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Everything posted by RogerDuke

  1. I just caught the last part of it but I thought that Luke should have used a bow with dynamite stick arrows to kills those bugs. That ant in the head thing changed him more than the time he drank that pond water that was laced with chemicals. (Poor Tom, people like me will never let him be anybody else besides Luke Duke)
  2. money
  3. All 4 of you got them all. DaisyMae has 24 in a row right and DoubleX has 33. I probably won't post any more until early next week due to my crazy work schedule (and having a minimal ammount of time to be logged in) so we'll continue the action then.
  4. liver (it's what Boss eats when he's hungry)
  5. I agree Tim, I wouldn't want it done unless it was done right. Defining "right" is the tough part since people have a variety of tastes. I do think they could pull it off with an new General Lee (NOT painted like the old one) and a new set of young Dukes. They could keep the boys and Daisy around with the OLD General (and occasionally involve him in some non-jumping action since '69 Chargers are too expensive to ruin) The original Dukes would be a cross between their former selves and an Uncle Jesse character. The big problem is what many of us recognize...they'd probably turn it into soft-core porn. Society is ruining (almost) everything in the entertainment industry that used to be good.
  6. Jesse sat for awhile pondering the future. Boss had tried lots of tricks to get the farm in the past but eminent domain was a new one. Normally it something that is used to take a private citizens property so the government could build roads and other public things but since the Supreme Court extended it for the government to take the land and sell to private industry, this gave Boss a new tool to make his dream come true. Jesse wasn't exactly sure what the second half of that dream was but the first half involved getting the farm. Jesse felt helpless as a warm breeze carressed his wrinkled face.
  7. famine
  8. shake
  9. I am a little nervous about a new Dukes series. Like General Grant said, what if the General Lee is a Taurus? I guess it doesn't matter because I know I wouldn't watch it anyway. The only way it would have a chance of succeeding with the majority of older original series fans would be if they gave it a decent sense of family values and if they had original cast members on it. Perhaps they could have Bo, Luke and Daisy raising Jeb Stuart Dukes 3 kids on the farm (after Jeb was tragically killed) Okay, so maybe not...but you get the idea...the more original series actors blended in, the better....
  10. That's a good question Laura. I don't really know myself. Green's my favorite color overall but for some reason I just like red hats. I don't even know why. Some things are hard to describe. For example, you might like chocolate ice cream better than vanilla but can't rightly explain why. Here's the next question: what's everybody's favorite ice cream? Mine's mint chocolate chip.
  11. cow
  12. Well Garrett, they made up for it by showing plenty of him on "Welcome, Waylon Jennings" I think us Waylon fans will agree that it's one of our favorite episodes. I love the story of Jesse getting him the guitar before he was famous....
  13. You're right DaisyMae, B.L. and Alex, it's the Duke Farm. Alex and DoubleX are now tied with 27 in a row correct. Well Min, I know Cooter picked up the guard but I don't know the answer to the other two. I think the prisoners were heading to Capitol City. Didn't they mention several different things when they told Cooter what they were having for dinner?...Crawdad bisque, ham, mashed potatoes and bisquits...just guessing
  14. crops
  15. B.L. and Lori got all 3 of those right. Which of these were on the show? Dixie Diner or Davenport Diner Clear Creek Drive-In or Clear Creek Road (episode names) Uncle Jesse or Uncle Boss
  16. The General Lee was in USA Today too (Friday Feb 15) They did a story in their television section about TV cars. The General they showed was not from a clip of the original series (by looking at the people in the background). They also mentioned John Schneider's recent sale of his General.
  17. After crossing the creek and walking through the woods about 30 minutes at a slow pace, Jesse made it to a clearing on the south end of the back 40. Here he found another spot he loved almost as much as the last. Here, he had a high scenic view of the farm at a distance and could see most of their crops. While the spot he left the boys at was his favorite sentimental spot, this was his favorite thinking spot. The first thing he did was remove his red hat and say a prayer. He then took his seat on a smooth rock....the same rock he had sat on thousands of times....the same rock his parents took their young toddler to for his first picnic.
  18. You're right B.L. It's 1090. DoubleX has 27 in a row correct and Alex has 26. From "Dukes in Danger" where were the Dukes, Boss and Rosco being held hostage by 2 escaped prisoners? A) Hazzard Bank Boar's Nest C) Duke Farm
  19. Hey folks, I'm working double shifts a lot the next two weeks so I won't be real reliable responding to trivia but I'll log in occasionally. Sorry about that. Anybody have a guess on that radio question?
  20. Navy
  21. I don't think we'll have much of a choice Bo. If Boss has the US of A government behind him we might be outta luck. *gets up* If you boys don't mind, I'm a heading up to the shallow part upstream to cross and walking home. I got some thinkin' ta do. *walks a few steps then turns around* You boys know why this is my favorite spot? *wipes tear from eye* This is where I proposed to yer Aunt Lavinia. *The boys remained silent until Jesse disappeared into the trees.*
  22. I remember the line Julie but I'm not sure who it was. I'm pretty sure it was Coy but not positive. If nobody gets the episode name after a while, can you give us multiple choice?
  23. Jesse doesn't respond to Luke, not even to console him.
  24. All 3 of you got all 3. DaisyMae has 24 in a row right and DoubleX has 30 (chasing DaisyMae's record of 42) Just a warning, I have to work a lot of double shifts in the next 2 weeks so I will be doing trivia sparingly....please be patient. Which of these were on the show? Peach Lake or Peach Tree Road Hazzard Cigar Shop or Hazzard Roller Skating Palace (episode names) The Witness or The Fugutive
  25. Jesse *still standing with back to creek facing seated boys* *takes another thoughtful deep breath* Well boys, I ain't sure what's goin' on myself. All I know is that I got a certified letter in the mail saying that our farm is being taken by somethin' called Eminent Domain. It seems that Boss Hogg has some plans for it. He won't tell me what's going on but this time he has the Federal US of A government behind him. I did some calling to Capitol City and some other folks and it seems as if we don't have a chance boys. I hate to say it but I think this is really the end. *hangs head and takes spot on the log*
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