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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. "I...I keep...gettin the desire to...to....end my life...." sayid Luke softly. "I...I hate ...I...I hate me," he added, the blunt honesty surprising everyone including himself.
  2. "I...I...." he swallowed, ashamed to tell her. "See I...I was..."
  3. Luke swallowed hard. "Lu-lukas Kevin Duke...S-september 9, 1958."
  4. Luke nodded a little keeping hold of Bo's hand, clearly frightened.
  5. Luke nodded a little looking to Bo anxiously. "Don't go," he pleaded his heart thumping with nervousness.
  6. Luke swallowed nodding a little, though he wasn't looking forward to it.
  7. Luke placed the order at the ice cream counter, knowing exactly what Abi wanted withouut being told. Soon he bent down handing her her sundae, before getting one of his own and taking her by the hand, led her over to a shady spot sitting on the ground and drawing his beloved daughter into his lap as they ate their ice cream. "How is it?" Abi gave him a big smile. "Yummy!" Luke smiled, just watching her. Some days he couldn't look at her long enough.
  8. Luke swallowed hard but nodded. "If...if you think it's best...we'll...we'll go get some ice cream...c'mon cutie," says to his daughter crossing the street with her. Abi proudly rode on her daddy's shoulders, her sore hands forgotten with the promise of ice cream.
  9. Luke swallowed. If Bo had asked him eat a chicken, feathers and all, it would have come easier than for him to talk to a stranger about what he was feeling. He could hardly tell those he loved most.
  10. Hey all, Just thought I'd pass word that Karis had an apppendix attack on Saturday Night and had to have emergency surgery. She and Elly had planned on going with John this past weekend to NJ, but that is why they didn't make it. I'm sure it's all been extremely stressful for them...and for John being away from Karis like that. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers...
  11. Luke started tearing up as he felt Bo's hand. The small touch meant a lot to him, and the thought of disappointing him was mor ethan he could take. "Wh-where's the doctor...wh-what'll they do?" he asked more scared then he showed.
  12. Luke nodded slightly, listening to the soft sound of machines beeping and a wheeling cart going down the hallway. He simply nodded. I...I'll try."
  13. Luke stayed quiet as he once more picked his daughter up setting her on his strong shoulders, looking up to her. "You ready Freddy?" Abi's answer was to bend over and kiss the tip of his nose. Luke nodded. "Let's go."
  14. Luke gripped Bo's hand. "Wh-what if...they can't help me..."
  15. "Uh...yeah...c'mon Bo...let's go get Abi some ice cream..." he said making sure to include Bo, and not quite willing to let Abi out of his sight. "Yay!" squeeled Abi. "Can I have sprinkles?" "You was so brave, I think you deserve sprinkles and whipped cream AND a cherry."
  16. "Love you Bo...I...I do...I...." he started choking up so conflicted with emotion he didn't know how to even say what he wanted to say.
  17. "That'd be it...c.mon munchkin, I'll give ya a piggy-back ride to the faucet over there." Abi readily hopped on, tears still welling in her eyes, but refusing to cry, so like her daddy. Luke walked her quickly over, starting to wash her hands gently and tenderly, taking the time to calm down. "Only some scrapes...only some scrapes," he repeated softly to himself.
  18. Luke looked up at him, sniffing on the tears that tickled his nose. "I'm sorry...I did this...to you"
  19. "I concur," answered Luke softly. "Only one thing I know...t' cure scraped hands...." "Wh-what?" asked Abi her lip still trembling.
  20. Daisy nodded before slipping away to the waiting area. Tears dripped down Luke's cheeks, his hands shaking a little. Soon the orderly had him to his room helping him into bed, writing on a chart and leaving them.
  21. Luke nodded a little. "She thinks about him too..." began Luke when a scream made him jerk to see his baby girl on the ground, trying desperately not to cry having tripped over her boots and scraped her hands on the cement. Luke was there in an instant a look of fear on his face though trying desperately to keep calm for Abi's sake. " Where's it hurt sweetheart?" Little Abi bit her trembling lip and held out her hands, Luke taking them shakily in his hands and looking them over. His heart was thumping a mile a minute.
  22. "Bo...I...I'm just gonna get a drink..." said Daisy softly though the real reason was she just needed some time...time to contemplate everything...time to mourn...for not only her uncle...but for the man Luke used to be as well. Luke leaned more into Bo, drawing what comfort he could from his brother's hold.
  23. The orderly nodded. "For the moment at least..." Luke leaned his head against his cousin though he wouldn't face either him or Daisy.
  24. "Hope she does...been too long...since we was all together..." said Luke softly.
  25. Luke looked at Bo, his lip trembling a little but nodded softly. Together with Bo, Daisy helped her older cousin into the wheelchair. Large tears rolled down her cheeks. Luke simply stared at his hands.
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