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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Jesse looked over at his two boys, each so focused on the job at hand. "Luke...I'm just gonna go in and check on Daisy....you finish up out here and bring Bo inside..." "Yes sir," said Luke pounding more nails in as his uncle left.
  2. ****Flashback**** It had begun like any other night on the Duke Farm- only it was unlike any other night. The wind was howling, promising a dilly of a storm and Luke and Bo were in the barn, helping their uncle make the dwelling water-tight and secure. Nine year old Luke was busy pounding more nails into the wood, at the same time glancing over to his six year old cousin Bo who, as always, was anxiously helpful, bu of little help. He was so cute and sweet though that neither he nor Jesse had the heart to tell him to go inside.
  3. "Just a li'l bit of thunder Bo...s'ok," said Luke softly, one hand going to his shoulder protectively.
  4. I think.... Bottomless River Hogg's platinum mine Duke of Duke (i dont believe there is an s at the end)
  5. Daisy nodded, sniffing a little and wiping at her eyes with her handkerchief. Luke frowned too, but didn't say anything more turning his attention to Bo as thunder shook the house.
  6. Daisy wiped her eyes. "You two...you just...you talk so big...but...you act...like...like..." "Like what?" asked Luke indignantly. "Like kids!" said Daisy losing herself in giggles all over again.
  7. Daisy shook her head. "No...it's nothing....it's nothing..."
  8. Daisy shook her head, tears in her eyes now. "I don't know." Luke rolled his eyes. "Womenfolk."
  9. Luke sighed. "Yes sir...sorry Bo," he added. Daisy snickered.
  10. "Truth t' who, cousin?" asked Luke playfully.
  11. Luke laughed out loud as Daisy snorted, snippetly replying, "Air's not only getting cold it's also getting really really thick."
  12. Jesse coughed uneasily taking a drink of his cocoa. "Well...ya had to learn from someone...might as well learn from the best," he added with a smirk well knowing what he was starting.
  13. Luke hid a smile on his face. "I'm probably gonna be sorry I asked but, what in the world are ya talkin' bout Bo?"
  14. Luke nodded. "Tell me about it...readin' your thoughts...that's a scary pastime."
  15. Luke smiled a little sheepishly. "Guess I'm hearin' your thoughts again cousin..." Jesse laughed lightly. Knowing what Bo was thinking about as a youngster never ceased to amaze him. Nor did it surprise him that Luke seemingly knew what he was thinking. It had happened between them often enough...
  16. Luke wrapped himself up more in his blanket, sipping on his cocoa, shaking his head. "S'ok Bo," he murmured softly.
  17. What kind o' question is that?! 'Course I missed you! That's why I made those couple visits out to LA...and that's why I got you that hat...so you wouldn't forget me. As far as Jamie Hogg...I don't give two cents for that phony. He sure can't hold a candle to you...
  18. Jesse sat down in his chair, wrapping an old quilt around himself as he did. Luke, too, wrapped a blanket around himself, staring quietly into the fire as he sat next to Bo. He wasn't afraid of storms in the way Bo was. No, his fear was the dark, and had been ever since the dark jungles of Nam. He didn't mention it though, and neither did the family. It was one of those things that he chose not to talk about. "Y'all feel a draft?" asked Luke as a cool wind blew through the cracks in the wood.
  19. That's ok, Bo...like you always say: Ya ain't perfect....just pretty going for 6.... old Clooney barn Mount Vernon Highway Daisy's Song
  20. Oh yeah...he wrote...and called...that Jude Emery...wanted me to fly in to Dallas so he could serenade me under the stars at night...sounded real nice at first...til I discovered that the stars weren't the only thing bigger in Texas... somethin' about the whole deal didn't fly right with the boys so they did a little undercover work on Jude Emery... his reputation is as big as the lonestar state itself...so eedless to say...that never worked out...but it's for the best...you all know who my heart really belongs to *winks at Enos*
  21. I'm a wife to a jarhead from 29 Palms- and he won't let me watch that movie for that reason Roger.
  22. Luke affectionately rubbed Bo's shoulder. He knew that his cousin was nervous about storms. It was because of this fear that Jesse had started the tradition of staying up talking and drinking cocoa, if for no other reason than to help tak Bo's mind off his fears.
  23. Luke made his way back to the living room too. "Well, it won't last forever," he said reassurringly."
  24. The storm hit the moment Luke pulled the door shut. He shook his head as he looked out the window. "S'quite a storm...."
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