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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. LOL. My AUNT's name is Dixie...so you would think my family would be very reneckish...but alas I was born a Yankee (course my soul isn't but I don't think there are many Dukes lovers who arent redneck in their souls!)
  2. Daisy swallowed as they arrived. "Uncle Jesse? Uncle Jesse...look...look who's here..." Luke hung back his lip quivering hardly daring to look at him as tears rolled down his cheeks.
  3. Luke swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his chest, but hesitantly takes Bo by the hand.
  4. They soon arrived the three of them making their way inside, Luke tempted to run. Daisy turned back to him. "Luke?"
  5. Daisy drove quickly to the hospital, almost in fear that now Luke was with them they would be too late. Luke just sat, letting the wind dry his tears.
  6. Daisy swallowed as she was caught mid-hug. She looked at Luke and simply nodded. "Alright...let's ...let's go."
  7. Daisy looked at him in shock. You...you're going?!" Luke simply nodded a little. "Oh Luke thank you! Thank you!" she said as she hugged him. Luke looked at Bo pleadingly, still not at all comfortable about this and not understanding why she would thank him when he was the reason everything had gone so very wrong.
  8. Daisy soon came out, having touched up her make up and looking to Bo. "You ready?"
  9. Luke looked at him questioningly as he took the cup, but drank it down, not even noticing whether it was hot or not.
  10. Normally Luke would have protested greatly to the special treatment, but right now he didn't. He just went along with what he said, not wanting to hurt Bo any more than he already had*
  11. Luke swallowed hard but nodded dejectedly. "Kay Bo."
  12. Luke continued fighting his losing battle with his tears. He was scared. Scared of seeing his uncle, scared of being sent away, and scared of himself.
  13. Bitter tears traced down his cheeks dampening Bo's shirt. "I'm sorry...M'so sorry..."
  14. Luke just latched onto Bo, his tears falling continually. He hated himself with a passion and he couldn't imagine why Bo was stilll here with him. So he clung to him, knowing it would probably be any moment and Bo would leave him too.
  15. "Is too...everything...s'all my fault," he choked burying his head against Bo's shoulder. "I'm s-sorry..."
  16. Luke didn't answer to that, just hugging more into Bo feeling more and more horrible for what he was doing to him. "M'sorry."
  17. "Never...hate you..." said Luke softly. In truth he didn't blame him at all. At least if Luke was out of the way, it would be one less thing Bo would have to deal with.
  18. Luke swallowed hard tears falling down his cheeks. He felt horrible for making Bo take on all the responsibility. It was supposed to be Luke...Luke was the one who was supposed to be in charge...thee big brother...the would be patriarch...not Bo. "If...if you think...it's best," he said softly not really caring what became of him.
  19. Luke didn't leave his hold, but said softly, "You...you want me to go?"
  20. Luke looked up at him questioningly. "Th-therapy?"
  21. Luke leaned into Bo's hold. He didn't understand why he was feeling the way he was, why at times he felt so very much alone, why the longing to be free from the pain he felt was so very strong. It all scared him... and he didn't know what to do about it.
  22. Luke just hugged Bo in return, tears still dripping down his face.
  23. Luke sniffed not looking at him but nodded again.
  24. Luke swallowed hard. He didn't want to see his uncle. He didn't want to face up to what, in his mind, he had allowed to happen. But he also didn't want to hurt Bo more than he already had. Silently he nodded his head.
  25. Tears dripped from Luke's eyes too. "I don't wanna," he pleaded softly.
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