(Season 2 Hazzard Connection)
Rosco stops Auggie's car carrier at a roadblock with Shoulders driving it to search it for whatever Auggie Detweiller is smuggling. Shoulders:(Calls Aughie on the CB in the car carrier truck.)"Old Rosco's mad enough to chew nails and spit horse shoes. He knows we're up to something." Auggie:(On CB.)"Of course he does. Only, he got the smarts to figure out what it is. But if you think he's mad now, you just wait til you tell him he's gotta put every one of those cars back exactly the way he found 'em. Or we're gonna get the law down on him." Shoulders:"Uh Sheriff?"(Waggles finger for Rosco to come here.) Rosco:"Jumpin' jehosaphat! We gotta put all this back!?"(To Enos)"Well, don't just stand there ya dipstick! Get it all back!"