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Everything posted by DixieRose_00
I'm gonna have to say the jeep though I did love the roadrunner too!!!
I'm getting the Charger first and then the jeep!!! Hee Hee!!!
That's right!!! I remember that episode where Daisy was gone!! It was in the third season!!! To Catch A Duke!!1
I liked both of them!! They were both funny in their own ways!!! I just can't chose!!
Where was Rosco in season 2?
DixieRose_00 replied to Joe duke's topic in James Best / Rosco P. Coltrane
It just wasn't the same without Rosco in Season two!!! If he'd left for good I woulda missed his funny laughs!!! -
Yeah it just seemed kinda weird to me!!! hmmm
This was a good episode even though it was Coy and Vance!!! I really liked it!!
Lost_Sheep3 said Bo wasn't in the episode because John was filming the movie Dream House. It was Luke that came up with the idea!! The episode you're thinking about may be the fourth seasons Coltrane vs. Duke!!
That's right they have both had their fair share of injuries!!! I so wanted to hug Bo when he lost his memory and Luke when he was so upset about the fact that Bo was missing(before they found him).
Luke was sneakier and Bo was cuter and better at getting into trouble and driving them outta it!!! Hee Hee!!!
Boss stared at Jesse and the others for a moment before nodding in agreement. "What do y'all have in mind?" He asked. Jesse looked at his youngest nephew. "I'm working on an idea but it's gonna take all of us with Rosco and Enos' help too!!" He said. Bo stared at his Uncle. "What's your plan Uncle Jesse?" He asked. Jesse smiled. "Bo I need you, Maria and Daisy to take the General and go out to the farm and collect all the arrow's with dynamite you can find and you girl's may wanna get your bows too." He said. Bo nodded. "We know them fella's are gonna come after y'all again so we're just gonna be ready for em!!" Jesse continued. Bo nodded and grabbed Maria's hand and pulled her out the door followed closely by Daisy. Bo got behind the wheel of the General as Maria and Daisy got in the other side. They headed out to the farm to get what they needed for Jesse's plan to work so they could get Luke back safe and sound. "I sure hope Uncle Jesse's plan works!!" Bo said sadly. Maria gently squeezed his arm. "Don't worry Bo!! We're gonna take care of this!! All of us!!! Together!!" She said, glancing over at Daisy who smiled and squeezed her free hand. Bo nodded. "Thanks Darlin'!!" He said and leaned over kissing her quickly on the lips.
The jump through the barn was my favorite scene!!! I just loved it!!
Hee Hee!!! There was one episode when she was running outside and Rosco told her to slow down or he was gonna arrest her for speedin'!! It was so cute!!!
There's some junk yards in my area that have some chargers but they're really old and rusted out and would take alot of work though I'm sure I could probably get one for free!! Hee Hee!!
that's right and she played in the seventh season episode No More Mr. Nice Guy as a bad person!!
In town the General squealed to a halt in front of the Courthouse with Uncle Jesse's truck and Cooter's tow truck right behind. Bo slid out the driver's side window and helped Maria out as Daisy got out the other side and waited on the sidewalk as Jesse and Cooter joined them. "Are y'all okay?" Jesse asked, looking at his niece and youngest nephew. Bo nodded and wrapped an arm around Maria pulling her close. "We sure are!! Thanks to Maria!!" He said with a grin. kissing her gently on the cheek. Maria blushed at the attention. "It was nothing!!" She mumbled. Bo grinned. "You sure worked a good shuck an jive there!!" he said, making her redden even more. "I just learned from the best!!" She said sweetly, looking him in the eye. Bo reddened. "Let's get in there and talk to JD!!" Jesse said, marching to the door followed by the others. Boss looked up as the door to his office opened up and Jesse Duke walked in followed by Bo, Maria, Daisy and Cooter. They all crowded around him, all of them talking at once. "Just hold it!!" He yelled, raising his hands in the air. Bo kept talking his face red with anger until Jesse's stern look silenced him. Bo stepped back with Maria, Daisy and Cooter as Jesse moved forward. "Okay JD!! What are you intending to do about this?" he asked. Cue anyone
I don't think he keeps them all at his house!!! But yeah he does have at least twenty and I'd sure love to have one!!!
Maria and Cooter drove out to where the General was and got out of his truck, walking around the General and Maria climbed up and slid through the window as Cooter went back to his truck and got a couple of tires to replace the shot out ones. Now Maria had learned quite a bit about electronic work from the boys and Cooter so while Cooter was fixing the tires Maria rehooked the wires and got everything ready to go. As soon as she had it fixed she grabbed the Mic to try it. "This is Pretty Rebel calling Deptuty Enos Strate! You got your ears on?" She asked, grinning a moment later when Enos' voice came over the radio. "This here's Enos Maria!! do you have the General ready to go yet?" He asked. Maria looked out the window at Cooter, who stood up and gave her the thumbs up. "Yep!!! We're ready and rarin' to go!!" She said. "You be careful!!" Cooter said as she started the engine. She nodded and waved as she put the car in gear. "Enos!! Don't forget you're not to come in unless I give the signal!!" She said as she drove slowly to the hideout, praying that she got there before something bad happened to Bo, Luke and Daisy. "Now you be careful out there Maria!! We all know what these fella's are capable of!!" Jesse's voice said firmly over the radio. "Don't worry Uncle Jesse!!" Maria said as she turned the big orange car down the road to the hideout she'd found earlier and after parking a short distance away she climbed out and dropped to the ground, then leaned back in the window and grabbed the bow and arrows with dynamite that were in the backseat. She moved as close to the house as she dared get and placed an arrow on the bow and let it fly, watching as it flew through the air and hit a stand of trees, causing a loud explosion. She grinned watching as three men and two women ran out. "What's going on?" Cooper yelled, just as another arrow flew through the air and hit nearby. Maria ran into the house already having another arrow ready. Rebecca Lynn jumped to her feet when the blond with the bow and arrow walked through the door. "Back off Sugar or this whole place is gonna go up in smoke including your friends outside!!" Maria threatened, just as Mary walked out of the bedroom holding Bo by the arm and keeping a gun pointed at his head. "Now you don't want me to hurt pretty boy here so just drop the bow and arrows and ain't nobody gonna get hurt!!" She sneered at Maria, who's blue eyes darkened angrily. Maria knew if she wanted any chance of getting the others back safely she had better work a good shuck and jive. "Oh don't shoot!!! I just faint when I see a gun!!" She moaned and pretended to slump to the floor, still holding the bow and arrow. Mary took the gun off Bo and knelt to check Maria, who's eyes snapped open as she brought the bow back up. "Drop it!!!" She demanded. Mary sighed and let go of the gun. Maria rolled back to her feet and went to Bo, cutting his cords with her knife. Bo grabbed her hand. "They've brainwashed Luke!! Let's get Daisy and get out of here!!! We'll get Luke later!!!" He said, pulling her into the bedroom and closing the door. He quickly untied Daisy and the three climbed out the window and ran into the woods, back towards the General. "You realize we ain't gonna be able to outrun them in your jeep!!" Bo tossed back to Maria. She laughed. "I ain't driving the jeep!! I'm driving the General!!" She said. "But the General's...." Bo stopped when they came within sight of the big orange car. "Here!!" He finished as they all scrambled in and roared away from the hideout. Balladeer: Maria sure does a good shuck 'n' jive!! She learned from the best!!
Jesse and Cooter were surprised when a jeep squealed to a halt in front of the courthouse and a tall blond young woman jumped our, running across the sidewalk, her steps quick and panicked, wide blue eyes full of fear and worry, as she reached them. "They got Luke, Bo and Daisy!!!" She cried frantically. Jesse grabbed her shoulders and looked into her frightened eyes. "Now wait a minute!!! Who's got em?" He asked. "That nurse Rebecca Lynn and a coupla other gals. I was going to the hospital to see how Luke was doing and saw them wheeling him out to a car. I hid and when they left the parking lot I followed em right back to their hideout and took a look around. They have Bo and Daisy too and they're gonna kill em!!!" She cried. Jesse and Cooter exchanged glances. "Maria did you see any sign of the General?" Jesse asked. Maria nodded. "It's got a coupla flat tires and the Cb is ripped out!!" She said, looking over at Cooter as she said this. Cooter nodded. "All right....Let's you an me go out there and get the General going and I think Uncle Jesse is gonna go have a talk with Rosco and Enos!!!" Cooter said, looking at Jesse who nodded. "You two go on ahead an' we'll meet you out therte." He said. Cooter and Maria nodded and ran for cooter's truck. "Maria!!!" Jesse called after her. She stopped and turned back around. "You realize you and the General are the only hope now?" He asked. Maria nodded. "Be careful." He said and went back up the steps as Maria and Cooter climbed in the truck. Balladeer: Maria's sure got a lot riding on her shoulder's!!! I sure hope she can live up to it!!!
That's for dang sure!!!! Bo and Luke alway's looked good without shirts on, so yeah I'd take em without shirts!!!!
Awww....I was hoping they wouldn't be ending Smallville this soon!!! It's such a good show!!!!
I remember that and I was thinking to myself What on earth are they doing? That ain't right!!! The General's doors ain't supposed to be open!!!
Great Utterances from Rosco P. Coltrane
DixieRose_00 replied to Brian Coltrane's topic in James Best / Rosco P. Coltrane
Don't foget about these ones!!! Ohh what a horrendous crash That crash woulda killed ten ordinary men!!! I tell you I'm made of steel!! -
Yeah that ain't a bad idea!!! Maybe I'll do that!!! Hee Hee!!!