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Everything posted by DixieRose_00

  1. That is alot of money and the only reason I went to see the movie in the first place was because I had a free ticket from my Season 3 box set of the Dukes. I was not impressed by the movie and I know if the Orginal cast of the Dukes had been in it they would have made a ton more money!
  2. I'm actually thinking about making my own Dukes Of Hazzard calendar that has the original cast in it...kinda like my own homemade thing either on the internet or with my own Dukes pictures.
  3. He's the reason I started watching Smallville and he's the reason I keep watching Smallville! He does such an awesome job!
  4. Luke laid the Cb mike down next to the radio and turned to look at Anna. "I'll be back soon!" He said, kissing her gently on the lips and turned walking out the door to his car and got in sliding behind the wheel and starting the engine. He had tried not to let it show in front of Anna but he found himself worrying about Jeff on his way to the still site. Jeff had sounded sort of freaked out and upset about something. He pondered for a moment hesitating in reaching for the radio but grabbed it before he could change his mind. "Shepherd one to Shepherd two you got your ears on?" He asked. A moment later his younger cousins voice came over the radio. "Yeah this is Bo! What's your 20?" He asked. Luke paused for a moment. "I'm meeting Jeff out at Still Site Seven and you may want to come to!" He said. " Why? What's wrong?" Bo asked quickly. Luke sighed. "I ain't sure but whatever it is I got a feeling that it ain't good!" He said. "10-4 Luke i'm on my way!" Bo replied. (cue anyone)
  5. John is definitely still good looking! I think he looks just great and he does great in all the roles he plays in his movies and on tv! I'll always think he's the best actor out of many I have seen!
  6. Hey that's cool! Wish I had some stuff like that!
  7. happy be-lated birthday Brian!
  8. I felt sorry for Bo and Luke and the General Lee too cause them bad fella's caused them to wreck the General not once but twice.
  9. I remember a few of the episodes where I heard the doors close and I was just thinking that they must of forgot about it or something and that's why it wasn't taken out.
  10. They need to make a calendar of the original cast of the tv series and sell it...bet they'd get a lot more buyers!
  11. I've got the tv soundtrack on cd and the movies soundtrack on my computer and I just got the sixteenth month calendar about a week ago. I love all the Dukes stuff I've collected and can't wait to get more.
  12. Yeah it is definitely cool even with the doors open!
  13. Maria had come out in time to hear the last part of what was being said and her eyes widened in shock and anger. She ran down the steps and went to Bo, knowing he needed her more then he'd ever needed her before. Bo wrapped his arms around Maria and buried his face in her long blond hair his tears spilling down his cheeks and into her hair. Maria's own tears slid down her cheeks as she held Bo close. "Maybe he ain't dead!" She whispered softly. Bo pulled back and stared at her. "What do you mean?" He asked. Maria pulled back and smiled slightly placing her hand over her heart. "Don't you think if Luke was really dead that you'd feel it here?" She asked gently. Bo stared at her for a moment and then nodded. "Yeah you're right!" He agreed and leaned against the hood of the General thinking for a moment. Maria watched him, her eyes wide. "What is it Bo?" She asked. He suddenly stood up and grabbed her arm. "Let's go to the swamp!" He said. Maria nodded and walked around to the passenger side of the General and grabbed the edge of the door and pulled herself up sliding through the window as Bo started the engine and sped out of the yard. (cue anyone)
  14. Hmmm....maybe this was before they had the General completely painted for the show!!
  15. Ha Ha!! I like it! That's definitely a good one!
  16. Hee Hee!! Yeah and then he's like Oh I didn't know these were flavored when he picked up the toy in his mouth!!
  17. Well if I had a choice I'd be any one of the pretty gals that Bo dated or I'd be Daisy!!
  18. Yes this was definitely a great episode and it was also Flash's first appearance in the series!!
  19. That's a really good pic.....I like it!! He still looks so good no matter what role he plays!!!
  20. I think they probably just used the windows and didn't weld the doors...They may have had a few General's that may have had the doors welded but even John Schneider's General Lee's doors open so who knows for sure.
  21. It could just be that that was what was written for those scripts so he was actually just acting too..
  22. I bet that was pretty funny....woulda been fun to see
  23. I woulda loved to see Bo and Luke without their shirts more often....especially Bo
  24. I already decided I was going as Daisy and I don't even have to buy the costume cause I've got my own short shorts and tanks tops....all I have to do is dye my hair the color of Catherine Bach's Daisy cause mine is blond.
  25. That's right I just loved that! It was so funny when Luke brought in Flash to tell Boss and Abe apart I loved it.
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