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Everything posted by DixieRose_00

  1. It sure was!!! I just loved where Rosco told Bo and Luke he was gonna arrest them for Grand Theft Memory!! Meaning Boss Hogg's!!!
  2. Yeah I think I like the jeep just a little bit better too!!! If I wasn't already looking into getting a Charger I'd probably get a jeep like Dixie!!!
  3. I agree that the unrated cover is better so that's the one I'll more then likely be getting!!!
  4. Daisy_Duke_Girl wrote Yeah I cried at the end too where Rosco was sure h'd lost his little fat buddy for good!!! And I don't usually cry either!!!
  5. Bo did more of the jumps then Luke did!! I just loved when Bo jumped the General.....it seemed to go higher when Bo drove for some reason!!!
  6. I definitely like Sonny alot better then Otis too....Otis reminds me of popcorn!!!
  7. Awwww....Do I have to choose? I actually really liked both!!!!
  8. This episode was definitely great!!! i just loved hearing Bo sing!!! The whole family sounded so good together!!! I just wish I could somehow find the song with them singing it!!! Hee Hee Hee!!!!
  9. I drive a 94 Ford Escort but I'm working on getting my own Charger to restore into the General Lee and take to Dukefest!!!
  10. Both the patrol cars have Sheriff's decals on the side in every episdoe!! If you remember Rosco was the Sheriff and Enos was a deputy Sheriff and there was actually a couple of episodes where Boss made Enos Sheriff for a short time!!!
  11. I think in the real world without any modification's the General would beat the Trans Am hands down!!!
  12. Hee Hee!!! I guess that would make you think that Rosco was out to arrest the Duke Boys!!!
  13. I think that line is so good I just love it!!! Hee Hee!!!
  14. I kinda misss Daisy's yellow car in the later episodes but I do like her jeep so I guess it's all okay!!!
  15. Hmmm.....that all could be it's very interesting that's for sure!!!
  16. I sure wish I had the WB so I could watch this Season of Smallville because I'd really like to see John Schneider and Tom Wopat together again!!!
  17. I love Rosoc's funny little laugh and the way he runs!!! He's just so hilarious!!!
  18. Yeah I noticed that!!! I wonder if Blue was her favorite color or something!!!
  19. I love the episode where Cletus and I believe Enos trip and fall in cement and Cletus says "Guess this cements our relationship!!" It was just funny!!
  20. That episode was really good and I really liked the part where Enos and Rosco went into Boss Hogg's house to warn him about those escaped convicts!!!
  21. I love in one episode where Flash was barking at the mention of Boss and Rosco told Daisy that Flash didn't like the look, smell, or sound of Flash!!!
  22. Hee Hee!!! I know what episode that it!!! It's No More Mr. Nice Guy one of the episodes in the Seventh Season!!!
  23. Hee Hee!!! You're right!!! I just realized that when I watched it again after I recorded it!!! I don't think that's the first time that's happened either....It seems like there was an episode in season 2 they did that too but I don't remember which one it was.
  24. I'll be getting Season 5 before I get the movie but I will probably end up getting the movie eventually but I definitely want Season 5 first!!! Hee Hee!!
  25. I don't think anyone really knows that for sure!! I sure can't explain it!!!
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