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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. "I don't know what the heck I'm doing that's what's going on!" He put his elbows on the table, held his head in his hands and sighed.
  2. Luke sighed softly feeling less and less adequate. Should he escort her to the table since she was late for school anyway? Should he leave her be? He didn't know anymore.
  3. "That may be...but that wasn't dressin' to stay cool...and you and I both know that."
  4. "I know it ain't what you're wearin!" called Luke after her before sitting weakly down.
  5. "All I'm askin is that you dress modestly...that's all," returned Luke quietly.
  6. "Look at me when I talk to you," insisted Luke bringing her chin up. "Now you listen. You are a beautiful beautiful girl...you ain't gotta wear short shorts and tiny tops to emphasize it...anyone with an eye can see it."
  7. "Did you really think I was gonna let you go to school like that?" asked Luke.
  8. Luke looked at him with one of his famous looks. "Thanks a lot..." He kept both hands on Jaime's shoulders walking her back inside.
  9. Luke tore after her stopping as he saw Bo grab her and hold her, chuckling to himself. He made his way up to his daughter. "Don't you know by now, if Bo knows one thing it's how to catch the ladies..."
  10. "Aunt Daisy is a grown woman, well over 18. And she isn't my daughter...you are," answered Luke, irritated himself.
  11. Luke felt his face getting red. "You're pushing it Jaime. You ain't leavin the house like that...so if you don't wanna wear this..." he held up the dress, "...then I suggest you find something appropriate."
  12. "Watch me..." He frowned and opened her closet door, taking out a long flowered dress with a high neckline, that reached past her ankles. "There...where that."
  13. He quaked at the word cheerleaders. "No daughter of mine is goin' around advertisin "what she's got"...not while I'm a live and kicking so either you pick out something appropriate or I will."
  14. Luke headed out the door after her, grabbing hold of her, slinging her over his shoulder like a sack of potatos and carried her back inside and to her room shutting the door. "Do we really need to have this discussion, or you gonna change now and be done?"
  15. "The shoes are great.... it's the rest of ya that needs covered so march back in that room and get to it."
  16. Luke cleared his throat uneasily. "You uh...plannin on goin' somewhere in that?"
  17. Luke scowled. For some reason it smelled distinctly like Bo's socks, and that wasn't a pleasent smell. He forgot all about it however when he saw Jaime come into the kitchen.
  18. He took a sip of coffee and scowled. "You made the coffee this mornin ddin't ya Bo?"
  19. Luke tugged playfully at her hair as he turned to leave. "You know you love me..." He walked into the kitchen, tousling Bo's hair as he passed him to get a cup of coffee.
  20. A chuckle escapes him. "That ain't all I'm gonna do if ya don't get ready for school, now c'mon."
  21. "If you're cold, get up Sweet Pea...it'll warm ya..." trying not to laugh at her when she yelled at him.
  22. "Yes...c'mon now ya got school today....let's go..." He pulled the blankets off her letting the coldness of the room wake her up.
  23. Luke pushed himself up and tickled Bo's foot as he passed by, going to Jaime's room that they had built on and laughed to himself. Clothes were thrown everywhere, despite the fact that she really didn't have that many to begin with. He burrowed a path to her bed and bent down kissing her forehead. "For my daughter you sure do take after your Uncle Bo...." he said to himself. "Hey sweetie time to get up..."
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