Ok. I FINALLY got around to this. Recovering well from surgery, but I've been spending more time in my recliner than I have been online. ๐ As usual, let me know if you have any problems from the upgrade.
Well y'all I was excited for the NASCAR Clash Race this past Sunday night at the Bowman Gray Stadium...especially since Chase Elliott got the pole. I was all set that this is the year that I get back into actually WATCHING the races and not just following it on my phone as the past few years. Well. . .my TV (or my antennae) ruined all that as it kept kicking me out until I finally gave up on watching it after 30 laps. So I can't really go into detail on all that had happened other than that Chase Elliott started there race on the pole. Chase Elliott dominated the race. Chase Elliott won the race.
The race is a pre season race so there was no points on the line and only certain drivers were able to enter. Bowman Gray Stadium is only a quarter mile race track, so you blink, you missed a lap. LOL
Cook Out Clash at Bowman Gray Stadium Race Results, Lineup | Official Site Of NASCAR
This upcoming weekend may be the NFL Super Bowl game, but the real Super Bowl is the Sunday after that in twelve days...the Daytona 500!!!!
In the M*A*S*H episode 'Rainbow Bridge', Hawkeye and Trapper are off to Tokyo and get a shopping list that includes a training bra (for Klinger). Father Mulcahy says, "Understandably, there's some gaps in my education. What exactly is a training bra?" Hawkeye replies, "Just like an ordinary one, only it has two little wheels in back." ๐