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  1. HossC

    A-Z Game

    Guys, do we need to go back to elementary school? So far this round has gone A, B, A, B, C, D, D - that's not the way I learned it! "Ma Harper found another way to continue her boys' EDUCATION."
    2 points
  2. Right now I'm watching college football and thinking about an episode of DOH I saw a few days ago. Sometimes Cooter says stuff that sounds crazy ( "Like the right side of the Bull Dog line", ) but as I thought about this....I decided to look it up to see if there was any meaning to it or just crazy talk ( like a lot of episodes have ...LOL) You have to left click and drag on it and you can see it. Or if you just left click it it will give you a story on the history of the article. The right side of the bull dog line is a reference to a cartoon where Ulysses S. Grant, portrayed as a bulldog, sits on the tracks of the “Weldon Railroad”, a Confederate supply route, and boasts, “I’m bound to take it”14 Left left click on it and you can see it.
    1 point
  3. I’ve got an educational background, but I’m no genius, lol! 😉 As for my age…well, you can pretend I’m still 24 (I do 😜), but I’ll be 49 in about 3 months (February). I’m probably a younger member here. I was 3 when DOH started…but I absolutely remember watching it & loving it (as I’m one of those weird people whose memory goes back to almost 2) and I was 9 when it went off. I’ll never forget when I found out it had been cancelled 😭 😡…then within the next year Knight Rider was cancelled. My 2 most favorite shows get cancelled within a year of each other…those were bad times for me, lol! 🥴
    1 point
  4. an Old Fashioned! I'm jealous!! LOL! Sounds like you've got my educational background! How old are you? 59 here!
    1 point
  5. Hey, Hobie…you’re not totally alone! I love action, adventure, crime, detective, cop dramas most…but, I do like a good drama if the characters have depth & the plots are good. You’re going to laugh, and probably think it’s stupid or boring…but, currently I’m going through the first, original primetime “soap”/drama…PEYTON PLACE (1964-1969). I grew up in small towns like that…and the thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, and how people approached situations & problems on the show were/are very realistic…for the time (60s), and even still in the 70s/80s when I was growing up. It’s the sociologist/psychologist in me that finds it all intriguing. What else can I say, lol? 🤷‍♂️ 🤪 However, I too am enjoying some adult beverages…I first made myself an Old Fashioned 🥃, followed by a DOH-chaser 🍺 😉 Happy DOHD-Friday! 👍 😁
    1 point
  6. OK folks...it's DOHD ( Dukes Of Hazzard Day) .....which is every Friday peaking at 7-8 pm.....and I'm watching Rayford Flicker , a half baked con man with a few tricks up his sleeve.... I'm also enjoying an adult beverige*....what's everybody else doing on DOHD??? ( It's a national holiday you know'!) * Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey!
    1 point
  7. HossC

    A-Z Game

    DEPUTY Enos Strate So, we doubled up on "A" and "B" this time!
    1 point
  8. Hobie Hartkins

    A-Z Game

    AMEN! Me Too!
    1 point
  9. HossC

    A-Z Game

    Hogg BROADCASTING Company Thanks, Boss.
    1 point
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