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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Well with the 2011 season only days away (y'all hear me yelling in excitement?! HA HA.) I figured I'd start a new thread for this year's race reviews and results. (I would love to continue to to give the race recaps, results, and point reviews if y'all would want me to? I might even start watching the Nationwide Series races this year to give reports over if y'all are interested. . .) I am excited to report that tomorrow (Saturday, February 12) on FOX at seven PM Central time, (8:00 PM ET) the Budweiser Shoot out will start to kick off Speed Week. It is a preseason race that will not be for points or go towards the chase and will only contain 20 some drivers who have either won the championship before, won a previous Budweiser shootout in the past ten years, made rookie of the year within the past ten years, and drivers who have won either the Feb. or July Daytona race. It will be great to hear them finally say them beloved words "Gentlemen start your engines" once more. It will also be exciting to see them race for the first time on the repaved Daytona track and see what changes it will make for the drivers. (Y'all don't miss out on TRP Coltrane's new 2011 NASCAR discussion thread. Don't want it to be forgotten about with this one...but had to write a note about the race tomorrow. Wouldn't want y'all to miss out on it! Though I'll be more than glad to give race recaps and results either after the race or on Sunday...Don't know about you, but I'm excited!!!!!!!!!!)
  2. Hi TRP Coltrane...you beat me with this thread! LOL...guess I snooze, I loose. There is a lot of changes this year...with the drivers and NASCAR in general. I don't understand why Brad Keselowski will be driving the blue duece this year with Miller and Kurt Busch will be driving the number 22 Penzoil car. They both are driving for the same owner...but that is another change. Another paint scheme change is Jeff Gordon's number 24 car...I've seen pictures of it and am looking forward to seeing it on the track. Am sad to see him lose the flames and Dupont...though he will have that car for fourteen races this year. His new primary sponsor is AARP Drive to end Hunger and his car is a burgandy color. Not as fansy as his flames, but as long as Gordon is behind the wheel of it, I'll take it. Am excited to see what Kansas is all about. I know they have been trying to get Kansas in for a while now...If I remember right Bruton Smith owns that track as well (he owns several NASCAR Sprint tracks). Though am sad to see that it took over one of the Atlanta races and I think a California race. More sad about Atlanta though. Also they will be starting the chase at a different track as well...think it will be Chicago, but am not sure about that. Then add the new point system, the new chase...oh and they can only have six crew members behind the wall instead of seven. Think I read on Gordon's fan forum that the catchcan guy has been eliminated. Another change is the garage/crew swap at Hendrick for Gordon, Earnhardt Jr, and Martin. I would love to hear what y'all think about that? I am sad to see Letarte and Gordon's crew go to JR...I liked Letarte and he had a fast pit crew. So hopefully Jr will benefit from his crew and his old cars. Though am glad to see Gordon get Gustufson...perhaps he can help Gordon out of his slump he had last year...also sad to see Gordon and Johnson no longer sharing a garage. Oh well...I think I read that that move was to help Junior out with Johnson and for next year for Gordon to help out with Kahne when he comes to the number five car. As I said, would love to hear y'all's opinion on that...to me that's a huge change, but then again, it involves Gordon (If you can't tell by now TRP Coltrane, Jeff Gordon is my favorite driver. Who's your's?) As I said, there is a lot of change going around for the 2011 season...I think most has been for the good of the sport. I am excited for Daytona (and to see Gordon win...HA HA) and to get the season under way. It should be a great season and to see if Johnson will get his sixth championship in a row or if we'll get a new championship (like Jeff Gordon... I can always hope, right?) You mentioned Red Bull...think I remember hearing the number switch (am glad that through the switching at Hendrick that Gordon will still be number 24 -I'd be upset if he had to change numbers!). Though couldn't tell you what numbers. Talking of Red Bull...I am excited to see Brian Vickers return to racing. What a scare he went through last year. Am glad to see him back to good health and back into his Toyota. Well there is my take so far on the 2011 season...I can go on and on about it or anything NASCAR! HA HA. Great discussion topic, TRP Coltrane.
  3. CHAPTER TWO Listening into the thick silence that invades the cab of Jesse's old truck, Luke stares out through his side window, his mind filled with heavy thoughts. Heavy thoughts of all that had happened last night and mixed with heavy thoughts of what Bo's future holds for him now that he has been arrested. Scenes of last night's events pollute his thoughts as well to send a violent shudder down his tense body at seeing Bo's horror-filled eyes looking back at him from last night. Being in the Marines and fighting at war, Luke had seen his share of people suffering, dying, or dead. He was even forced to place the suffering and death upon other people as he fought to defend himself, his troop, his country. But compared to Luke's past, Bo had lived a sheltered life from such horrible violence as he opted not to sign up for any military service and avoided war. He never saw someone suffering so greatly or to see someone dying, or dead. Nor had he enforced suffering on anyone else nor took someone's life. All that had changed for Bo last night when Rosco took the sudden turn into that steep ditch and rolled into the tree. It changed when Bo went down to see Rosco unconscious and covered in his own blood. And Bo being who he was, was struck with guilt with his own accusatory thoughts that he was to blame. And now Bo sits in jail by himself to deal with his thoughts and emotions over what had happened. And after last night, the thought of Bo being arrested and locked uip alone sends fear and worry racing through Luke for what it'll all do for Bo. "What are we going to do?!" Daisy breaks through the heavy silence who sits in between Jesse and Luke, "I mean, we all know Bo wouldn't hurt anyone...especially Rosco like they are accusing him of! Yet he's arrested and accused of manslaughter...as if he killed Rosco. On purprose!" Luke glances over at Daisy to find her cheeks red and tears still running down them and he pats her on her knee in attempt to offer some support. "Attempted manslaughter," Jesse slowly corrects her, his eyes remain fixated upon the splattered windshield, "and we all know he wouldn't do that on purpose. But he was running away from Rosco when it had happened. Was avoiding arrest. Despite how I feel, Bo is right. If he had pulled over as he was asked to do, Rosco's brakes may not have gone out on him as fast as they had." "I'm sorry Uncle Jesse, but you're wrong. Bo's wrong!" Daisy cries, "It's not his fault! If Rosco wasn't falsely accusing him, perhaps -" "It don't matter. Sheriff Coltrane has the authority behind him...no matter how wrong he is," Jesse calmly states despite his own wettened cheeks, "I'm just saying how the law will look at it, sweety." Luke silently nods in agreement as he watches the farm scenery turn into the small town and the court house looming closely ahead of them. His thoughts reluctantly turn from last night's events to Bo stuck in the small cell by himself to deal with his demons. "I don't care what the law thinks or how they will look at it. I'll do anything to get him out of that dump," Luke states to grab both Jesse's and Daisy's attention, "I think after we go see Bo, I'll run over to Cooter. Perhaps he can have a look at Rosco's car. See if anything was tampered with." Jesse nods silently for a moment as he pulls to a halt in front of the court house. "I'll run to the hospital and visit Rosco while you are doing that," he slowly states as he eyes Luke with saddened eyes before opening the door, "but as for now, let's go see Bo."
  4. "Cover Girl Eyes" Catherine Bach Couldn't find the song on Youtube...bummer!
  5. Bo slowly goes silent, his attention remains at his well worn boots as if he is looking for the dog poop he had just stepped in. Vivid images of last night’s events flow vividly in his mind from leaving the farm to pick Luke up to sitting in the waiting room of the ER and explaining what had happened to Boss and Lulu. Boss’ thickly accusatory words towards Bo in the ER continue to yell back at him only to bring more tears of pain to his eyes before the scenes rewind to hearing the sirens for the first time. Breathing in heavily, Bo roughly wipes his eyes and cheeks with the back of his hands before forcing himself to look up at Jesse and is half way surprised to see fear and sadness within his wise eyes. Surprise at not seeing the disappointment and accusation in them towards him as he had expected to see in them after what had happened. After all, Jesse had made it a point to tell them over and over since they were little til they were adults; that no matter what he other person had done to you, make sure you don’t hurt them. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Well Bo had done more than hurt Rosco, he had put him on the edge of death. And yet the anger he thought would be there on his uncle’s face is either well hidden or not there only to make Bo wonder why or when Jesse will get upset at him. “I didn’t mean for this to happen, Uncle Jesse. I didn’t mean to hurt Rosco,†Bo hears himself state as his hand goes up to his swollen and bruised cut that hides under his thick bangs and he winces in pain at the touch. “I don’t know what them charges are for, but I didn’t do anything worth charging me for. Honest.†“I know you didn’t, Bo. So did Rosco,†Jesse inhales heavily as he tightly hugs Bo for a long moment before letting go, “and we all know you didn’t mean for all that to happen nor meant for Rosco to get hurt. As Luke said, sounds like it was his brakes. Not you.†Bo sadly shrugs. “Yeah. Maybe,†he finally states as sirens begin to wail in the near distance to send a violent shudder down his lengthy body, "but if I hadn't ran from him as I had -" "You'd be in jail," Jesse is quick to interupt him as a patrol car comes into view and Jesse goes silent to watch it for a long moment in fear of what it means. He slowly looks away and back at Bo as he fights for words that may comfort his young nephew. Laying a hand upon Bo's shoulder, he states, "this isn't your fault, Bo." Bo remains quiet as he watches the patrol car reach their farm before slowing down at their drive way to slowly turn in to to send his heart racing rapdily within him. "Now what?" he mumbles as he lowers his head as Deputy Enos Strait climbs out of the car with a grim look on his face. Jesse pats Bo on the shoulder before he slowly stands up to meet the deputy at the foot of the steps. "Mornin' Enos," he states hesitantly, fear building heavily within the elder Duke, "what is it we can help you with?" The deputy eyes the elder Duke with saddened eyes before forces himself to look behind him at the blond haired Duke who remains sitting on the porch step. Looking back at Jesse he places his hands upon his hand cuffs and states, "I'm sorry Mr. Duke." He goes silent as he walks past Jesse to Bo who slowly looks up at Deputy Strait with watered eyes. "I'm sorry, Bo." Enos goes silent, feeling his own torn emotions within him. "I'm here to..."he goes silent, looking at Jesse who is quick to approach him and back to Bo, "Bo Duke you are under arrest. You need to stand up and put your hands behind your back." "Under arrest?!" Jesse exclaims as Bo weakly stands up and slowly does as he is told to do, no longer interested fighting for his freedom. "What for?!" Enos frowns at the elder Duke at his outburst as he slowly places the handcuffs tightly on Bo's wrists and turns him around. "Bo Duke you are under arrest for the attempted vehicular manslaughter of Sheriff Coltrane and for the robbery of Hank's Jewlry Store," he slowly states, "I'm sorry, Bo...Jesse." He slowly begins to read him his rights from the card he carries in his pocket. "Rob Hank's? You've got to be out of your mind, Enos! Attempted vehicular manslaughter?! You know as well as I do that Bo wouldn't hurt no one. Especially the sheriff!" Jesse yells feeling his face go hot in his anger. "I'm just following orders, Mr. Duke. You'll have to bring your complaints to the judge or to Commissioner Hogg who has issued the charges. As for now, I am to take him in and get it all processed. You may come visit Bo at the jail later this afternoon. I'm sorry, Mr. Duke," Deputy Enos slowly states as he motions Bo to walk down the steps who slowly does as he is told. "Yeah we'll see about that. Look Bo," Jesse calls out after him and Enos halts at the back door of his patrol car for Bo to hear, "we'll be in town to see ya as soon as they let us. Meanwhile, we'll be looking into these false charges and we'll get you out." Bo silently nods as he eyes his uncle in time to watch Luke and Daisy quickly running out onto the porch. Enos slams the door closed before climbing in behind the wheel and slowly backs out of the drive way. Bo watches as Jesse hugs onto Daisy and Luke walks angrily out into the driveway with his hands dug deeply within his pockets. Tears melt down from his eyes as he watches the Duke farm, the farm he grew up at, the only place he ever lived at, slowly disappear from sight. Fear swells deeply within him at the thought that, that he may never be able to return or see home again.
  6. Looks like you found the way to make your avator work...glad to see you stopping by Hnet! I like that ep with Swamp Molly in it...Dukes had a lot of guest stars that were good and played their characters well. Anyway, welcome to HNet!

  7. Once again, I saw Toby Mac w/ Brandon Heath last night and they were both great. Love this song...Toby has such energy that he puts into his songs and concerts. Love the dancing him and his band does on stage - it is shown somewhat in the video. Hoss- I listened to half of Layla. That looks to be a long song. I like the tune and the rhythm of the song.
  8. Another Brandon Heath song...from his new album.
  9. I saw Brandon Heath in concert last night with Toby Mac (Christian music artists) and they both put on a great concert! Very energized. I love this song. . .
  10. Welcome to HNet Molly! Always great to meet another fan of the best television show out there! Have to admit..."Ghost of the General Lee" is my favorite episode to. All that emotion in it. Great show.
  11. I'm sure it will go by faster than I am thinking it is. LOL. Well read the NASCAR thread, sure there will be a few reminders of the race. HA HA. Hope you had a great day today.

  12. Well I am off to bed. Have a great day tomorrow. Nite

  13. GLad to hear you had a good day!

    Dumb question...no such thing! Especially concerning NASCAR. LOL. Sixteen more days until the big day...I am very excited that NASCAR is about to star. Though it still feels far away. LOL. Think we need to start getting you into it as well...;)

  14. Awww what a cutie! What a great shirt as well! Thanks for sharing that with us. Sounds like you have a great time at your grandmas.
  15. Howdy...how was class today? Did you have a better day? I sure hope so.

  16. Bo nods for a long moment before realizing that Luke wouldn’t see him. “I. . .I’m fine,†he stutters, “Rosco went off the road. His car. . .†Bo goes silent as tears swell in his eyes as he notices Rosco’s blood on his fingers for the first time, “just swerved and went down. It rolled into a tree. I think he’s unconscious, but all that blood. . .†Bo goes silent as he stares into the ditch as the siren begins to be audible and as he hears tires and an engine, he looks up to find Cooter’s tow truck coming at him. “We’re here, buddy, hang tight,†Luke states as Bo feels the CB drop from his hand and he begins to walk down the ditch once more only for him to hear Luke call out to him, “Bo get up here!†Bo eyes him for a moment and eyes the car, his mind stuck upon the bloody image of Rosco lying against the steering wheel and of the thin pulse he had felt. “He needs help,†he hears himself state a moment before he feels a heavy hand upon his shoulder to stop him from going farther and he looks up to see it to be Cooter who motions him up to the road where Luke is. “I have to go. He needs help.†“C’mon Bo, what you going to do for him?†Luke questions as he helps Cooter to help Bo back up on the road, “The ambulance will be here in a minute, if that. Hear the sirens?†Bo numbly nods though all he hears is the buzzing in his ears, all he’s seeing is the wrecked patrol car. The car he had wrecked. “He needs help. He’s bleeding. He only had a small pulse. He could be dead right now,†Bo rants blindly as the ambulance pulls up to a halt in front of The General. “I did this to him. I killed Rosco.†“Whoa there buddy!†Luke states loudly in attempt to get Bo’s attention onto him, “Look at me Bo,†when Bo refuses to look away from the patrol car, Luke firmly holds onto Bo’s chin and forces him to look at him, “I heard everything on the CB. Rosco stated something about his brakes. His brakes went out and Rosco panicked. Plain and simple. You didn’t do that to him. And,†Luke pauses as he watches as the paramedics unload the stretcher and some medical equipment out of the ambulance while a lone paramedic runs down the ditch. Looking back at Bo, he continues, “you said it yourself, he had a small pulse. If he has a pulse, he ain’t dead.†Bo shakes his head loose of Luke’s firm hold. “That was before I called it in. He could be dead now. If I had stopped when he wanted. . .†“Stop it, Bo. You didn’t do that to him. His damn car did!†Luke states as he takes a deep breath, not knowing how to convince his cousin differently. Slowly he glances away from Bo and at Cooter who stares at the sight below, “Cooter,†Cooter looks back at him, “I want you to take care of Bo, I’m going to go -†he begins to say before Bo walks away from them to steal his attention and Luke watches momentarily as Bo begins to walk down the ditch. “Bo! You don’t want to go down there,†he quickly begins to walk after him and places another firm hand on Bo’s shoulder, “you’ll just get in their way if you go down there.†“I have to go down there. I owe it to Rosco,†Bo stubbornly states and as he pulls his shoulder away from Luke’s hand, his footing goes out and he lets out a yelp of surprise and pain as he is thrown to the hard wet ground . Bo grasps at rocks as he slides down the rocky ditch only to scrape and hit the rocks upon his weak body before he comes to a halt at the end of the ditch, a foot away from the paramedics and the stretcher. “Damn,†Bo cusses as he slowly sits up and accepts Luke’s offer to help him to his feet. Once Luke pulls Bo to his feet, he looks at his cousin with great concern and asks, “You OK, Bo?†“I’m fine,†Bo stubbornly states and pulls his arm away from Luke as he ignores the throbbing pain in his head and across his body and walks away from Luke to the car where the paramedics are now pulling Rosco out of his car on a stiff board and placing him on the stretcher. “Rosco,†Bo hears himself say as the world spins around him. “You’re going to have to leave, son,†an older paramedic states as they place an air mask over Rosco’s nose and mouth before giving Bo a concern look. “You OK son? You’re bleeding.†Bo pulls a hand to his throbbing head and pulls it away to find a lot of blood covering his hand. “I’m fine,†he stubbornly states as he looks at Rosco’s still body, “how’s he?†“Get the kid out of the way!†another paramedic yells at the older one who only waves him away. “He’s unconscious right now, but he has a pulse and is breathing right now,†he slowly states, his brown eyes still look at Bo with concern, “we’ll bring him to the ER and they’ll take care of him. Now, if you are OK, you’ll have to go back to your vehicles and let us do our work. Otherwise you’ll just slow us down. Sorry, son.†“I ain’t your son,†Bo harshly snaps at the kind paramedic and Luke places a hand upon Bo’s tense shoulder and Bo lets a deep breath out, “sorry, sir. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I’m fine.†With that, Bo allows Luke to pull him away from the stretcher and he slowly begins to climb back up the ditch to where Cooter stands, taking it all in from his parked tow truck. “Look at me, Bo,†Luke firmly states as they reach Cooter and Bo slowly does as he is told to do, “are you OK?†Cooter offers Bo a grease stained handkerchief and Bo stubbornly accepts it to place it on his forehead where the blood had came from. Looking back at Luke, he states, “It hurts, but I’ll be fine.†Luke nods, accepting Bo’s answer. “What happened Bo?†Luke questions as he places a protective hand upon Bo’s shoulder, knowing how shook up Bo is by what he had saw. Bo inhales heavily before he slowly explains everything from the beginning of the car chase, to seeing Rosco wobble and fight for control and then to how Rosco had sharply turned before going down the ditch and rolling into the tree. “I should have just pulled over as he tol’ me to. But I didn’t do anything, Luke. I promise, I didn’t,†Bo finishes. “We know you didn’t do anything wrong. Rosco had some trumped up charge on you as he always had in the past…though in the past it was on both of us. Not just you. I don’t know what he had or what his phony charges were, but you did what we always did in the past in attempt to escape his alleged charges. You did nothing wrong to get charged nor did you anything wrong here. His breaks or something went out in his car and that is what happened. You didn’t do this to him, Bo,†Luke firmly states as he drops his hand from Bo’s shoulder, “we’ll go to the hospital and wait on word on Rosco. Perhaps call Lulu and Boss. But once tomorrow comes, we’ll go into town and find out what phony charges Rosco was talking about. Understand?†Bo numbly nods as he fights to hold back the raw emotions that continue to violently gnaw within him as he watches the paramedics surround Rosco’s stretcher as they begin to pull him up the steep ditch. Sorry so long y'all...I'll give ya'll a break to catch up. [/B]
  17. [i Exhaustion melts heavily within Bo as he stares through the mud splattered windshield of The General as his mind seems to wonder from thought to thought, from his date last night to his argument he had with Luke over who was to drive The General today. Luke had plans with Cooter while Bo had his own plans to go fishing with Brody and Dobro. Luke had a point that he could just drop Bo off and they could do their fishing until he picked them up, but often times, when he was out with Brody or Dobro, fishing was quick to turn into racing. How was he to race them if he didn’t have a car? And since Cooter had plenty of cars and their plans generally kept at the garage or junk yard, Bo’s argument had won thanks to Jesse. And now after hours in the sun with little luck at getting the big one, though he did win their road race as he always did with them, he was off to pick Luke up from Cooter’s. “Lost Sheep,†the CB caught his attention and he was quick to recognize Luke’s voice, “you comin’ or did you forget about me?†Bo let out a sigh of frustration before picking up the CB and replying, “I’m on my way as we speak, but I could turn back around and act like I forgot about you.†“Know you’d love to do that,†Luke had replied with a chuckle just in time for Bo’s attention to be stolen by the loud piercing siren that screams behind him, “Is that what I think it is?†“Damn,†Bo had cussed into the CB as he watches Rosco’s familiar mud splattered patrol car gaining on him and he glances down at the speedometer to find him going five miles under the speed limit. Shaking his head, he presses onto the accelerator to see the needle quickly move to five over the speed limit and watches the distance between his and Rosco’s cars grow. “I just fell into one of Rosco’s traps. I swear, I was going five under the speed limit when he came out.†“Well little cuz you better work your magic at the wheel then,†Luke was quick to respond, “you know we ain’t got the money to pay for another one of your tickets. You get a ticket we are out of a house come the first.†“Thanks for the reminder, Lukas,†Bo states out of frustration, “I’ll talk to you when I get to town.†With that he had thrown the CB handle onto the seat besides him, no longer finding any patience for Luke’s lecture. “Here we go,†Bo speaks to himself as the familiar Claw Creek Road comes into view and he steals another look at the angry sheriff.. Knowing if he were to keep on the road he was on, he would reach town and would have more chances of either getting caught or hurting someone, he quickly makes a sharp left upon the road with little thought of where they were going. “C’mon Rosco,†Bo pleads as he watches the sheriff rock unsteadily before turning his patrol car onto the road, “what I do now?†He watches the sheriff behind him for a moment before he glances ahead at the open dirt road ahead of him at the steep ditches that surrounds the dirt road before falling into a heavy wooded area. Eyeing the ditches and back at Rosco every once in awhile, Bo begins to wonder where and when he’ll lose Rosco at now that he is going the wrong way that he is wanting to go in order to pick Luke up. “Bo Duke!†Sheriff Rosco yells angrily over the CB to make Bo jump in surprise, “You pull over right now! I’ve got you good this time. No escaping your guilt.†Shaking his head in disbelief at the sheriff and his antics, Bo reaches over and picks up the CB handle to reply, “Guilt? Of what? Of being the best driver in Hazzard?†“You hush it! Don’t back talk your sheriff!†Rosco is quick to respond, “I can’t tell you over the air. Why don’t you pull over and we can have a nice little chat of what your charges are? You’re only resisting arrest to your charges.†Resisting arrest? Now it has gone from what Bo had been predicted as only one of Rosco’s speed traps has quickly turned for the worse. Arrest meant that they framed him of some crime that would be worth arresting him for. But what? Luke was in town, why didn’t they arrest him while they were in town before going after him? They always framed them together. “You gotta be outta your mind if you think I’m going to pull over for you, Rosco. I didn’t do anything wrong to be arrested for. You’re wasting your time,†Bo slowly responds as he concentrates on the road. “You’re wrong, Bo. You’ve messed up this time and whoa!†Rosco yells out, his voice heavily coated with fear and Bo glances into his rear view mirror to find Rosco swerving left and right for a moment before his car straightens straight to run smoothly again. “Git git, that was close!†Rosco states, relief in his voice. “Anyway, I got you good this time.†“What you talking about, Rosco?†Luke’s sharp words pierce through the CB and at the sound of Luke’s voice brings relief within Bo despite Luke being at Cooter’s and no where to help him, “Bo did nothing wrong and any other charge you’ve got is as bogus as Hogg’s watch.†“Git, git, you watch it Duke I’ll press charges against you too, Luke. Lucky for you, we have no evidence pointed at you this time,†Rosco sternly states and Bo watches him momentarily in his rearview mirror, “Bo Duke I order you to pull over now…don’t make me resort to shooting your tires out. No matter how good of a driver you think you are, I shoot out your tires on this road, you’ll be running into a tree and damage that ugly car of your’s.†“Shoot my tire out, Rosco?†Bo laughs as he presses on the accelerator, “You couldn’t shoot your own tire with the car parked not alone my tire on the move. You’re bound to either hurt yourself or me.†“Then you better pull over, then, huh?†Rosco sharply resorts on the CB and a moment later, Bo notices Rosco’s hand out of his open window, with his gun in hand only to send surprise and shock within Bo. “I mean it, Duke. Pull over.†Gripping on tightly onto the leather steering wheel , Bo forces The General to speed ahead in hopes of Rosco missing and of losing Rosco within the next few feet when he comes upon another road with flatter ditches. “I’m not about to be arrested for -†“The brakes,†Rosco quickly states into the CB to interrupt Bo and Bo glances into the rearview mirror in time to see Rosco’s car jerk sideways and Bo feels his foot pull up off the accelerator as he watches Rosco’s patrol car quickly fall off the road. Bo feels the world go still around him as he watches helplessly as Rosco’s car loses grip once it reaches the grass and the old car begins to roll hood over wheels three times before hitting a thick tree at the bottom of the ditch. “No, no, no,†Bo hears himself mutter to himself as he backs The General up to where Rosco’s car is before placing it into park and pulls himself out of the car. As he begins to walk away from the open window, he hears Luke’s voice over the CB before he runs down the steep ditch, slipping several times before reaching the wrecked car that landed on it’s wheels. Reaching the bumper, Bo takes in the smashed in windows, the caved in roof and doors, as fear swells deeply within him. “Rosco!†Bo yells out as he walks alongside the car, “Answer me, Rosco!†Reaching the caved in driver’s door, Bo is quick to see why Rosco wasn’t answering him and his heart comes to a complete halt at seeing Rosco’s head resting against the steering wheel. His hat has fallen onto the seat next to him while blood flows thickly down his face and his whole body lies against the wheel still and silent. “Rosco!†he yells again as he places a couple of fingers on Rosco’s neck, relieved to feel a weak pulse while watching Rosco slowly breathing. “C’mon Rosco,†Bo pleas before he pulls himself away from the car and as he climbs up the steep and wet ditch, finds himself praying desperately for the sheriff. Reaching The General, he reaches in to grab the CB and breathlessly states, “There’s been an accident on Claw Creek Road,†he hears himself say as he stares down at Rosco’s patrol car, “the sheriff went down the ditch. He needs an ambulance as of now!†Static is quick to respond for a short moment before he gets the answer he was hoping for, “This is Ambulance 1 we’re en route to Claw Creek Road. We’ll be there in five minutes.†“Five minutes?†Bo questions, feeling that to be a long time, “Please hurry.†“We’ll do our best,†the flat male’s voice responds and Bo throws the CB down in frustration and he glances down at the wrecked patrol car in horror. Of all the many times Rosco had chased Luke and him and all the times Luke and him had escaped Rosco by running him off the road or into the pond, no one got hurt. But this time was different. Rosco was beyond hurt and if help didn’t come in time, he could be dead. “Lost Sheep!†Luke’s voice yells at him on the CB and Bo slowly glances away from the wrecked car and back into his own car, “This is Luke. Please respond!†“This is Lost Sheep two,†Bo weakly states as he feels a wave of nausea flood through him only to be replaced by dizziness as his thoughts swell with what had happened, what could happen in the near future. “Cooter and I are on our way in his tow truck,†Bo vaguely hears Luke state in the CB, “you OK?â€
  18. AUTHOR'S NOTE: Well this is kinda a spur of the moment story that had started only as something to write since my memory disk with my two other stories are at my parent's house and not here...and thanks to the snow, I had a day off today. So I started it on a whim, but decided to post it for all to see since it, like The General, started out as nothing and is slowly turning into something. No promises on how often I will add onto this story since I am currently writing two other DOH stories, but will do my best to add onto it and finish it as soon as possible. Please feel free to PM or send me messages with your feed back or how you feel like I'm doing. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. This is a solo piece of writing that consist of the Dukes of Hazzard characters, none of my own. And no, I don't own any of them nor do I gain any profit from my writing. I write for fun and that's it. Hope y'all enjoy. 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 GUILT CHAPTER ONE Bo sat on the front porch, feeling the chilly wind brush against his cheek as his mind continues to rewind through last night’s events only to send guilt washing heavily over him. He never meant for any of this to happen. He was on his way to pick Luke up from Cooter’s when he heard Rosco’s patrol car’s siren break through the silent night air only to force him to glance down at his speedometer to find him going well below the speed limit. Aggravated by the sheriff’s untimely appearance in one of his obvious speed traps that he had been dumb enough to fall into, Bo had shoved harshly upon the accelerator to speed the car up. They were already low on money for the month and the last thing Bo intended to do was to pay Rosco’s false speeding ticket. It was suppose to be like any other time he had been chased by Rosco where he would normally lose Rosco or Rosco would go off into the ditch or into the pond. But it wasn’t like any other time. This time it was different. This time the sheriff’s car rolled down a steep ditch and into some trees and this time, Rosco didn’t get out shaking his fist at Bo. No, this time, Bo had to park The General and go check on Rosco only to find Rosco covered in blood and unconscious. This time it had led to hours of waiting in the waiting room, waiting on word on Rosco to hear he was badly beaten and lost deeply within a coma. That they‘d know better of the sheriff‘s future once or if he woke up. This time, Bo only had himself to blame. The squeak of the flimsy screen kitchen door breaks through the morning silence and Bo slowly glances around to find Jesse slowly walking out on the porch while buttoning up his coat. “It’s chilly out here this morning,†Jesse states as a way of greeting and Bo only nods and turns away, “mind I sit here?†Jesse sits down besides Bo, not waiting for an answer. “Luke tol’ me what happened last night and why y’all didn’t come home. Y’all had me worried sick when I woke up at one and didn’t see The General parked out front. I thought of all the horrible things that could have happened to you or Luke or both of you, of why you weren’t home. Was ready to go out lookin’ for you myself, but thought it’d be best to let it rest til daylight. By then, I saw The General parked out front and found you and Luke in bed. I can’t tell you how relieved I was. I -†Jesse goes silent as he puts a caring hand around Bo’s shoulder’s and sighs heavily to feel his nephew tense up, “I don’t know what I’d do if something were to happen to you or Luke. Or Daisy.†Bo steals a look at his wise uncle before looking out over the familiar Duke farm’s front lawn as if seeing it for the first time before his eyes go back to his leather boots. He slowly shrugs under Jesse’s caring arm and opens his mouth to say something only to close it once again as he fights off a heavy wave of emotions. The last thing he wanted was to make his uncle worry or upset at him or worse yet, to be disappointed at him which was why he was refusing to look at his uncle. “I’m sorry, Uncle Jesse,†he finally states in a tired and weak voice, “guess we shoulda called or something.†“Damn right you should’ve. Or at least woke me up when you got home,†Jesse states in a half stern voice, already knowing and sensing Bo’s harsh emotions, “but you have no reason to be sorry for. After what happened, I am sure you had more things to worry and think about than just little ol’ me.†Jesse pauses for a long moment as he watches a car go by before eyeing his nephew with worry, noticing how he is refusing to look up at him, “Like I said, Luke tol’ me what had happened. Or Luke had tol’ me what you tol’ him that had happened. But I want to hear it from the source of what had happened. What happened, Bo?†Bo is quick to look up at Jesse with a look of disbelief and hurt and Jesse is quick to note the tears watering Bo’s baby blue eyes before Bo quickly looks away. “You already said Luke told you what happened,†Bo slowly states, “I don’t mean no disrespect, but how many times you need to hear what I had done?†“What you had done?†Jesse questions, picking up Bo’s heavy guilt that he is fighting with, “From what Luke had said, sounds like Rosco has his share of the blame as well. Not just you.†Jesse goes silent feeling the hurt swell deep within him, hurt at his desperate need to help his young nephew through his pain. “I don’t care if I heard it from Luke. Luke wasn’t there when it had happened, he didn’t see it happen. It was only you and Rosco by the sounds of it and sometimes info gets lost when you hear it from someone else. What happened last night, Bo?†Bo remains silent as he eyes the cracked wooden plank under his boots as he yearns to disappear or to be somewhere else by himself so he wouldn’t be able to see or hear his uncle’s worry or his disappointment. “I went to pick Luke up as you had tol’ me to do,†Bo slowly states. . .
  19. Very good Lizzy. I never was a Dale Earnhardt fan, but do remember that day. At that time, I was a fan, but knew very little about NASCAR and the rules and all of that. Actually, that year, that Daytona 500 race was the only race I saw. It was so surreal that he would pass like that for if I remember correctly, his accident was a lot alike most accidents you see every race. I have seen worse accidents in the years following and the drivers walk out like nothing happened...in fact if I remember right, that same race there was a multicar pile up (Gordon was one of them and one of the few that was able to return to the track) where a car rolled over other cars and they all walked away from it. Yet Dale...I remember watching it and my sister calling to talk to my dad and my dad telling me she said Dale died in it. Though at the time HANS (Head and Neck Support) was optional to wear and Dale didn't wear it. Now the HANS is not an option but a rule. May Dale rest in peace...he died doing what he was great at and what he loved doing. Who won that race?
  20. LOL Roger. I had thought of Boss Hogg saying that while I read the first part of your post there. Rusty Wallace, huh? If you were to ask me what NASCAR legend you are missing from that list...I would have to say Jeff Gordon since you didn't list him. But it was your trivia question, so I guess we'll go with your answer . . .this time. February 18th will signify what event in NASCAR's history?
  21. EEHK!!! LOL. Glad to see you back on. Hope all is going well with you.

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