This episode was definitely great!!! i just loved hearing Bo sing!!! The whole family sounded so good together!!! I just wish I could somehow find the song with them singing it!!! Hee Hee Hee!!!!
Both the patrol cars have Sheriff's decals on the side in every episdoe!! If you remember Rosco was the Sheriff and Enos was a deputy Sheriff and there was actually a couple of episodes where Boss made Enos Sheriff for a short time!!!
Hee Hee!!! You're right!!! I just realized that when I watched it again after I recorded it!!! I don't think that's the first time that's happened either....It seems like there was an episode in season 2 they did that too but I don't remember which one it was.
I'll be getting Season 5 before I get the movie but I will probably end up getting the movie eventually but I definitely want Season 5 first!!! Hee Hee!!