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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Jesse turned to look at his youngest. "So...watch yer tongue...and yer fists" he said before opening the door to Luke's room. " There he is...there's my boy." Luke looked up at him. "Hey."
  2. "Well...I understand how that would rile ya...but just the same ya hafta get control of that temper. Luke needs you....more n likely he's gonna need t see ya after the surgery...you gettin kicked outta the hospital or arrested for assault ain't gonna help him any."
  3. Jesse followed him. "And another thing... you ain't gonna be no help to Luke if you attack doctors like a mad man. Now I don't care what your reason was, should he be Luke's treating physician you could have put him in considerable danger should he choose to get back atcha."
  4. Jesse nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I bet he is.. let's go." Luke let out a long sigh and stared up at the ceiling.
  5. Luke laid back against his pillows with a long sigh looking at his crushed foot. He couldn't blame the mule, she didn't know no better. Still, he was worried beyond comfort.
  6. Luke set back in the bed breathing a sigh of relief. It was some comfort that these doctors seemed to know what they were doing. Still, he wished Bo was here.
  7. Luke wasn't afraid of needles like Bo was, but he hated blood work still. Setting his jaw, he held out his arm and waited for the inevitable.
  8. "Well...I've stopped breathing before..I guess I've had a convulsion before...I don't really remember...I was out of it when it happened...all I know is what I was told," explained Luke. "Good...good," said Jesse patting his good shoulder.
  9. Luke squirmed a little. "No sir. I sure don't." Jesse nodded. "Well, I guess all we gotta do now is wait. You doing alright?"
  10. Luke nodded though the thought was anything but comforting. Jesse looked at Bo. "So what's going on?"
  11. Well, I live in what has to be the most Southern town in Northern Michigan...and I don't mean geographically. We have one stop light in the middle of town. We are quite proud of it...gives us the big twn mentality. What really reminds me of Hazzard is the fact that everone knows everyone here on a first name basis. Many of the people in our town have Southern origins and being out in the country, there are always people fishing in the river, or mud bogs, or as our road is famous for, drag races. We have 3 schools all together and I do mean all together. There are all sorts of farms here and it's not uncommon to look out the window and see a coon or a deer gracing us with their presence. I suppose the thing that most reminds me of Hazzard though is the Confederate Flag. You find it lots of places here.
  12. So Bo had been right. The news wasn't good for Luke who just looked down and nodded. "Alright Daisy girl...we'll see you later then...bye..." said Jesse hanging up and turning to Bo. "That girl sure can talk," he said rubbing his ear.
  13. Luke nodded his understanding. "How long...til I'm back on my feet?" Jesse was on the phone, talking with Daisy.
  14. Luke nodded knowing Bo didn't do so well with bloody details. "Go ahead," he answered.
  15. Luke remained quiet, thankful for the stillness in the room. Some people hated quiet...it made them uneasy. But Luke had never been one to talk much. So the silence in the room coupled with Bo's reassuring arm around him calmed him, like nothing else could.
  16. Deep down, Luke knew that most likely everything would be fine. He and Bo had been in worse situations before and had come out okay. He couldn't pinpoint what exactly had him so frigtened. But since his time in Nam, it was all Luke could do to relinquish control over to someone whenever it involved himself. Truth be told, the only person he really trusted with himself was Bo...and that was soley because Bo had been his constant anchor, even when he was away.
  17. Hank rode up to the town spotting Lorraine not far from where he had left her. "Care t' go for a ride?" he asked taking off his hat with one hand and holding his hand out two her with the other.
  18. Luke sighed deep and nodded. "It ain't the operation that scares me...or the pain....it's the goin under...the not knowing what is goin on..."
  19. Hank growled but said, "Fine I will!" Getting back on his horse, he headed for town, hoping Loraine wold be there, longing to see her and get his mind off of his troublesome cousin.
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