This reminds me of a song by Aldo Nove.....Fantasy!! LOL!!&&p=cb315b7f7c0317e8788617e86d5bf83495cf88cde85ca3948dc89cf46bc72548JmltdHM9MTczODg4NjQwMA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=4&fclid=18741c8b-6d4d-6144-3d4c-09076c5f60e0&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmluZy5jb20vdmlkZW9zL3NlYXJjaD9xPWZhbnRhc3kgYnkgYWxkbyBub3ZhIHZpZGVvcyZGT1JNPVZJUkUwJm1pZD0zNzlGMTUzNDkxMDY5MTVGNkQ5RDM3OUYxNTM0OTEwNjkxNUY2RDlEJnZpZXc9ZGV0YWlsJnJ1PSUyRnNlYXJjaCUzRnElM0RmYW50YXN5IGJ5IGFsZG8gbm92YQ&ntb=1
Hobie, could you please just post the videos rather than links to Bing searches? I'm sure I'm not the only one who's much more likely to hit play on a video than click on a mysterious long URL.
Yeah I saw that too. That is sad to see her pass away. Though she lived a long life.
I hope the Cubs have an amazing year. Your Pirates can come in second. LOL
I'm watching the one where the Dukes help a young lady find the Yankee Strong box....can't remember the one. I'm enjoying some pizza and AB! ( Adult Beveriges!)