic I like. I like to read Cesar Millan books. He is the Dog Whisperer on the TV show on National Geographic channel: Dog Whisperer. My dog is pretty well behaved, but it is interesting to watch him work and to read up on his advice on all the dog topics out there. I enjoyed reading James Best's book...it was very interesting to read about our very own Rosco Coltrane. LOL. At the moment, I am in the middle of reading Ben Jones' book "A Redneck Boy in the Promised Land" something like that. So far, I am enjoying it, though there has been a few sad parts in it. Terri Irwin (Steve Irwin's wife) wrote a book about Steve (Crocidile Hunter) that I enjoyed reading as well. Never thought of listing the different types of books...good idea. I mainly read fiction as I said, but I have read a few nonfiction as well.
  3. *With Emma and Jesse in the backseat with Luke and Bo still in the front with Ms. Patricia, they follow Karen, Mark, and Connor to Connor's new house. Bo excitedly fills Emma and Jesse in on all that has happened that had led them driving by them when they had. Luke listens in silently while he remains silent in thought of what all Connor must be feeling and going through in the car ahead. After a few minutes, they come to a halt in front of Connor's new house where Mark and Karen pull to a halt next to Daisy's jeep. "Look, Daisy's here," Bo states as he unfastens his seat belt. Ms. Patricia's old car comes to a halt besides Mark's and Bo throws open his door as well as Luke and Jesse. "Hey y'all," Mark states as everyone gathers by the porch steps, "Connor here likes hot chocolate. How about we all go in and celebrate Christmas, Connor, and family with a hot cup of hot chocolate? Karen does have some coffee if y'all perfer that." "Hot chocolate it is," Luke states, his fingers lost in his back pockets. Mark hugs Connor as he leads them all up the front steps. "Let's go see your new home," he smiles down at his new son as he opens the door and they walk in. Bo is quick to open the door for everyone to follow them inside before he follows Karen into the large kitchen.
  4. *Smiles were contagious in the police station as everyone's eyes seemed to be focused upon Connor who grinned excitedly. Deep down he knew that it wouldn't be the same. Nothing would ever be the same as it had been that fateful day that he lost his parents and his brother. But this would be the closest to the real thing that he will ever get at having a real family and Connor was excited at the thought of belonging to a family once more. Someone to return home to. Someone to confide in. Someone to trust in. "Well Connor," Mark breaks the silence, "we already did the paper work that was need to fill out and Ms. Patricia has packed your stuff in our car. Just tell us when you are ready to go see your new home and we'll be ready to go." Connor nods. "OK," he slowly states before he leaves them and walks over to Bo to give him a hug. "Thank you for everything." "Not a problem, Connor. You just ask your parents, perhaps once it gets warmer out, we could go fishing or something," Bo suggests and Luke nods while putting a hand on Bo's shoulder. "Thanks Luke," Connor looks up at Luke before returning to Karen and Mark, "I'm ready." They nod. "Good thing. I hear Santa already has your new address and has a few things ready to drop off for you under your tree tonight," Karen beams in pride and love. Connor smiles before shrugging. "You've already given me something Santa could never bring me. A family. Thank-you." He states to receive a hug from them both. *********************************************** Silence fills Ms. Patricia's old car as Bo sits in the passenger seat and Luke sits in the back seat. Together they follow Mark, Karen, and Connor on their way to Connor's new house for some coffee and cookies that was offered before they were to ride back to the orphanage to meet up with Daisy and Jesse. Who by now was probably starting to worry or wonder what was taking them so long. "Well look at that," Bo states to break the silence, not one to stay too silent for too long, "it's snowing. We may be having ourselves a white Christmas this year." "The kids at the orphanage will love that," Patricia states, "not very often they get to play in the snow. Build snowmen or to have a snowball fight." They ride in silence once more, everyone's thoughts remain upon Connor and the great surprise he had been given while watching the snow fall from the darkened sky. As Patricia leans forward to turn the heater up on her car, Bo looks away from the sky only to spot a couple of people sitting on a log with a fire. From the distance he is unable to see who it is other than they didn't seem dresseds for the weather. "There's a couple of people up ahead on the side of the road. I wonder if they are in need of help," Bo ponders aloud and as they gain a few feet closer to them, his heart stops in recognition, "It's Uncle Jesse and Miz Tisdale! What in the world are they doing out here on the side of the road?!" Luke peers forward as Patricia slows the car down to a halt next to the motorbike before jumping out first into the cold wind and snow. "Jesse," he states as Bo joins him, "what are you doing out here?" "Dang it's cold out here," Bo gripes before looking at Jesse, "you ok Uncle Jesse? Miz Tisdale?"*
  5. Thank-you Roger! I was excited to see it reach 2,000. But now looking at your post count, puts me to shame! I've been here longer and yet you have almost trippled number over me. How can that be? LOL...Thanks for the compliment...your posts are well earned and rewarding. You add alot to Hnet. :)

  6. "Reality" Kenny Chesney Well if I heard it right...he does say the "B" word once in this song so I apologize if this offends anyone. Other than that, it is another great song. Reminds me of Bo and Luke in his verse about fast cars and shine. LOL.
  7. "The Road and The Radio" Kenny Chesney Another great Chesney song and another non video song on YouTube. All the same, good song.
  8. Well was on Youtube.com for one of my favorite authors and his main character and came up with the idea of a favorite books or author thread here for anyone else who likes to read. My favorite authors are: Lee Child Michael Connelly John Lescroart Steve Martini I am hooked on these four author's books...once a new book comes out, I have to get it in my collection and to read it. Each book hard to put down and once it is over, leaves me looking forward to the next book of that author to come out. Who's your favorite author? Or what book is your favorite book?
  9. FYI - Darius Rucker use to be in a band called Hootie and the Blowfish...think it was a rock band. Not sure. Never did listen to their music, but did know about them because I am a HUGE Chicago Cubs fan...a couple of the announcers would talk about them from time to time during their Cubs broadcasts when I was growing up. I am really glad Daruis has moved to Country - I really like his music. Find it really refreshing. He is on his second Country album right now with his current song "Come back Song". Glad to see he seems to be sticking around the Country Music scene and is making it work for him. I'd have to say he is one of my favorite new Country artist.
  10. Sorry for the lack of a video, this is the best link I could come up with. All the same, another great Kenny Chesney song.
  11. Charger Hoss - Good question...was it the Dukes of Hazzard by chance?
  12. Car (as in Stock car...wouldn't want to disappoint y'all )
  13. *Connor grips tightly onto Bo's elbow all the way into the sheriff's station until he sees Ms. Patricia sitting at a desk with a couple of young people. "Ms. Patricia!" he exclaims before letting go of Bo's elbow to run over to Ms. Patricia to give her a hug and she warmly gives him one in return. "Please tell the sheriff that they didn't kidnap me! I only asked them for a ride to go visit my parents' grave, I didn't mean to get them into trouble," he speaks loudly and quickly as tears once more fall from his large eyes, "and now they're arrested all because of me." "Shhhh Connor. It's OK. The sheriff is only doing his job," Ms. Patricia states caringly and puts a hand up to halt Connor when he goes to object, "I know the boys were trying to help you and that they didn't do anything wrong. We all know that. It's just a misunderstanding that will be taken care of. Just wait and see. Meanwhile, the sheriff is only doing his job. Whether it is correct or not." Connor slowly nods and lets go of Ms. Patricia to look up at Bo and Luke and then over to the sheriff who eyes the couple and Ms. Patricia for a long moment. "That's right, Connor," Sheriff Rosco Coltrane states seriously as he turns his back on Ms. Patricia and the couple to face the boys who look questionably at each other and then back at Rosco. "All of this is a misunderstanding. On y'all's part." Rosco giggles, no longer able to contain his laughter, his happiness. "On our part?" Bo is quick to question, "You threw us against the car and put handcuffs on our wrists while saying we were under arrest. How did we misunderstand you?" "You hush it Bo Duke. Your mouth will get you in a heap of trouble one of these days," Rosco states half serious and half joking, "you are just lucky it's Christmas tomorrow. In my Christmas spirit, that you seem to think I am lacking, I will turn the other way and pretend I am not hearing you." Rosco goes silent for a damatic moment and Bo rolls his eyes at the sheriff. Finally he states, "Bo and Luke Duke, turn around so I can uncuff you. Khee khee." "Uncuff us?" Luke now questions as he follows Rosco's orders, "What is all this about?" Rosco remains quiet as he unlocks both sets of handcuffs and repockets them and the boys slowly turn back around to face him, rubbing their wrists. "What's this about you ask, huh? Well, y'all took Connor before his new parents could come and pick him up, so I had to think of a way to get y'all here to meet up with them. I got you good this time. Khee! I love it, I love it," he laughs to recieve questioning looks from Connor and the boys, "You see Mark and Karen Jelter just moved to Hazzard from Hatchapee County a couple of weeks ago. They have been searching for the right town and the right house to raise kids at. Well, they figure Hazzard and their new house is the best place there is and since they can't have children, the opted to adopt." "They were at the orphanage last week to get info and to look around and fell in love with Connor here," Ms. Patricia speaks up, "and was adament about wanting to adopt him. And with Christmas coming up, they wanted it to be a surprise." "You're adopting me?!" Connor questions excitedly, "You mean, taking me out of the orphanage?" "Yes sir," Mark laughs as he takes a step forward to place a caring hand upon Connor's head before bending down to his level, "I am so sad and sorry to hear about your real parents and your brother. We will never be able to replace them nor are we wanting to try to. We just want to take you in and care for you and be your new parents...not your old ones. Does that sound OK?" Connor excitedly hugs him before backing up shocked and embarassed at himself for letting his emotions get the best of him. "I mean, yes sir," he says stepping back. "You don't have to call us sir, son. Just call me dad. If that's OK with you. If not, I guess you can call me Mark," Mark answers standing up. "OK Dad," Connor answers and then looks at Karen and says, "Mom." Karen quickly gives him a hug and kisses him on the top of his head. Standing back, Bo lets out a rebel yell in excitement at seeing the best Christmas gift to be given to Connor. The gift of a family.
  14. I am going to make y'all into New Kids on the Block fans before I'm done here...LOL
  15. Welcome to HNet Lucas...hope you stay around for awhile. It is always great to meet new great Duke fans as yourself. Well . . . if you want some more snow, would be more than glad to scoop all of ours in Iowa and ship it all out to you. Already have a few inches on the ground and they are predicting more tonight and tomorrow. So sounds like we'll have more than enough to share with y'all. (Am definately not a fan of snow!!!!!)
  16. Another great Kenny Chesney song. . .then again, I think all of his songs are great.
  17. This is my new favorite Country song. I have to turn the radio up loud when this song comes on. Then again, Tim McGraw is another one of my favorite Country artists. All the same, I love this song. So upbeat!
  18. *Bo inhales heavily as he pulls himself out of his thoughts to realize for a moment that they have passed the orphanage and they are almost to town. He looks questionably at Luke who only shrugs his shoulders at him. Only to upset Bo more than he already had been at Luke for his attitude towards him minutes ago and for his idea to pull over. Bad enough they were going to jail in time for the holidays, but Luke didn't seem to even care that they were wrongly arrested or care of what Rosco was doing. "Rosco," Bo speaks up to shatter the silence, "I think you've gone and lost it. You passed the orphanage and -" "You hush it, Bo Duke! I've lived in this here town twice as long as you've been alive, don't you think I know where I'm at?!" Rosco snaps at the youngest Duke before stealing a glance at his passenger who sits slumped in the passenger seat, staring silently out through his window. Glancing away from the boy and into the rearview mirror he glances at the complaining Duke and a smile crosses his aged face at seeing the Duke's anger and frustration. All of this was working out better than he had expected. "Not that you are of a right to know where I am going, but since it is almost Christmas, I'll give you an early Christmas gift and tell you where I'm taking you. I'm taking the two of you to where y'all belong." He goes silent for a long dramatic moment. "To jail." Bo rolls his eyes, knowing too well that he was fighting a losing battle. Especially if Luke wasn't willing to join in with him. "Whatever Rosco," Bo states as the tall court house looms ahead, "we at least get our one phone call. Mr. Grant should be more than willing to take a trip into town to clear our names. Right Luke?" "Wrong. Mr. Grant will already be there to pick Connor up," Rosco answers before Luke can say anything, "perhaps you should save your phone call to call your poor ol' Uncle Jesse to tell him he will only need two plates this Christmas. One for him and one for Daisy." Bo opens his mouth to speak only for Luke to shut him up by saying, "You're wasting your time, Bo. Rosco won't listen to you. You of all people should know that by now." Bo shakes his head and looks back out his window as the patrol car comes to a halt and Rosco turns the ignition off. "OK Connor, why don't you slide out my door so you can get out on the side walk," Rosco states as he opens the door and stiffly stands up. Connor eyes the sheriff questionably before looking back at Bo and Luke who slowly nod. After Rosco helps Connor out on the side walk, he slowly walks to his back seat to throw open the back door. "Get out. Nice and easy like." Luke is the first to get out and Rosco roughly grabs him by his upper arm to shove him against the car before he does the same to Bo. With both boys out, he grabs them both by the upper arm and begins to force them forward with Connor holding onto Bo's elbow. "Boss is gonna love my Christmas present to him. Khee khee," Rosco laughs in their ear as they reach the front door, "perhaps I should wrap y'all up in a red bow when I bring you in to him. I may even get a Christmas bonus this year. Khee, khee! Plus I'll have the two of you locked away. The town of Hazzard will once again be safe from the likes of you."*
  19. Well this is definately NOT newsworthy news, so don't go snooping on all them fancy NASCAR sites in order to seek my source or to expect an article on it...LOL. (My lips are sealed...I won't reveal my source. Mainly because I don't have one. LOL) But I had to write it somewhere and this seemed to be just as good as any place to put it... Today is December 20th, which means that there is two LONG months untils the 2011 NASCAR season officially starts with the Daytona 500...NASCAR's superbowl! OK two months don't sound like a long time, but for me, they will be the longest two months to wait...but at least it is two and not three as it was when the season ended for 2010. Right? As I said, definately wouldn't be considered newsworthy to anyone, but as my countdown til Daytona goes down, the more excited I get. (Just wait until Christmas is over, then I really begin counting down the days...LOL) Ain't it too bad that NASCAR can't be a year round sport? (Or am I the only one to feel that way?)
  20. Well Roger, I am talking to my sister as I am writing this...does that count? I am horrible at resolutions...don't even know why I even try any more. In other words, I didn't meet or keep my resolutions. I know. Shame on me. Hopefully I can think of one for 2011 that I can actually somewhat keep ... or better yet some how obtain better self disicpline in 2011. Either way, I can't get much worse than I have been, so I can only get better. Right? Roger - I am glad to hear that you kept your resolution. It is always great to hear that it can actually be done. Congratulations...just remember, 2010 may be coming to an end, but it's not over yet. You still have a couple of weeks...better keep up the GREAT work.
  21. Bo and Luke eyes him hardly before Rosco closes the door and stiffly walks up to the parked car. "Boy Luke," Bo turns to Luke, no longer able to contain himself, "I bet you're pleased with yourself, now ain't you? This is the best idea you've had yet." Sarcasm drips from each word before he imitates Luke, "Bo pull over. Not with Connor in the car." Bo pauses as he shakes his head at his cousin, "Yeah, Luke, great idea. Now we'll be spending this Christmas and the next twenty Christmases behind bars. Hope you like bread and water, because that's all we'll be having for the next twenty years or so." "Damn Bo. You are so immature sometimes," Luke eyes his cousin angrily, forgetting momentarily that they have young ears in the front seat, "look. I am just as upset about all of this as you are, but out running Rosco with a kid in the car is a horrible idea. We'd never be welcomed at the orphanage again once Ira heard we ran from the law with Connor in the car. Plus, what if he got hurt in your process to get away from Rosco? Could you live with that?" Bo eyes Luke for a long moment before letting out a breath he had been holding, upset at Luke for always being right. Always having a point to make. And always making him look wrong. When Bo doesn't answer, Luke states, "I didn't think so. As I said, I'm not happy about this either, but you made the right choice. Look," Luke goes silent, understanding Bo's anger and frustration he had shown towards him only seconds ago, "Rosco will stop by the orphanage to drop Connor off and he'll have to talk to Ira about what is going on. Which Ira will confirm our story and Rosco will have to let us go. We'll get out of this." Bo eyes Luke questionably and as he opens his mouth to say something, Rosco opens the door and quickly sits down. "Well he ain't in the car. You two better hope that he walked back to the orphanage. Better hope he's OK," Rosco states as he starts the ignition and pulls back out onto the road, "as I said, your list of charges keep growing. Now," he looks at Connor and his voice changes from hard and angry to soft and caring, "we'll take you back to the orphanage and see if Mr. Grant is there. He'll be glad to see that I have rescued you from those hardened criminals back there." "They're not hardened criminals, Sheriff. They were taking me for a ride, just as I said back there. They didn't threaten me to lie to you. I'm not lying," Connor pauses, "but if you don't believe me, ask Mr. Grant. He'll back my story. Wait and see." Rosco grunts. "I guess we'll see here in a couple of minutes," he states before he glances in his rear view mirror, "y'all gone and scared him bad, didn't you? Your Uncle Jesse is going to be ashamed of y'all when he hears you went and kidnapped an innocent boy and threatened him into lying to authorities. Namely me. So sad that you would pay your uncle back like this after all he's done for you." "Keep dreamin', Rosco," Bo states, annoyed with the sheriff's constant harsh statements towards Luke and him, "he won't be ashamed, because he already knows we took Connor for a ride. He'll be embarrassed by the incompetent law we have here in Hazzard. Namely you." Luke can't stop from laughing aloud at Bo's statement despite the disrespect he has shown Rosco. "You hush it Bo Duke! I have half the mind to lock you in a cell all by yourself down stairs and permanently lose the key!" Rosco laughs, "I'll put Luke in a cell upstairs. That'll be my Christmas present to Luke. Separate him from his disrespectful and annoying cousin. Bet you'd appreciate that, huh, Luke?" Luke rolls his eyes and shakes his head before he looks back out of his window as he attempts to lose himself in his thoughts. Thoughts of ways to get him and his cousin out of their current trouble.*
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