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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. "I........I'm sorry Bo.....you ok?" Luke turned to look at Bo eyes wide with fear. He couldn't lose Bo now not after the doctor said everything would be fine once his body healed. Surely god wouldn't be so cruel as to take Bo after he was improving so much. "w...what you.....said about dyin' still that ain't.....so the doctor said you'd be fine.......after everythin' was healed."
  2. Luke slammed on the brakes coming to an almost complete stop right smack dab in the middle of the highway. It was his greatest fear put into words. He hadn't seen Bo smile to himself because he was watching the road. His heart was racing trying to keep pace with his imagination.
  3. Luke looked at him worriedly from the corner of his eye sighing in relief when the coughing fit didn't last long. He figured Bo would be annoyed with them all before he was completely well for watching him so closely.
  4. Luke rolled his eyes smirking "Now I didn't say that but if Uncle Jesse wasn't around we might not be drivin' hardly this careful. I ain't takin' no chances though." He was glad Bo was in better spirits and able to banter about it all. It wouldn't do him any good health wise to mope.
  5. Luke chuckled shaking his head "can't pull nothin' on you....I know ya ain't a porcelin doll but just the same I'm gonna take it easy cos even if you can handle a bit o' rough drivin' I ain't prepared ta take a switchin' from Uncle Jesse for it."
  6. "Not that I know of? Does somethin' look wrong to you, maybe I should get Cooter ta take a look." Regards Bo from the corner of his eye the sigh and head shaking not going unnoticed. "What's wrong Bo?"
  7. Luke gets behind the wheel of Dixie he, Daisy and Uncle Jesse had already talked over and he would bring Bo home in Dixie while Jesse and Daisy took the General Lee home. Once everyone was ready Luke allowed Daisy to pull out first in the General then pulled out behind her as they started home at a leisurely speed but not so slow it felt like a crawl.
  8. The movie was great I enjoyed it very much thanks for sharing.
  9. watching Bo carefully as they exited the hospital Luke saw the hurt cross his face knowing he couldn't ride or drive the general anytime soon. Luke mentally kicks himself the car should have been at home so that Bo wouldn't have had to feel that hurt so soon. He was however releaved when the brief hurt expression passed from Bo's features but then he saw something else that made him worry Bo was putting together a plan of some sort. Jesse wasn't paying attention to Bo's sudden changes in demeanor though he was concentrating on helping Bo to the jeep. Once to it he and Luke helped bo get into the passenger seat.
  10. Luke pulls back looking Bo in the eye with a smile and nod "s'ok Bo.....let's get ya chnged then we'll go home 'kay" Helping Bo change clothes and put on his boots the two leave the room with Luke's arm around Bo's waist for support he still wasn't 100% but would have probably refused any suggestion of using a wheelchair. Sees Uncle Jesse and Daisy coming back down the hall smiles telling them everything was ok again at least for now. "Ya'll ready ta go?" Jesse reaches the two before Daisy helping Luke to support Bo as they slowly make their way down the hall. "yup let's get home."
  11. Luke wrapped his arms around Bo glad for now he seemed to accept what he (luke) had told him. Part of Bo's misgivings had stemmed from the long road to recovery that still lay ahead and part was because he didn't like to give up on his ideas. Bo didn't like to think about the day when the family would change with the marriage of one of the cousins either Luke knew. He didn't really relish the idea of the change either although he knew one day it would come whether it was him or Bo or Daisy that found that someone special first only time would tell. Luke also knew realistically that one day which he hoped was many many years in the future Jesse would pass on to glory and he'd be the head of the family and that scared him although he'd never let on to either Bo or Daisy.
  12. Luke nods smiling as he listened to Bo, he had those same thoughts. "Bo when someone that special walks into your life and she will then the dreams of Nascar or anything else you'd planned to do before settling down won't matter. You won't miss them or regret not following through with them, anything of the sort all that will matter is that special girl who's caught your eye. I think about finding that special lady too and when it happens, if it happens before I live out all my dreams then that's ok because there will be new dreams with my wife and our children. I'd gladly give up the dreams of a single man for that someone special without a second thought." Luke finished watching Bo's face carefully.
  13. Aww what a sweet heartwarming story for the holidays. I really enjoyed reading it. Poor Betsyrae I hope she got that radio. B.L.
  14. May have been Bo's idea but you didn't offer a better solution lol.
  15. Luke softened his tone and gave Bo a tender look as he looked about ready to cry. That was the last thing Luke wanted was to make Bo cry he wasn't trying to hurt him just to get Bo to realize their dreams of Nascar weren't over just on hold for a little while longer. Taking Bo's hand he squeezed it gently. "I know and we will it's just gonna be a while longer is all but we WILL go. Maybe not today maybe not tomorrow maybe not next year but we WILL make it Bo. Together there's nothin' we can't do if we set our minds to it."
  16. "You are using it as an excuse and the fact we got caught that night and makin' enemies in the reserve corps! All of 'em excuses and ya know that's all they are. It didn't matter who was drivin' the night we got caught if it'd been me we still woulda got caught it was just one of them things. We both got enemies so that's just an excuse too! I couldn't go by myself we're a team and it just wouldn't be the same without ya there with me. Now ya quit feelin' sorry fer yerself." Luke stopped staring at Bo waiting to see if he was going to listen to reason or have another outburst.
  17. Moves off the bed to stand in front of Bo taking him by the shoulders forcing the younger man to look at him. "Bo Duke you cut that out ya hear me. The world ain't against us we's just had more than our share of bad breaks. We will get to Nascar we's just got to work things out so's we can go. Don't ya go usin' the farm and Uncle Jesse as an excuse neither cos ya know he'll tell us to go anytime we're ready!"
  18. Luke reached out to stroke the back of Bo's bowed head but pulled back deciding against it. Bo wasn't in the mood to be comforted just yet, he sighed a long deep sigh running a hand down his own face. "I know how much ya wanna go try our luck Bo I do too but it just ain't in the cards right now. You don't know that we won't get to next year ya only speculatin' and if we don't then there's always the year after that. Ya just can't give up on ya dreams Bo ya know that as well as I do. Ya ain't a quitter fer as long as I can remember when ya wanted somethin' ya went after it! So don't you go givin' up now just cos things has gone a little south. Luke spoke frankly, Bo sometimes needed a 'kick' in the pants when he got like this cos things wasn't going his way.
  19. lol I'd be more worried about the other boys named in it
  20. "There's always next year though...so what we wait another year big deal all that matters is that you get better." Luke consoled softly with an arm around Bo's shoulders.
  21. *laugh* Kelly if I kicked him there he'd sound more like yer Momma than yer Daddy
  22. LOL why should it scare you chances are its about *you*
  23. "sure we can just not right now....Yer gonna be better before ya know it and terrorizing Rosco and Enos again. Ya just got to be patient is all." Luke squeezed Bo's arm gently for reassurance, Bo looked so miserable he would promise him the moon at the moment if it'd erase that look and replace it with the usual happy go lucky smile that was usually there.
  24. Luke watched Bo then nodded to Daisy "Yeah I think yer right...will ya'll give us a few minutes?" Jesse nodded and wrapped an arm around Daisy's shoulders steering her back toward the door. "C'mon Daisy girl let's go to the cafeteria and let the boys talk." Once they were gone Luke ventured closer to the bed sitting down beside Bo. He knew all the restrictions that'd been placed on his youngest cousin and he knew Bo wouldn't be happy but he hadn't expected quite this reaction he'd expected more of a tantrum maybe. Putting an arm around Bo's shoulders he spoke quietly. "It's not forever Bo just for a little while"
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