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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. little mixed up there ain't ya alex? I look NOTHING like Elvis lol.
  2. *Keeps right on walking out of the building*
  3. *not saying anything about Konrad's whistle or comment gets up and walks out in a huff*
  4. The silver GTO was waiting for the other cars at the cross roads and squeezed in line behind Messiah. Dixie and General close behind, as they all headed out into the peaceful country night.
  5. Thanks Maryanne I found them after I posted this *feeling like a dunce*. B.L.
  6. I have seen some really cute smiley's on some of the threads but no idea how they got there because when I post there is no where to select a smiley except at the bottom of the post when typing it and that only puts an emoticon beside the topic heading. So where can I get smiley's in my posts? B.L.
  7. *rolls eyes* you can vote what color the dog house is gonna be
  8. wipe that look off ya face or yer gonna be sleepin' in the dog house *whispers menacingly*
  9. *falls quiet eating popcorn again no money left to pay a ticket after placing the bets on the fight. Smiling a little at Maryanne's attempt at a joke*
  10. behave and i'll stop doin' it. *smirks*
  11. *smacks the back of Konrad's head* you don't get a vote!
  12. Sure I can take a joke. *grins* but ya better be careful makin' comments like that you'll have all the feller's round here droolin' and somebody'll break a bone slippin.
  13. Hilery yer not helpin' either! Option 2 is not an option for a certain Duke *looks at Konrad* I say we give the money to the orphanage.
  14. you stay out of it Chet *glaring at the Duke cowboy*
  15. If you have to ask I'm not even going to dignify it with an answer.... hmph! *steals popcorn back* get yer own
  16. *smacks Konrad in the chest with the back of my hand rolling eyes*
  17. There's enough testosterone flyin' around this place without adding yours to it! *giving Konrad a menacing look*
  18. *steals popcorn back jabs Konrad in the ribs with elbow* you just don't worry about what the good deputy's wearin' buster
  19. *frowns scratching head* Does this mean I don't get my money now that a draw has been called between you two?
  20. *laughs* Chet yer just tryin' to start more trouble ain't ya?
  21. *snitches some popcorn from Maryanne to go with the soda* This is better than grand ole opry almost
  22. *Sits down beside muffn and Maryanne watching the festivities*
  23. I put $35 on both *aimin' to break even on this thing*
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