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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Luke hung his head tears welling again in his eyes. He didn't want to hurt his uncle or any of them...but his own pain was just too much. "Bo...I...I do...love you..." he stopped as as a large section of cliff tumbled down the peak. There was no turning back-if he so much as moved what little piece of cliff he was on would break off completely.
  2. Luke glanced at him as more rocks tumbled. His normal carefree blue eyes now had a haunted look about them. "How do you know Bo...how do you know...this isn't what I want?" he asked in a hushed voice, choked with pain.
  3. Tears started flowing rapidly from his eyes, feeling Bo's squeeze. Luke was a lot of things, but a liar was not one of them and he could not deny the truth in Bo's words. "I can't...I...I just can't..." he said, stones falling more as if each word he spoke sent them downward*
  4. "I...I just...." The pleading of his baby brother was tearing at his heartstrings. He was doing all he could to avoid those puppy eyes of his. Tough as he was, Bo knew how to make him crack. "Bo...I just...I wanna be alone...I...I want..." He didn't say what he wanted, but the sob that escaped his throat told Bo more than his words could.
  5. Luke looked back over the cliff. "Bo..you don't understand...I...I just..." He tried to put into words how he felt but to no avail. With a choke that was anything but happy, he asked, "Why're ya doin' this...why can't...you just leave me?" He knew the answer before Bo could open his mouth. Bo loved him, in some ways idolized him. In his mind, Bo still needed his big brother. In Luke's mind, he was no good to anyone anymore.
  6. Luke near growled at the teary plea from his cousin. He hadn't wanted Bo to follow him out here. He knew that this was just adding to the problems...but somehow...when he was out here...he could forget everything...and everyone. He could be alone with himself. Now though, Bo and his teary eyes tugged at his heart. Much as he wanted to end his own pain, he couldn't stand the thought of causing more pain for Bo. He loved Bo more than his own life, and unfortunately for him, Bo knew this. "Bo...don't..."
  7. Despite Bo's efforts not to startle him, Luke jumped slightly, the jagged rocks tumbling down the cliff as he did. Luke didn't move, didn't face him. He knew he had failed his family and couldn't bare the look of disappointment on Bo's face. "Go home Bo...please..."
  8. Luke had never been one to give up, no matter what the circumstances. He was a fighter, in every sense of the word, and "quit" was not a word in his dictionary. Yet, as he sat contemplating his life, he couldn't help but wonder why: why life had led him down the paths it did, why he had gone through what he did, and why things continued to spiral out of control. He looked down, down over the cliff watching as a small rock jerked loose as he shifted and tumbled down the steep embankment, soon lost in the darkness of the morning. Luke felt just like that rock...as if his life too was just continuing downward, with no thought of stopping, soon lost in the darkness. Another tear dripped down as he felt his body tremble a few more rocks cascading down the cliff as he did.
  9. (For DaisyMaeDuke and BoJamesDuke only) Luke Duke had always been somewhat of a loner. He had always been somewhat closed-off and distant, except to those he truly loved and trusted. Even then, at times it was like pulling hen's teeth to get the older Duke boy to open up, to verbally say what was going on in that head of his... and more often than not, there was some wheel-a-turnin'. He had always been labeled the "smart" one... the one who could devise and carry out a plan in a matter of minutes...a plan so detailed that even the likes of Boss Jefferson Davis Hogg couldn't help but admire and wish, from time to time, that them Duke boys were on his side. Luke found silent satisfaction in that- more than he had ever let on. It was an irony the thoughtful young man couldn't help but smirk at. He had always been book-smart (when he chose to open them) and being a school of hard knocks graduate, he was street savy as well. But when the USA government got hold of his young mind,training him to think even more than he had before, they unknowling released their worst enemy. Now Luke Duke fought the system with the best of them, and usually won every battle he undertook. Payback, he supposed, for turning a naive farmboy into a war-hardened man in a span of 1460 days, give-or-take a few. Yes, Luke Duke knew many things. He knew how to charm the ladies and throw a mean left-hook, often within the same minute. He knew how to run a farm, outrun the law and could assemble an engine with his eyes shut. With the same blue eyes he could calm a frighten child or make a hitman resent the day he had crossed Luke's path. By the time he was four he had learned the meaning of loss, losing his family and the only home he had ever known in a manner of days. He knew how to drive a tank, ride a horse and drop, fully geared, into a cave full of enemy who would just as soon kill him as look at him. He knew how to set aside all fear and escape into his own mind, despite the horrific tortures being brought on him. Now, he sat alone looking to the pre-dawn starlit sky, his legs dangling procariously over the edge of Widow's Peak, hoping that Bo didn't notice he was gone. He thought long and hard about himself, who he was, his former dreams and life-goals. He thought about his past, but thought more about the present, specifically, the past month, when the life he had come to depend on as a tightly-woven life-line, began to quickly unravel. Yes, Luke Duke knew a lot of things, but how to go on was not one of them.
  10. Happy Sweet 16 Lori. I hope your year is awesome!

  11. Small world....and don't believe what Roger says. I ain't trouble... it's them dang cousins of mine that are the trouble...I am the one that gets 'em outta it. Yeah I'm actually not quite at Midland...a bit farther south, but it's a nice area...my little town resembles Hazzard in many ways so it's nice.
  12. Old Ridge Runner Road Jamie Lee Hogg Too Many Roscos
  13. September (my birthday month:) And Orlando Bloom was the actor who was in it)
  14. Cool! I know that place! I live near Birch Run between Flint and Saginaw
  15. Bloom (Pirates of the Carribbean)
  16. Welcome to hnet Courtney! Im from Michigan too...where in MI you from?
  17. to clarify...it isnt dark dark like Tom's is...it's more a nice medium shade of brown...
  18. Honest John Ledbetter Green Apple Road The Legacy
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