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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Luke wiped the beer off his shirt. "Guess it tastes worse than usual huh?" he asked oblivious to what Lori had been looking at.
  2. "Well he's here...but he ain't all here...he's with Sara... I don't even think a rce could tear him away..." nods at them. Sara was looking dreamily into Bo's baby blue eyes, mesmerized by him.
  3. Luke shook his head sitting her back down gentleman as he was and wnt to get her another one, coming back a moment later. "You can consider that a concilation prize... to wash down the dust you'll be eating from the General next time we hit the track."
  4. Luke nodded back. "Best go get them chores done..." he said before leaving the room.
  5. "Just glad you're ok..." he said not saying anything about how hurt he had been. "Friends?" he asked holding out his hand.
  6. "Whatever you want Bo" he replied figuring it wouldget Bo's mind off things.
  7. Luke looked over at Candy and smiled. "Yeah...I think we are."
  8. Luke turned he chair around sitting backward in it his arms resting across the back. "You ok?"
  9. Luke shook his head. "Nah...don't be...I wasn't thinkin'....s'ok" he added sitting down on his bed.
  10. "Is she here?!" he asked as he had been too absorbed with Candy to notice. "Can you excuse me?" Without waiting for an answer he made his way over to Lori's table. "Lori...uh...*nods to a chair* This seat taken?"
  11. "hey" offered Luke quietly as he came in not sure of the reception he'd receive.
  12. The words didn't comfort Luke much. "I'm gonna go talk t' Bo..." he added thinking that at least Bo didn't have raging hormones to deal with....talking to him, he dared to hope, might be somewhat easier.
  13. Luke swallowed as she said that. "Daisy if this is gonna happen once a month...." He said nothing more, the thought making him tremble in his boots.
  14. Luke was sitting with Candy nearby, just talking softly, enjoying each other's company.
  15. Luke swallowed leaning his head against the wall, an overwhelming feeling of incapability seemed to wash over him. Sighing he ran a hand through his dark curls.
  16. Luke looked away a little not sure of himself as he once had been, not wanting another argument to start. He wasn't scared of Jaime...more he was afraid he would messthings up so bad he could not fix them again.
  17. Luke sighed. "Look...it' done now. You have school. We can talk about it later..."
  18. Luke kept his arms around her kissing the top of her head gently. "S'alright...you and I got tempers is all...we need t' control 'em better..."
  19. Luke sighed and went over, biting his lip and replacing Daisy's arms with his own, wraps them silently around Jaime. "We's all said an' done things we regret..."
  20. Luke bit his lip not knowing what to say. It wasn't often a girl could make him speechless. Jaime, however, could do it in an instant.
  21. "Send her away?! Good Lord Jesse, how on earth could things turn so bad so quickly?!" He shook his head not really expecting an answer. Instead he pushed himself up and headed inside, Jesse's words ringing in his ears. "What a mess," muttered Luke as he headed inside. He hadn't meant to be ungrateful, and he hadn't meant to feel sorry for himself, but he guessed the reasons he felt what he felt and said what he said weren't so important now. What was important was assuring Jaime that she was wanted still and somehow offer comfort to Bo that he hadn't realized Bo had been needing. Luke did learn his lesson however. There was no place to cry over spilled milk. His parents were gone and no amount of grieving would bring them back. In fact, grieving for them only seemed to hurt the people he loved most... especially Bo. He had to admit that it did hurt not being able to talk about what he was feeling with Bo. The two shared everything from socks when Bo's mysteriously went astray to their most secret dreams. In fact, Bo was the one person Luke felt he could confide in... more so even than Jesse. Now, he could not openly share his fears and his longings with Bo- doing so would hurt him. And if Luke had to shut off his feelings about the past to Bo to keep him from being hurt, than that was what he would do.
  22. Luke grew quiet thinking about that a moment. He had always thought about Bo as the lucky one in that respect. You couldn't very well grieve over something you never had. But then again, he had to admit it must be hard for his youngest cousin to have to rely on others' memories to formulate his own parents in his mind. Bo had always been the most tenderhearted of the family and by far the most sensitive. Luke had always figured he didn't mention his parents because to him, his parents were Uncle Jesse and Aunt Lavinia...no one else. But now another thought occurred to him. Maybe it was because it hurt him to think about the people he would never have a chance to know. Luke's face paled as he thought about that and an overwhelming feeling of stupidity cast its shadow over him. "Great Luke...here you go opening your mouth for once trying to tell Bo how bad you got it...expecting him to understand...when there's no way he ever can...and that fact hurting him besides...you sure know how to pick the time to talk..." chastized Luke to himself as two guilty tears escaped from his eyes.
  23. "Why would you be glad I said somethin' like that?" asked Luke, a confused look on his face.
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