Brian Coltrane Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 I ain't heard too much *admitting* but I am sure that it was an accident. I know that Chet ran into you with his horse, and your gun went off at the impact. I don't blame you... I hope Garrett doesn't. *turning head to look over at the younger man in a quieter worry, still* Doc said he should be alright..?Sounded like he's got a clean-through wound, no lead stuck in 'em. He lost a lotta blood tho'. Ah'm just thinkin' he's gonna wake up with a whole lotta hatred for all thangs Coltrane, and we're probably on the verge of a helluva fued.
Lukas_KD Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 I guess we'll just see. *murmured, eyes lingering on the young, unconscious Duke for a few moments before turning back to Brian* It could've turned out so much worse. That you both survived is a miracle I ain't gonna take too lightly. I'm just grateful, right now, and I hope Garrett can eventually see it that way too.
BeauregardDuke73 Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 I guess we'll just see. *murmured, eyes lingering on the young, unconscious Duke for a few moments before turning back to Brian* It could've turned out so much worse. That you both survived is a miracle I ain't gonna take too lightly. I'm just grateful, right now, and I hope Garrett can eventually see it that way too.*nodding at Luke's words* You're both lucky. Thank God Alex acted as quickly as he did.
Brian Coltrane Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *nods to both Dukes, turning face towards Alex* I definately owe him one, don't I. *goes to offer a handshake to Alex, but the handcuffed wrist is caught up short and gives a metallic rattle*
AlexJackson Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *nods to both Dukes, turning face towards Alex* I definately owe him one, don't I. *goes to offer a handshake to Alex, but the handcuffed wrist is caught up short and gives a metallic rattle*I hope Garrett doesnt wake up like that, I think enough blood has been shed over this.. *gives a nod to Bo* thanks I appreciate that.. *giving a small smile to Bo then cant help but grin wider at Brian at the offered handshake* You dont owe me anything...*steps closer and takes Brian's hand giving it a firm shake* Weve bailed each other out of jams lots of times...Some literal and some well... medical... I mean I think weve both stitched each other up lots of times!
Brian Coltrane Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 I hope Garrett doesnt wake up like that, I think enough blood has been shed over this.. *gives a nod to Bo* thanks I appreciate that.. *giving a small smile to Bo then cant help but grin wider at Brian at the offered handshake* You dont owe me anything...*steps closer and takes Brian's hand giving it a firm shake* Weve bailed each other out of jams lots of times...Some literal and some well... medical... I mean I think weve both stitched each other up lots of times!We keep each other in stiches, yeah. *clasps Alex's hand, smiling, eyes shutting....fatigue stealing in, the pain enough to wear anybody out. Intends to say something else, but just like that, conciousness slips back under. The grasp of Alex's hand weakens, then slackens altogether.*
AlexJackson Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 We keep each other in stiches, yeah. *clasps Alex's hand, smiling, eyes shutting....fatigue stealing in, the pain enough to wear anybody out. Intends to say something else, but just like that, conciousness slips back under. The grasp of Alex's hand weakens, then slackens altogether.**gives a sigh then smiles, gently patting the hand then goes to another table and gets a blanket, then gently covers Brian up* good night...we'll all be here...*looks at Bo and Luke* right?
Lukas_KD Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *a deep breath let out... hand wiping across my own eyes as I watch Brian slip under again... in a more natural fashion this time. Then glancing to Bo briefly, and Alex* We all need to rest, I think. We can take turns stayin' up to keep an eye on them both. I've been in the middle of this the least time; I'll take the first watch. *carrying a chair over from by the wall*
DaneyDuke Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *Looks up at Daney and offers a weak smile* Thanks Daney, glad you're here. *Pats her gently on the shoulder.*You're welcome, Kristy.*gives cousin a hug and listens to the banter between the others in the room. Not sharing own speculative concern about Garrett going back to Knoxville. Looks over to see Alex put the blanket on the dark haired sleeping patient. And Luke get the chair. Wondering what will happen next.*
Garrett Duke Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 (edited) *Once again, Garrett's limp body twitches, this time more visibly as he grows conscience of the intense pain that shoots from his chest. A long moment passes before he wins his struggle to open his eyes. Lying silently and awake on the bed, Garrett's eyes adjust to the light to send confusion rapidly within him as he eyes the people around him. Seeing Brian on the bed next to him, his confusion dissipates into clarity as the sight of Brian holding the gun at him, attempting to force him inside his car. Of the hurt look he had witnessed upon Chet's face as he looked on before he sent his horse charging at Brian. And then the loud gun shot that had thrown him backwards and onto the ground and seeing his own blood stain his white shirt. Of Alex standing over him, carrying, taking care of him. Then darkness had settled in. After a long moment of eyeing the Coltrane, rethinking the events that must have led him to here, and struggling with his emotions, he finally turns his attention to Kristy who sits in the chairs next to him with her head down and eyes closed. With Daney sitting next to her.*Kristy *Garrett manages to say, his voice quivering weakly, but loud enough to attain Kristy's attention who looks over at him and relief floods her green eyes.*Garrett, you're awake. *Kristy smiles at him as she runs a caring hand through his thick dark blond hair.* You did it again, huh? Survived the unthinkable. . .luckily.*Sitting up and forcing a stern look upon her attractive face* You know you have some explaining to do, right?*Garrett nods before eyeing Brian once more and then looks back at Kristy. Knowing her brother well enough, she answers the question he refuses to ask.* "He's asleep. Woke up a few hours ago I guess. He has some severe damages, but looks like he'll be fine. As well as you. You both have Alex to thank for that, you know?*Garrett nods once more before falling silent and still as he attempts to ignore the shooting pain. Pain he'd be glad to live with. Pain that'll let him know he was strong enough to survive being shot. Or lucky enough to get help in time to survive the bullet.* I briefly remember him at my side.*Garrett looks away from Kristy to look at Brian once more before turning to look ahead at the ceiling before closing his emotionless gray eyes as he begins thinks of the events that had led up to the shooting to the shooting itself.* Edited February 22, 2010 by Garrett Duke
DaneyDuke Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *Once again, Garrett's limp body twitches, this time more visibly as he grows conscience of the intense pain that shoots from his chest. A long moment passes before he wins his struggle to open his eyes. Lying silently and awake on the bed, Garrett's eyes adjust to the light to send confusion rapidly within him as he eyes the people around him. Seeing Brian on the bed next to him, his confusion dissipates into clarity as the sight of Brian holding the gun at him, attempting to force him inside his car. Of the hurt look he had witnessed upon Chet's face as he looked on before he sent his horse charging at Brian. And then the loud gun shot that had thrown him backwards and onto the ground and seeing his own blood stain his white shirt. Of Alex standing over him, carrying, taking care of him. Then darkness had settled in. After a long moment of eyeing the Coltrane, rethinking the events that must have led him to here, and struggling with his emotions, he finally turns his attention to Kristy who sits in the chairs next to him with her head down and eyes closed. With Daney sitting next to her.*Kristy *Garrett manages to say, his voice quivering weakly, but loud enough to attain Kristy's attention who looks over at him and relief floods her green eyes.*Garrett, you're awake. *Kristy smiles at him as she runs a caring hand through his thick dark blond hair.* You did it again, huh? Survived the unthinkable. . .luckily.*Sitting up and forcing a stern look upon her attractive face* You know you have some explaining to do, right?*Garrett nods before eyeing Brian once more and then looks back at Kristy. Knowing her brother well enough, she answers the question he refuses to ask.* "He's asleep. Woke up a few hours ago I guess. He has some severe damages, but looks like he'll be fine. As well as you. You both have Alex to thank for that, you know?*Garrett nods once more before falling silent and still as he attempts to ignore the shooting pain. Pain he'd be glad to live with. Pain that'll let him know he was strong enough to survive being shot. Or lucky enough to get help in time to survive the bullet.* I briefly remember him at my side.*Garrett looks away from Kristy to look at Brian once more before turning to look ahead at the ceiling before closing his emotionless gray eyes as he begins thinks of the events that had led up to the shooting to the shooting itself.**smiles as Garrett communicates with his older sister. Not too worried when Garrett goes quiet again. He's probably in a lot of pain.*Garrett, I'm glad you're going to be ok*Takes a deep breath and hazel eyes glance over to the tall blond. Isn't sure if he'll hear it, says* Thank you Alex for all you've done...
Garrett Duke Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 *Opens eyes as I hear Daney to silently nod at her while forcing a small smile on face* Thanks cuz.
Garrett Duke Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 (Will have to go for a couple of hours. Will try to be back on for a little while afterwards.)
DaneyDuke Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 (edited) *Opens eyes as I hear Daney to silently nod at her while forcing a small smile on face* Thanks cuz.*looks at Garrett*You're welcome, cousin*notices the red hued stain again.*Should probably do something a little more than sitting around*thinks and grins* Edited February 23, 2010 by DaneyDuke
Cowboy Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 *After a couple hours of wandering in the darkness aimlessly, rides down the drive of the Boars Nest and around the back of the building. Leaves my horse at the back of the building. Its a week night so its not very busy at the Nest, I tuck my hat down tight and ease up to the bar ordering a bottle of its watered down whiskey. Relaxes into pouring shots from the bottle.*
MaryAnne Posted February 23, 2010 Author Posted February 23, 2010 *Meanwhile, over at the courthouse, MaryAnne tends to a few miscellaneous bits of county business, but the larger issue of the events leading to Brian and Garrett being in their current condition weighed on her mind. She knew Brian wouldn't have shot Garrett in cold blood. Chet's explanation was pretty much an admition of guilt. A terrible chain reaction of Chet's horse hitting Brian which triggered the gun to go off**But why was Chet aiming his horse at Brian? She figured the young Duke was probably thinkin' to goad Brian into some kind of showdown. That was the only explanation that made any sense at this point**Chet and Alex tho', somehow kept things together to help Brian and Garrett over to the clinic. It had saved their lives. But now, Chet was conspicuously absent from the clinic, more than likely to avoid Alex who would be out for Chet's head after what had happened to Brian and Garrett.**MaryAnne herself wasn't looking to collect any scalps. But she decided there was only one place she wanted to see Chet Duke right now....**...and that was in the Hazzard County Jail**MaryAnne picked up her hat off the booking desk and grabbed car keys. She left the booking room, heading out to find Chet.*
BeauregardDuke73 Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 *watching Brian sleep, smiling a bit as Garrett stirs, glad that they'll both be okay.* I'll stay with you for a bit, Luke. I didn't do all that much - and I don't think I could sleep right now. *the memory of the horse running Brian down, and the gunshot are too fresh in my mind...some of my worst nightmares came to pass in that moment.*
Cowboy Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 *Pushes away the bottle after four watered down shots, grumbles at the cheap quality of the liquor. Orders a soda and retreats to a corner table to loung in a more comfortable chair and sulk some. Tucked away in dim lighting and the shadows, its as close to disappearing as I could hope for right now. Pulls up an ash tray and lights a smoke.*
MaryAnne Posted February 23, 2010 Author Posted February 23, 2010 *The Hazzard County patrol car headed out of town and rumbled over the road, the pavement giving way to dirt. Red gumballs flashed silently through the darkness. There was no siren as MaryAnne knew Chet's mode of transportation was his horse and a screaming police siren would send the horse into a spooked frenzy. Alex probably would've liked to see Chet in traction, but MaryAnne only wanted the Duke behind bars.**Up the road, the Boar's Nest came into view. A few cars were parked outfront, the outside lights washing over the front parking lot of the road house. MaryAnne pulled off the road and parked. She would only do a quick check to see if anyone had seen Chet at all that evening**Inside, music blared from the jukebox and a thin crowd was hanging around. MaryAnne stepped inside and caught the attention of just about everybody there. It was rare for MaryAnne to be in the Boar's Nest in her police uniform. In some ways, she looked out of place* *MaryAnne ignored the looks and approached the bar...*
B.L. Davenport Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 *The Hazzard County patrol car headed out of town and rumbled over the road, the pavement giving way to dirt. Red gumballs flashed silently through the darkness. There was no siren as MaryAnne knew Chet's mode of transportation was his horse and a screaming police siren would send the horse into a spooked frenzy. Alex probably would've liked to see Chet in traction, but MaryAnne only wanted the Duke behind bars.**Up the road, the Boar's Nest came into view. A few cars were parked outfront, the outside lights washing over the front parking lot of the road house. MaryAnne pulled off the road and parked. She would only do a quick check to see if anyone had seen Chet at all that evening**Inside, music blared from the jukebox and a thin crowd was hanging around. MaryAnne stepped inside and caught the attention of just about everybody there. It was rare for MaryAnne to be in the Boar's Nest in her police uniform. In some ways, she looked out of place* *MaryAnne ignored the looks and approached the bar...**B.L. looks up from filling glasses* Howdy Maryanne. *smiles* What can I do for ya tonight?
Cowboy Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 *Raises my eyes from the table top and blinks hoping I was seeing things, but immediately I know Im not. Stays cool and relaxed at the deputy approaches the bar clearly having not seen me in the dim lighting yet. Glances slowly towards the door, theres no one or nothing in my path, theres no doubt in my mind shes here for me. Narrows my eyes and grinds my teeth, Im not going quiet and I wont be arrested. Eases foreward onto the toes of my boots and wraps my hands around the seat of the chair lifting it just slightly rather then sliding it back which would make a sound. Eases the chair back and sets it down gently, breathes in deeply glancing at the door one more time. Eases my right hand behind my back resting it on the butt of my gun just in case.*
MaryAnne Posted February 23, 2010 Author Posted February 23, 2010 *B.L. looks up from filling glasses* Howdy Maryanne. *smiles* What can I do for ya tonight?*returns the smile* Hey B.L. I'm just checkin' to see if Chet's been in here tonight, or if anybody's seen him. I'd like to talk to him...
B.L. Davenport Posted February 23, 2010 Posted February 23, 2010 Sorry can't help ya I ain't seen him *had been at a table with my back turned so didn't see Chet's entrance*
MaryAnne Posted February 23, 2010 Author Posted February 23, 2010 Sorry can't help ya I ain't seen him *had been at a table with my back turned so didn't see Chet's entrance**nods, believing the answer to be truthful* Well, if ya do see 'em, let me know will ya? 'Preciate it.
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