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RogerDuke last won the day on December 12

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    plowing the Dukes back 40

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  1. It was quite an adjustment for fans back then to get used to Coy and Vance....and quite a celebration when Bo and Luke came back. For those of us who were fans when the show originally aired the folks of Hazzard felt like family....and still do. And folks who became fans after the show stopped airing had the same thing happen. I hope you are starting to feel the same way. There is just something about the folks in Hazzard that make you feel as if you know them. Hopefully you will become a lifelong fan and keep the tradition alive. It is a timeless show.
  2. Okay, I didn't know you were aware of that. You said you were on season 4 so I figured you were going to be in for a shocker if you didn't know.
  3. Glad to hear Santa is going to be fine in Ireland. I hope he doesn't run into any drones in New Jersey.
  4. Awesome stuff! You are definitely a great addition to the Hazzard Net. I'm really low tech and wouldn't have a clue how to do something like that. How long does one take? The details in Luke's eyes are amazing!
  5. Another Christmas.....another Christmas thread. I've been watching Cristmas cartoons. And yes, sitting with Mrs. Duke watching Hallmark Christmas movies. (she's not really big on the cartoons). What are you folks doing to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year?
  6. LOL....I agree. That episode is a little difficult to take. I didn't like seeing Bo like that either....pretty strange. I won't give anything away but do you know the dramatic way that season 5 starts out? Shhh, nobody give it away in case Cousin Annie doesn't know.
  7. Welcome to the HazzardNet. It's always nice to see young people interested in the Dukes. We need people like you to keep the tradition alive long into the future. How many episodes have you seen so far? Do you have a favorite episode yet? We look forward to hearing more from you.
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