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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. sounds good to me.....I'd read it! B.L.
  2. Jesse looks on as his eldest sings the song his youngest had written tears of pride and pain pride for all three of his 'kids' and pain at losing his youngest and for the suffering he went through as well as the pain the two remaining have went through and will go through for a while yet losing him. B.L. loses the hold she'd had on her emotions and burst into sobs muffling them with her hand it was such a pretty song and defenitely showed how Bo and Luke's relationship as 'brothers' was they shared everything with each other they were a pair ya always though of the duke boys Bo 'n Luke all one big word never as two people it seemed. Cooter scooted down from the end of the pew where he'd been sitting on the other side of Luke and wraps a comforting arm around B.L. as she cries seeing Daisy also getting more worked up he moves between them and wraps them both in a tight hold as they cry on his shoulders and for the first time in a long time tears slip down his own cheeks unashamedly.
  3. *********day of funeral******** The church silent with only the sniffing of mourners as the preacher gave his sermon on Bo's reward in glory. B.L. sat between Luke and Daisy holding each one by the hand as silent tears slipped down her face this was the final step the last time they'd get to see Bo time to make their final goodbyes,looking right and left though Luke and Daisy nor Uncle Jesse was ready to do that and it was killing her almost as bad as them to be here. Cooter didn't look so great either sure his eyes were dry but he looked green as well as like a lost puppy. As the preacher finished his sermon he asked if anyone else had anything else to say before Bo was taken to his final resting place.
  4. Sorry about there being no warning you are right in saying there should have been but in all honesty when we started this story we had no idea ourselves how things would go so didn't think about putting a warning. It's not as if the story was planned out then written I speak for myself personally and possibly BoJamesDuke as well but when I am writting my parts of a story I don't think it out before I write I just start writing and see what comes out. I took a class in college in which we had to write brief essays in this way on the computer just sit at it and write no notebooks allowed. So that is how I write now.
  5. I met Tom this year at Dukefest my very first! He was super nice just like everyone else. I was waiting with my cousin over in Sonny's line and the security guard let the person also in a wheelchair and their companion across the partition over into Tom's line. He got up from his table and came over to them and signed the autograph before posing for a picture. He then took the few steps further back to where I was and signed an autograph for me then got down on my level for a picture lol I was alot shorter than the other person but they had a taller wheelchair than mine. I'm planning to go back next year! B.L.
  6. B.L. sat there thinking a few minutes shifting her eyes between the other occupants of the room before suggesting quietly. "Hey Luke how 'bout that song Bo wrote 'In the driver's seat'?" Luke gulped was any of them ready for that he wasn't sure. Bo had written it on an impulse describing how everyone felt about his and Bo's exploits tearing around the county. Taking a deep breath he nodded hesitantly. "O......ok" Strums the first few chords of the song before starting the first verse in a somewhat shaking voice. I got one foot on the gas I got one eye on the law I got my mind on that pretty little gal I passed about a mile ago Thank you for using Top40db.com. There ain t no way you can catch me I got a car that can t be beat With a A-one, long gone, white line outlaw Sittin' in the driver s seat I m in the driver s seat I m in the driver s seat I got one hand on the wheel I got one long road ahead I got pity on you old smoky Gotta try to chase down Johnny Reb There ain t no way you can catch me I got a car that can t be beat With a A-one, long gone, white line outlaw Sittin' in the driver s seat I m in the driver s seat I m in the driver s seat I m in the driver s seat I only know one way to live And that way s my way And you can try to tame me if you must But you ll just hear me flyin' down that old highway And all you ll see of me is a big ol' cloud of dust Yeah I got one foot on the gas I got one eye on the law I got my mind on that pretty little gal I passed about a mile ago There ain t no way you can catch me I got a car that can t be beat With a A-one, long gone, white line outlaw Sittin' in the driver s seat I m in the driver s seat With a A-one, long gone, white line outlaw Sittin' in the driver s seat I m in the driver s seat I m in the driver s seat I m in the driver s seat
  7. Luke smiles the first real smile he'd smiled in days there'd been times with Bo when he felt good that they'd laughed and joked but since things went bad and stayed bad he hadn't smiled once not a real one that reached his eyes. As their voices fade into the last strains of the song he looks at the others and it was evident in their faces that this was good medicine for all of them to remember Bo in this way because they weren't ready to retell old memories yet. "Anybody else got a request" B.L. watches Daisy glad to see the tears from earlier replaced by a smile.
  8. Luke nods and starts to softly strum the guitar a familar tune coming from the strings. Humming a few bar as he plays then stopping suddenly he didn't know if he could do this or not. B.L. smiles encouragingly gripping his arm in support and Luke begins to play again this time B.L. starts to sing and Luke joins in slow and hesitantly at first but as B.L.'s alto gathers strength changing a few of the words to a version Bo made up Luke's own voice joins hers as he stops thinking about the pain and just throws himself into the song. Duke boys ain't easy to love and they're harder to hold. They'd rather give you a song than diamonds or gold. Lonestar belt buckles and old faded levis, And each night begins a new day. If you don't understand him, an' he don't die young, He'll prob'ly just ride away. Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Duke boys. Don't let 'em pick guitars or drive them old trucks. Let 'em be doctors and lawyers and such. Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be Duke boys. 'Cos they'll never stay home and they're always alone. Even with someone they love. Duke boys like smokey old pool rooms and clear mountain mornings, Little warm puppies and children and girls of the night. Them that don't know him won't like him and them that do, Sometimes won't know how to take him. He ain't wrong, he's just different but his pride won't let him, Do things to make you think he's right. Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Duke boys. Don't let 'em pick guitars or drive them old trucks. Let 'em be doctors and lawyers and such. Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be Duke boys. 'Cos they'll never stay home and they're always alone. Even with someone they love.
  9. Some people like to read or watch something on tv just for a good cry I do myself once in a while. And I can assure you that the readers weren't the only ones crying. I cried more than once writting parts of it and will most likely cry several more times before the story's end.
  10. Takes the guitar even if it is still a bit reluctantly. Tuning it then looks up at the other three occupants of the room. "Ya'll gotta help me sing. What'll it be?"
  11. I was around in the 1980's too and sick quite a bit as a kid. When you live in a rural area back then the hometown hospitals didn't have specialists I know I have been seeing some since birth 2 1/2 hours from home because I was born with Spina Bifida. As for dying with malaria it was researched and if not caught in time and medication administered quickly to treat it then it can still kill the patient. We didn't jump into this blind research was done on anything medical we decided to use not to mention alot of it I already knew from personal experience and having aunts who are nurses. I'm not going to argue with anyone on the finer points of how we did things.....just going to say I've read some disclaimers on fanfict.net and they say 'don't own the dukes of hazzard just getting cheap thrills from the story' more or less i'm paraphrasing there but that was our main reason for writing was cheap thrills for us and the readers.
  12. Kisses Daisy's forhead winking just a hint of the old Luke coming through. "Anytime sweetheart" B.L. decides they all need a distraction reaches in the corner picking up the guitar there,handing it in Luke's direction. "Sing us a song Lucas?" Luke shakes his head not even attempting to take the guitar. That was just one more thing he wasn't sure he could do right now. The five of them used to sit and sing songs on long cold or stormy nights. B.L. nods with an understanding but disappointed look she thought that it might pull them all out of their own depressions if they did something fun and got lost in the activity even if Bo's participation would be sorely missed.
  13. Thanks for the support Tracy!!!!! LOL nope Lulu ain't singin although there might be some you'll just have to wait and see
  14. Thank you Tracy for the kind words hope you continue to enjoy the story. It ain't over til Lulu sings lol actually I don't know if she'll sing for us or not. B.L.
  15. I'm sorry you feel this way. You've heard of literary license? That's what fanfiction gives the writer a chance to do is have some freedom to play around with certain situations. We know Uncle Jesse died first but what does that matter this isn't meant to stick with the timeline up through the reunion movies it could have happened one of the cousin's passing first. As for the ghost just because we put it in there doesn't mean we believe in them. I don't personally but that doesn't mean when you are grief stricken that you see things that aren't there. My sister was so grief stricken when my grandfather who'd babysat her passed that 7 years later she had an instance where she saw him or so she says. This was after being married for 6mths or so and she'd never had this happen but was working 3rd shift and not resting enough and when that happens your mind believes strange things. Again sorry you don't like where things have went with the story.
  16. Luke sighs kissing the top of Daisy's head. "I don't know how Dais' but he will he always does no matter what's happened. Not only will Uncle Jesse cope he'll take care of us 'n help us cope same as he always has....." This was the one thing he was absolutely still positive about in all the turmoil. Uncle Jesse would cope and he would help them to as well.
  17. "I miss 'im too sweetheart more than I ever thought possible but we got to pick up the peaces and carry on at some point that's what Bo'd want us to do.....*remembering his encounter with Bo and knowing this would be a big step in letting their cousin rest in peace*.......Wherever he is he's happier now than he was when he was so sick." Rubs her back whispering
  18. Luke wraps his arms around Daisy pulling her into a tight hug murmuring comforting sounds as he stroked her hair. "Shhh baby it's alright ya got nothin' to be sorry for sweetheart......I don't blame ya for havin' ta get away. I took a long walk myself for the same reasons couldn't stand it I had ta get away be by myself for a little bit." Guides Daisy gently back to the couch sitting down and pulling his weeping cousin onto his lap. Just letting her cry as he rocks her like when she was a small girl. Trying to comfort the both of them. B.L. gives Luke a brief hug before Daisy flings herself at him then retreats leaning into Cooter's chest watching the two heartbroken cousins giving a shiver praying she never had to be in their position.
  19. Soon they were pulling into the driveway at B.L.'s. Luke climbed wearily from the wrecker leaning against the side,part of him wanted to forget all this was happening and just unwind for a little while but then another part of him felt guilty for having these thoughts. It was as if he was being torn in two by warring emotions. B.L. hearing the wrecker pull in looked out the window watching sadly as Luke climbed from the wrecker and leaned against it. He looked like a little lost puppy dog so forlorn and miserable it broke her heart. Daisy had been pitiful looking as she'd arrived but nothing compared to Luke who looked 15 years older than his age.
  20. Continuing to look out the window blankly Luke said quietly almost too quietly to be heard. "thanks Cooter" Falling into his own thoughts Luke remembered the last time he'd been this way in the General Lee it was just a few days before the whole world seemed to turn upside down. Before the fight that'd sent Bo running to the lake now that he thought back on it all it had been so stupid. It wasn't the first time one of them was doing the other's chores to keep Jesse from givin' 'em hell for shirkin' their chores ta go chase girls or some other more appealing activity than doing chores. Luke sighs heavily he never did really apoligize for all that before Bo took sick he'd just went into protective mode ever since and made it his sole responsibility more or less to take care of Bo till he was better.
  21. Luke shakes his head sadly he knew Bo wouldn't want the General locked away forever but he also knew that Bo'd probably feel the same as him if things were reversed. "I ain't sayin' put 'im away for forever necessarily just for a little while. I might feel differently after some time but right now it just hurts too much ta see the General Lee sittin' there nevermind the thought of drivin' him. Can ya understand that Cooter. It's all just too painful right now n' I need some time ta readjust to the changes without Bo." Looks out the side window watching the familiar scenery go by the same scenery that he'd been watching from the passenger side of the powerful orange stockcar as they ran from Rosco or Enos or Cletus only now it flew by the window at a much slower speed and there was no sirens in the background this time.
  22. Luke glanced at the General Lee before turning away he couldn't look at the car it was just another sore reminder that Bo wasn't there and he wasn't coming back this time. Getting in the passenger side of the wrecker waiting for Cooter Luke leaned the back of his head against the seat closing his eyes so he wouldn't have to look at the stock car. Once Cooter was in and they'd turned toward the road Luke asked "Cooter do ya think ya could do somethin' with General Lee? I don't think I can stand seein 'im everyday knowin' Bo ain't here ta drive and won't ever be again. I really don't care what ya do with 'im just get 'im outta here."
  23. "Will do Cooter.....talk to ya later" hangs up the phone turning to Daisy "Cooter's gonna see if maybe Luke and or Jesse wants ta get out of the house for a while and come over here." Jesse looks at Cooter shaking his head he didn't have the stamina or the will to move from this very spot at the moment. "Thanks for tellin' me about Daisy Cooter.....but I think I'd rather just stay here.......but it's ok if ya wanna go Luke gettin' off the farm'll do ya good." Luke hesitates he doesn't want to leave Uncle Jesse alone but the walls were beginning to feel as though they were closing in on him again. "Ya sure ya don't mind Uncle Jesse?" Jesse smiles squeezing Luke's shoulders "No Luke ya go if ya want I wouldn't mind some time ta mahself fer a while." Luke looks to Cooter nodding he really felt like he needed to get out
  24. B.L. glances at Daisy from the corner of her eye "Yeah I getcha it's pretty much the same here with Daisy. Talk ta Luke and if he don't wanna leave Jesse then me 'n Daisy'll be over tomorrow sometime she's just not ready ta come back yet and I ain't gonna push her."
  25. "Hey Cooter, how are things there? How about seein' if ya can get Luke outta the house for a while and comin' back here. Daisy could use a distraction and unless I miss my guess so could Luke. Uncle Jesse probably needs some time to hisself too."
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