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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Welcome Mike! Let me be the first from Hazzard to thank you for protecting and serving our country! My hubby is a former Marine...I know all about deployments and Uncle Sam planning your vacations for you! haha. I'm so glad you got to go to Dukesfest! You probably saw me. I was blessed enough to be one of the Ultimate Dukesfans, so depending on what day you were there, you probably saw me at some point on stage. Anyway...welcome!!! We're a friendly group- and none of us bite....well...not much!
  2. Luke's tears overtook him once more as he clutched onto Bo. He was more afraid than he would ever admit, not so much of what might lay before him treatment wise but more so that he had lost his family for good.
  3. Daisy's lip quivered as she watched them, scared. Luke grabbed onto his brother burying his face against him again. "I'm sorry I hurt you...I'm sorry."
  4. Luke looked into Bo's eyes seeing the desparation there. He was afraid for his brother. "I...I promise.." he said softly.
  5. Luke hated that he did that. He would love to think that this was all up to him, but he knew better. If it was all up to him he would have fixed it all long ago. But it wasn't up to him... sure he chose to listen to the docs or not, but what if the treatments didn't work? What if he was too far gone? He sure felt like he was.... how could he then make promises to get better? "I'm gonna try," he promised. It was all he could do.
  6. "Daddy," objected Abi. "Aw...am I leanin on ya?" Luke pretended to lean more, stealing a kiss to the top of her head.
  7. Luke looked tearily at his cousin, his face pale, his hands trembling as he did.
  8. "Cmon Abi... let's go back with Uncle Bo an' them," he then preceeded to carry his daughter swinging her upside down by her feet over to them, she giggling all the way until he righted her and stood beside her, leaning on her.
  9. "It'll happen one day Enos," said Luke clasping his shoulder gently. Luke Duke had never been one to show affection or sentiment, at least not in public, but things seemed to have changed a lot for the older Duke since Cassie had been gone. He smiled towards them before sneaking up behind his daughter who had set down her shell and was trying her best to blow up a balloon. "Boo!" yelled Luke grabbing her sides and tickling her. Abi screamed, though she was grinning ear to ear. The balloon she had been blowing flew from her hands making a sputtering sound flying to the other side and hitting Rosco on the back of the head. Both dark-haired Dukes couldn't help but giggle. "Shame on ya Abi!" said Luke playfully. "Daddy!" Luke laughed tossing his daughter in the air and catching her pressing kisses all over her face. Abi of course gave him a disgusted look and tried to escape his clutches. She didn't try very hard though and eventually retaliated kissing the tip of Luke's nose with soft butterfly kisses of her own, that being her special spot. She then hugged his neck as he held her close. "I love you so so much Daddy." "I love you too Princess," answered Luke plucking a green leaf out of her dark hair and chuckling. "What's that in yer pocket?" The "princess" pulled out her trusty slingshot. "Just in case of robbers...." she explained sincerely. Luke smiled in silent satisfaction. She might look like a miniature beauty queen- in a red checkered shirt, blue jeans and cowboy boots, but she sure was no sissy.
  10. Daisy put her hand to her mouth to hide a sob. She lost her uncle. If they left Luke, she was afraid he too would never leave this place. Luke simply nodded teary-eyed. He wanted to go home...with what little family he had left. But he needed help. Ill as he was, he recognized that he was well on his way down a path towards destruction. He could feel himself crumbling little by little, just like the cliff he had been on. He knew that one wrong movement would send him over the edge... and he was afraid he would take Bo and Daisy over the edge with him. He didn't quite understand how...or why he thought these things. He just knew what he felt... and now, right now, though he ddin't say it out loud, deep-down, he wanted revenge, revenge on the one person at fault for everything: Luke Duke. He knew Bo was scared and alone. He had lost the only daddy he had ever known. In a sense, Bo was, for the first time, feeling like an orphan. Luke couldn't help fear that Bo would resent him, if he already didn't. That was why he clung to him so much now. He was afraid at any moment the worm would turn and Luke would be alone for good.
  11. "If...if you can't help me...I...I want someone who can...cuz...Im afraid...araid of what...what I might do...if...if..." he stuttered.
  12. "I know...I know..." He understood- he was feeling the same way. Daisy bit her lip worriedly.
  13. "I dunno...I dunno...I just want it to stop," he pleaded softly.
  14. Luke nodded. "S'kinda obvious." He had had a suspiscion that she might be...she was acting a lot like Sara had...before Abi was born.
  15. Luke shrugged it off. "She's my sister." He didn't offer any further explanation... and hoped Enos wouldn't press the issue.
  16. Luke's lip quivered, but doesn't deny the obvious just trembling under Bo's soft touch.
  17. "I...I wanna go." said Luke softly though tears told the opposite story.
  18. "I wanna stop hurting..." he pleaded. He wanted to stop hurting the people he loved, but he also wanted his own pain to end.
  19. Luke watched her go too, protectively. Abi however raced to Rosco, shell in hand. "I wanna help with the balloons!" Luke chuckled. Shy and Abi Duke were not two things that went together.
  20. If I may.... I think your avatar is dyed Bo...(just my opinion)... However...his natural hair color is a medium brown-not quite that dark I dont think.
  21. Luke watched seeing how distraught Bo was and knowing that it was all largely due to him. "I wanna go," he answered steadily. It wasn't all true. He wanted to be with his family more than anything. But he couldn't keep hurting them...and if leaving would make him stop hurting them, then he was going to leave...one way or the other.
  22. Daisy swallowed looking at him. "You...you can't...help?" he asked his voice breaking.
  23. Luke looked at the fear in Bo's eyes. "I...I...need help but...I...I..." He swallowed hard, not knowing how to express his fears.
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