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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Ever-watchful Jesse heard something amiss in the tone and opened his eyes giving a small smile to his two youngest frowning slightly that Luke was nowhere to be seen.
  2. Daisy sat too. Without opening an eye Jesse's voice could be heard. "Yer...late...comin..."
  3. Daisy got out too taking Bo's hand. Together they walked into the hospital and made the familiar trek to Jesse's room. Jesse lay in the bed, pale. Monitors beeped softly in the background.
  4. Daisy swallowed staring at the doors to the hospital as she and Bo pulled up. "It's getting so I hate everything about this place," she admitted sadly.
  5. Daisy too let out a soft sigh just letting the gentle hum of the General soothe her restless mind.
  6. Daisy soon climbed in beside him, leaning her head on his shoulder, just needing the closeness of her brother.
  7. Daisy pulled away too nodding. "I'll come with you." Right now she didn't want to be alone, and if she stayed with Luke, she might as well have been.
  8. Daisy held him quietly just taking in the comforting hold of her cousin. She understood now why all the girls had compared Bo to a 6 feet 4 inch tall teddy bear. No one could hug like he could.
  9. Daisy just nodded a little, hugging into Bo. "I hope so," she said choking softly.
  10. Daisy looked at him too shocked for words. She had seen the sadness in Luke's eyes lately- they all had the same. And she had known what Bo told her about him being on the cliff, but for some reason it didn't sink in...until now. Tears started to roll don her cheeks. "Oh Bo Im sorry...I'm sorry...I didn't understand..."
  11. "What? Bo...no! NO! It's Luke yer talkin about!! He'll pull through this! He's been in funks before...you know how he can be!" exclaimed Daisy tears shining in her eyes.
  12. Daisy bit her lip. "I'll come...if you think he'll be ok..." She looked towards his room with a sigh. "Should we call a doc for him tomorrow?"
  13. "Should...should someone stay with Luke?" she asked. She really didn't know just how bad things had gotten with him. Had he just been thinking of stepping off? Did he have one foot over? She knew he certainly didn't look well now.
  14. Daisy sniffed. All her years at the farm, she had never once felt like an orphan, or an only child. Now though, with everything happening so sudden, she felt more scared and alone than ever before.
  15. Daisy soon finished feeding the animals, and went inside to start fixing some lunch, angry tears falling down her cheeks.
  16. Daisy's lip quivered but she said nothing, going about feeding the animals, scratching Maudine behind her long ears as she passed.
  17. "An' you're one of them!" insisted Daisy, tears coming to her eyes. "Bo don't shut yourself off...just cause Luke does it don't make it right!"
  18. "Then let me help you Bo...please..." pleaded Daisy. "You can't do everything on your own..."
  19. Daisy stopped what she was doing, hurrying to him and taking him by the shoulders and shakes her head. "Of course it's important Bo!"
  20. Daisy sighed but started feeding the animals. "Ya aint alright Bo...anyone with an eye can see that..." she said softly.
  21. "No...I'll help ya," she answered going to the pile of feed and lifting a bag. "You doin' ok?" she asked quietly.
  22. "Bo?" began Daisy looking in at him from the barn door. "Honey...can I talk to you?"
  23. Daisy sighed and began to do the dishes that lay waiting in the sink. Truth was, she was very behind on her chores, having spent so much time with her uncle. She was worried about both her cousins. Bo never did function well on his own, and now it seemed to her that Bo was kidding himself about how he was feeling...a trick he must have copied from Luke. She quickly finished the dishes and followed Bo out, determined to not let him get away with it.
  24. "I don't understand him... I mean...we ain't none of us taking this great but...why's he doing this Bo?" she asked, not really expecting an answer.
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