MaryAnne Posted December 10, 2010 Posted December 10, 2010 LOL noticed it because its been quieter and better maybe? I hope I get a lull in the hecticness too which I should do now work's settled down into a proper routne and Grandad's a bit better. It is pretty quiet when you're not around, BoJames. LOL Skipper Duke 1 Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted December 10, 2010 Posted December 10, 2010 LOL well at least its noticed when I aint around Skipper Duke 1 Quote
MaryAnne Posted December 10, 2010 Posted December 10, 2010 As we gear up for the festivities tomorrow, I wanna remind folks that we have a new chat application that we're trying out (see "Flash Chat" at the top of the forum). Since many folks have issues with the Java chat, and I haven't head that anybody's had any issues with the Flash chat, I'm gonna ask that y'all use the Flash Chat tomorrow. 3pm EST the doors open. I should be there at the start depending on how much I got going tomorrow, but if I'm not I will be along fear not. Save me some egg nog 'k? And be careful with the fruitcake that stuff can seriously injure people. Heh! Quote
RogerDuke Posted December 11, 2010 Author Posted December 11, 2010 And be careful with the fruitcake that stuff can seriously injure people.What are you saying?....that Meadowmufn made the fruitcake again this year? Skipper Duke 1 Quote
Meadowmufn Posted December 11, 2010 Posted December 11, 2010 What are you saying?....that Meadowmufn made the fruitcake again this year?No, actually our fruitcake was passed into our family by my 9th cousin Gerald Ford, who inherited it from his mother's side of the family. Family legend has it that it was originally baked by his 8th great grandmother, Margaret Lynn (1693-1773). It's held up incredibly well over the years, but it is about as hard as a brick. LOL. Quote
MaryAnne Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 Well I'd have to say last nights shindig was a success! Thanks to all who turned up for the festivities. Now for those of you who were hanging around the front door last night but didn't come in, whatchya 'fraid of? We'll see you this coming Saturday right? Quote
RogerDuke Posted December 13, 2010 Author Posted December 13, 2010 It was a a blast.Fortunately I wasn't the last one out the door so I didn't have to clean up the mess. Quote
texasdaisy09 Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 Well Roger, cleanup was actually no big deal. Ya just gotta have a system see? I was the last one out the door, with Daney leaving just second before me. I plan on being there next week too. Had a blast last night and I'm sure it will be again next Saturday. Til we chat again, God bless. Quote
RogerDuke Posted December 13, 2010 Author Posted December 13, 2010 Thanks for cleaning up the mess texasdaisy. Since I'm going to be arriving pretty late to the next one, I'll take care of the clean up since I'll be staying late. (Unless Brian comes, then the clean up will be much too big for one person to handle) Quote
Garrett Duke Posted December 14, 2010 Posted December 14, 2010 Thanks for cleaning up the mess texasdaisy. Since I'm going to be arriving pretty late to the next one, I'll take care of the clean up since I'll be staying late. (Unless Brian comes, then the clean up will be much too big for one person to handle)Poor Texas Daisy...having to clean up after that big mess you made, Roger. Can't beleive you would leave your huge mess that you made for someone to clean up. Especially TXDaisy. Not bad enough you supposedly "accidently" spilled your drink all over me, but you make someone else clean it up for you. Shame shame shame on you. LOL. Well paybacks are fun and since you agreed to be the person cleaning up next Saturday, you better hope TXDaisy don't make a bigger mess for you to clean up. HA HA. Quote
RogerDuke Posted December 14, 2010 Author Posted December 14, 2010 Not bad enough you supposedly "accidently" spilled your drink all over me, but you make someone else clean it up for you. Did you ever get that stain out? If not, mix a half cup of Uncle Jesse's finest in with the detergent. That ought to take it out. By the way, did I ever apologize? If not, I'll have my lawyer type one up right away. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Did you ever get that stain out? If not, mix a half cup of Uncle Jesse's finest in with the detergent. That ought to take it out. By the way, did I ever apologize? If not, I'll have my lawyer type one up right away.You better hope the stain comes out otherwise you'll be paying and buying me a new shirt...just as the one you ruined. By the way, that shirt costed me five hundred dollars so you better get your check book out.And seeing how you seem to have enough money for a lawyer, perhaps I should say you should write me another check for all the trauma you caused me for ruining my favorite shirt! (Sorry Roger...just couldn't help myself!) Quote
RogerDuke Posted December 15, 2010 Author Posted December 15, 2010 Okay, okay, the check's in the quit harrassing me. I'm not sure what color pen that my attorney Benny the Quill signed the check in, but trust me, the check is valid and he really does represent me. By the way, the check can only be cashed in the eastern providence of Northern Wastalistuania. I hope that's not a problem. I hear the weather's lovely there this time of year. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 Okay, okay, the check's in the quit harrassing me. I'm not sure what color pen that my attorney Benny the Quill signed the check in, but trust me, the check is valid and he really does represent me. By the way, the check can only be cashed in the eastern providence of Northern Wastalistuania. I hope that's not a problem. I hear the weather's lovely there this time of year.Dang and your fancy lawyer has a lot of loop holes to jump through. Oh well I can jump through the best of them...and seeing how your supposed check supposedly can only be cashed in Norhtern the easter providence, you'll have to supply me with a map along with gas, food, and hotel money. After all, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be going there...oh well, always up for a road trip as long as I ain't driving. So you better have money set aside to hire me a driver as well. *Gets out a calculator and starts adding up my fees* I can't wait to see this check of your's...I bet it'll be as big as Jimmie Johnson's big check he won when he won the championship! Quote
Meadowmufn Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 Jimmie Johnson's bigI won't mention what I accidentally read this as... Quote
RogerDuke Posted December 16, 2010 Author Posted December 16, 2010 By the way everybody, don't be fooled at the next Christmas party if you see the "number of users chatting" set at 0. That doesn't mean nobody's chatting. Apparently "flash chat" is different and the number of users chatting doesn't register. I'm just saying this so folks don't do like I did and log off because I thought nobody was at the party.Garrett, the check is the same value of 50% of 50% of 50% of Rosco's last raise which is 50% of 50% of 50% of the comical value of my jokes. I hope that's enough. Quote
DaneyDuke Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 Well I'd have to say last nights shindig was a success! Thanks to all who turned up for the festivities. Now for those of you who were hanging around the front door last night but didn't come in, whatchya 'fraid of? We'll see you this coming Saturday right?Let the fun begin again! Quote
MaryAnne Posted December 18, 2010 Posted December 18, 2010 By the way everybody, don't be fooled at the next Christmas party if you see the "number of users chatting" set at 0. That doesn't mean nobody's chatting. Apparently "flash chat" is different and the number of users chatting doesn't register. I'm just saying this so folks don't do like I did and log off because I thought nobody was at the party.Garrett, the check is the same value of 50% of 50% of 50% of Rosco's last raise which is 50% of 50% of 50% of the comical value of my jokes. I hope that's enough.Yes, the old chat room the number of users chatting shows at the top right of your screen. For the Flash Chat, you can see who's in the chat room by looking at the "users chatting" box at the bottom of the main forum page, underneath where it shows who is online.Just note, as of right now (4:12pm EST) we are in the OLD chatroom as our special guest is in there. So you might see myself and Mufn as showing for being in the new chat, but the rest of the party is in the old chat. Quote
TheGeneral01 Posted December 19, 2010 Posted December 19, 2010 Had a blast at my first HazzardNet Christmas party Thanks for the good times everyone! Quote
Meadowmufn Posted December 20, 2010 Posted December 20, 2010 We're glad you could come. Usually we're a lot rowdier than that, but we've had some folks sick and some folks couldn't make it. All in all though, I think it was fun. Maybe next year, we'll be more prepared. Quote
HossC Posted December 20, 2010 Posted December 20, 2010 Last night was my first Christmas party on HNet, and it was very enjoyable. I had a good time meeting y'all there, it's just a shame Jimmie had to go home early . Maybe he heard Nasty was doing the eggnog this year. MaryAnne, did you get the buttermilk out of your boots OK this morning?. Quote
waikiki23 Posted December 20, 2010 Posted December 20, 2010 Did some one clean the ceiling after we left? Quote
Meadowmufn Posted December 20, 2010 Posted December 20, 2010 Jimmie said he was sorry he couldn't make it back to the chat, but he had a good time.We should do something for New Year's too. Maybe countdown across the globe. LOL. Hoss can start us off, assuming he can make the party. LOL. Quote
MaryAnne Posted December 20, 2010 Posted December 20, 2010 MaryAnne, did you get the buttermilk out of your boots OK this morning?.I had dumped some of it out before I left the party last night but naturally couldn't get back home to change socks and boots so I had to do my patrol with a soggy foot. I think I should have Roger buy me some new socks! Quote
MaryAnne Posted December 20, 2010 Posted December 20, 2010 Did some one clean the ceiling after we left?ROFL. And like Mufn said, the place wasn't near as rowdy as usual, but we still managed to make a mess! I hope somebody cleaned the ceiling before closing up for the night. I'm afraid to go look... Quote
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