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Everything posted by RogerDuke

  1. Be careful what you wish for Skipper. Please listen to yur Uncle Jesse and take a break for at least 24 hours. 48 hours would be better. Then come back with a cooler head. Making decisions is never a good idea when you are angry.
  2. hazzard LADIE'S auxiliary (One Armed Bandits)
  3. Nobody wants you to leave Skipper. Why don't you just take a day or 2 to cool off.
  4. Welcome to the HazzardNet Rob. I sure hope your visit lasts longer than one post. We want to hear more from you. Who's your favorite character? How long have you been a fan?
  5. Jesse was thrilled after getting the CB message from Daisy. He was worried that Boss would make the bail too high and he wouldn't be able to pull it off. Garrett might not act like Bo and Luke but he was still a Duke and still his nephew. The idea of Garrett sitting in jail sickened Jesse, especially on such a big day. The idea of anybody sitting in jail sickened Jesse for that matter. He was old enough to remember the old days before Boss took over, when Hazzard County government and police actually cared about justice. Now, Jesse knew that 90% of the people Boss had arrested were just part of some scheme. Still, Jesse wondered what was going on. Why did Boss let Garrett out? He certainly wouldn't do it out of the goodness of his heart. There is no goodness in his heart. Jesse then realized that there may be a little goodness, like last Christmas Eve when he showed up at the Duke farm with presents. But today was the big race. And that meant big money. Boss's greedy heart has no goodness inside when big money was around. Jesse finished his chores and hopped in his F-150. His mind wandered all over the place while driving down Mill Pond Road. A big race was always a festive occasion that brought the community together. No other event was bigger. Couple that with a big time NASCAR driver being part of it and this was destined to be an epic day in Hazzard's history. But still, anytime Boss Hogg has his hand in something, bad things follow. What a day ahead though!....the General Lee vs Bill Elliott! The thought of that made Jesse feel like he was 50 years younger.
  6. money (ya gotta be old to know we called it that)
  7. XXX must have learned his driving skills by watching DOH
  8. As Jesse tossed crushed corn to the chickens he looked up and noticed Daisy hopping in her Jeep. "Where are you going at this early hour?" "Work, of course!", she quickly responded. "It's the day of the big race and Boss has all kinds of things that need done at the Boar's Nest to get ready." Jesse looked a little upset and Daisy could tell. "What's wrong Uncle Jesse? Did you have other plans?" "Nah, that's fine. You go on honey. I just have to make a call and see how much bail money Garrett needs. I'd sure hate to see him in the pokey on the day of the big race." Daisy looked down, knowing money was tight around the farm, especially since they had just had to shell out $800 for tractor parts. "Uncle Jesse, maybe Bill and Ernie can bail him out. Or maybe he broke out. Or, I wouldn't put it past Garrett to talk his way out. He's a smoother talker than 'ol Hughie Hogg himself. Don't you go worrying about him. I'll look into it." Jesse conceded. "All right then, but I'll need to know before I head into town for the race. Bo, Luke, Bill and Ernie are pretty busy so might not be able to take care of it." He paused. "Garrett is a Duke and us Dukes stick together." Another pause. "Even though he does have a tendency to go astray on occasion." Daisy walked over and hugged her uncle and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You just make sure you stay by the CB and I'll let you know how Garrett's doing." In seconds she was putting Dixie in gear.
  9. Still not better than Emma Tisdale or Lacey Chabert.
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