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Everything posted by RogerDuke

  1. Hi everybody, I am new to the Hazzardnet (and new to using computers in general). I am a 46 year old redneck from northwestern Pennsylvania. I have been a huge Dukes fan since I got hooked in 1979. Ever since then I've felt like the people on the show are members of my own family. I have met Tom Wopat and Ben Jones in person and have talked to Sonny Shroyer on the phone. I'm excited to begin my adventure on the Hazzardnet and look foward to many years of corresponding with all of my fellow Hazzard County residents. Since I've discovered this, I have already posted things on a few threads including my plans for A Hazzard town and county map (please see Hobbies). I thought I was in Dukes heaven after collecting the entire series on DVDs. Now I know I've hit the jackpot. I have the chance to meet people who understand why no other entertainment in the history of the world even comes close to the joy of Hazzard County. Thanks to the originators of this website for making this possible. Roger
  2. In the early 80s (I have the exact date written down at home) I saw a story in Sports Illustrated about the Valdosta Georgia high school football team. They had a picture of the sign entering town showing pride in their great team. The sign also said that Valdosta was the home of Sonny Shroyer so I sent him a fan letter (with the zip code but no address). In it, I included my phone number. A few days later...you guessed it. The next year I sent him a birthday card and got another call. Roger
  3. I am new to the Hazzardnet (and have little computer skills but I'm learning). I'm excited about figuring out how to navigate this website and meet people who love Hazzard County as much as I do. I was wondering if there is anyone out there who has ever put together a map of Hazzard? I did it when the show was first out but now that I have all 7 years on DVD I can get a much more accurate map because I won't miss any episodes and I can "rewind" something if I didn't hear it clearly. I am watching every episode and keeping a notebook of the following catagories 1)residents 2)businesses 3)roads 4)landmarks 5)water 6)neighboring counties 7)other misc. When I've seen all the episodes, I plan on putting together a huge map of Hazzard County with all of those items on it. Of course, there are inconsistencies that I've run accross but I'll work them out somehow. I'm sure I'm not the first one to come up with this idea but I'd love to hear from others who have. RogerDuke
  4. Although in reality my personality is more like Luke's than anybody else's, until recently my favorite character was always Enos. Since I'm somewhat complicated, Enos' simplicity was always refreshing and I like his high morals. Recently Uncle Jesse has taken over the top spot as my favorite. I suspect it has something to do with getting older. P.S. I'm new to this website and I'm somewhat computer illiterate so I'm just now learning the skills to figure it out but I just want to say that it's great discovering this. Since 1979 (I was 19) the Dukes have felt like family and now I suspect I will be meeting many more family members who share my passion. RogerDuke
  5. Right after I sent the last message I read the responses you got back from other people so my computer skills are already improving. The one person said that there was a poll on Sonny's website asking if people want the DVD to be made. Could you give me the website? I guess I could google it but I don't know how. Thanks, Roger
  6. Hi, My name is RogerDuke. I am a 46 year old Dukes fan from Pennsylvania. Despite the fact that I am otherwise a pretty intelligent guy, my computer skills are pretty bad. Yesterday was the first time I have attempted to do anything with a computer besides e-mail and since I am such a Dukes fanatic, I discoved this website (with a little help). You are the first person I've "talked" to. I saw your question about the "Enos" series and I have wondered the same thing so let me know if you get any info about that. It's nice to know that somebody else liked Enos enough to be wondering about his series. Enos and Uncle Jesse are my two favorite characters. I talked to Sonny twice on the phone but never met him. I'm met Ben Jones and Tom Wopat in person though. Once I've figured out how to navigate this website, I'm going to love it. The people of Hazzard County have always felt like family to me and now it's cool knowing I will meet others who feel the same way. Roger
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