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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. (This is for me and BoJames to do ) Luke Duke woke up with a smile on his face. "I'm a daddy," he thought to himself, feeling the butterflies in his stomach once more. It had been a long time since Luke had felt giddy. He was often happy: singing with Bo in the General, sailing over a washed out bridge, eating crawdad bisque surrounded by his family...those things were enough to make a man happy, and it certainly was enough for Luke. At least, it used to be. Since Jaime had moved in, an emptiness Luke never knew existed seemed to get filled inside of him and the life he thought that could not get better had. If he had any regrets, it was that now he realized just how much he missed having his own Daddy. It had been easier for Bo; the only daddy he remembered was Uncle Jesse. Luke however, remembered his own... and now more than ever he wished he could sit and talk with him, man to man, about how to be a Daddy.
  2. Luke sighed contentedly, stroking her blond hair as they kissed.
  3. "I can do that." He hopped on the trunk with her and took her in his arms again kissing her, shivers runniing up his spine as he did so.
  4. Luke smiled back. "Nah...I like to keep it legal..." Turning he went back to Candy. "So where were we?"
  5. "Stay put," Luke tells her as he goes over to Bo. "Hey...I think...I can take it from here..."
  6. Reluctantly he pulled away. "Bo's waitin...I best go tell him...he can go..." he fumbled not taking his eyes off her.
  7. Luke didn't break the kiss. Instead he slid one hand to her small waiist the other buried in her hair as he bent over her, their shadows merging together in the sun.
  8. Luke's arms reached around her and pulled her close, deepening the kiss, oblivious to the fact that Bo was watching.
  9. Luke swallowed and leaned forward cupping her head in his hands and kissed her gently.
  10. Luke sighed. She had a point. Still... "You know...my uncle always said that the way to build trust is to take chances..." He swallowed. "I've been without you...I don't like me wiithout you..."
  11. Luke swallowed and took a step forward, biting his lip before saying, "My heart's tellin me to hold on..." He took her hand. "I love you..."
  12. "I don't know!" cried Luke. My head's tellin me to turn tail and run the other way...but my heart..." he began swallowing.
  13. Luke sighed running a hand down his face. In some ways it would have been easier had she said no. "I love you Candy...I do...but...I'm just gonna tell you...what you did...I have a hard time believing you ain't gonna hurt me again...when you set out to use me."
  14. "Prove me wrong...that you don't love me..." his voice hesitant and shaking.
  15. Luke sighed. "I want you to prove I'm wrong..." he stammered. "Please... prove me wrong."
  16. Finally Luke managed to balance himself enough between the two cars to push himself up and scrambled getting inside the passenger seat of Candy's car. "Less you want to go to jail for takin me over state llines I'd pull over..."
  17. Luke took a deep breath and jumped his foot slipping a little as he did. Pushing himself towards the right window he held on, trying desperately to pull himself up again.
  18. Luke glanced back at Bo. It wasn't so much to tell him to keep it steady...it was more to get the reassurance that he wasn't alone. Edging closer he held up his hands getting ready to cross over to Candy's car.
  19. Luke nodded. "I hear...thanks..." Taking a deep breath he slid out the window, his hair being pushed back against his head they were traveling so fast. He wasn't worried at all about Bo keping a steady hand....he was more worried that Candy would not.
  20. Luke swallowed. "Bo...you...you think you can pull up close behind her?" He was bound and determined to get the truth....no matter what... and if some fancy foot work would get it to him that that's what he would do.
  21. Luke swallowed hard taking the CB. "Candy...Candy this is Luke...do you copy?"
  22. Luke said nothing, not liking the way Bo spoke to him, but obediently got in looking intently out the window.
  23. "I want the truth," said Luke simply hating the way Bo was looking at him. He felt bad enough...and Bo beingmad at him wasn't helping.
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