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General Grant wrote a post recently that made me wonder if any of ya'all would want to share the story of the first time you fell in love with the Dukes. I was going to truck driving school for the USMC (Reserves) in Camp Lejeune North Carolina when the series first came out. Everybody was talking about it so I watched it in the rec room of the barracks one Friday evening. From what I remember, it was "High Octane" but I'm not really sure. All I remember is that it was the best show I'd ever seen. What a great balance of everything entertaining.....action, drama, family, plot, romance, great acting and actors, etc!!! From the moment I first laid eyes on the show, I was hooked for life (even though I didn't know it at the time)


Hello again Rogerduke!

What a great story! Me, give an Idea to someone else! That's funny, usually it is the other way around!

Anyway, that was off subject, That was a great story and I enjoyed it. I also agree, the first time I saw the Dukes (I thought it was dumb, remember) I didn't know I would come to love it so much!

General Grant


I was a little girl when i fell inlove with them.. my momma talked about them and she raised me the way they was raised, Well when they first aired them on CMT is when i first watched them.. I automatically figured out whothey was, the very first episode i watched was Daisy's song... I member that like it was yesterday...the general was getting ready to jump and my mom hollered at me.. i got mad too...


All of you have such great stories on how the Dukes came into all of your lives.:)

My story is a lot like General Grant's. I picked up the Dukes of Hazzard, more of a curiosity thing. I remember sitting down to lunch and watching the first one, and was really kind of put-back by the whole show. It just didn't seem very family-friendly, and just not my type of humor. But, something inside of me told me to keep watching it, it could get better. After watching maybe half a season, I was hooked! The Dukes became my instant family, and still are to this day. I've now been a Dukes fan for a couple of years now, and it's really changed my life. I really love Uncle Jesse's philosophy: " A stranger's just a friend you've never met." Plus, the Dukes got me through some hard times. I'm going through a rough spot in my life with some of my family members, and the Dukes are like a separate family, and even though it's just a show, somehow I just connect to that and it just makes things turn out right. But, now that I've found HazzardNet, my family just keeps growing!:p

So, anyone else out there have a story on how the Duke's came into your life? Again, great stories everyone!

Laura Duke


I don't remember exactly when I watched DOH for the first time in my life.

I was a little child, and everything is so confused.

But I remember my excitement when I was waiting a new episode, and when I was hearing the opening song (that in italian sounds completly different; I like also the english version, but my memories are full of the italian one, LOL); I wondered "what will happen now?"

But I confess that the real reason that made me watching DOH was Enos. I don't remember how it began, but he was the first crush in my life (I was a little girl, with sweaty hands and palpitation everytime he appeared on screen :oops: ).

:-o Hey, maybe...... even now ....... I like cops because of him.

I don't remember exactly when I watched DOH for the first time in my life.

I was a little child, and everything is so confused.

But I remember my excitement when I was waiting a new episode, and when I was hearing the opening song (that in italian sounds completly different; I like also the english version, but my memories are full of the italian one, LOL); I wondered "what will happen now?"

But I confess that the real reason that made me watching DOH was Enos. I don't remember how it began, but he was the first crush in my life (I was a little girl, with sweaty hands and palpitation everytime he appeared on screen :oops: ).

:-o Hey, maybe...... even now ....... I like cops because of him.

I don't remember when I first watched the Dukes but ever since I was a kids I can remember having my bike in the house before eight and watching the show.


Interestingly enough I don't recall specifically what hooked me into the Dukes. All I know is back in the early 80's my brother watched the show and I ended up watching it and was hooked. Probably because of the car. LOL.

I can remember seeing a couple of episodes at the end of the C&V era and then the last season of the Dukes in '85 and I can remember I loved Rosco and Flash. And of course the General Lee. LOL. I had the Dukes guitar and a couple of the ERTL cars. Still have the cars. The guitar didn't survive my rambunctious child hood. Heh! I also remember being REALLY upset when my brother had to break the news to me one Friday night that the Dukes wasn't on anymore. *sniff*

When the Dukes came back to tv on TNN in 1996 I was hooked all over again. The rest is history. =)


I don't remember when I started to watch Hazzard: I was 5 in 1979! I know my parents watched it and I started to, and continue during the years.

Then, for a lots of time, here in Italy we hadn't replies.

It's only for a case that, last year, I started to think about the show and decided to buy the dvd boxes: and the love...restarted!

Interestingly enough I don't recall specifically what hooked me into the Dukes. All I know is back in the early 80's my brother watched the show and I ended up watching it and was hooked. Probably because of the car. LOL.

I can remember seeing a couple of episodes at the end of the C&V era and then the last season of the Dukes in '85 and I can remember I loved Rosco and Flash. And of course the General Lee. LOL. I had the Dukes guitar and a couple of the ERTL cars. Still have the cars. The guitar didn't survive my rambunctious child hood. Heh! I also remember being REALLY upset when my brother had to break the news to me one Friday night that the Dukes wasn't on anymore. *sniff*

When the Dukes came back to tv on TNN in 1996 I was hooked all over again. The rest is history. =)

I can't remember exactly when I realized they wasn't on anymore but I don't recall this because by then I was also watching Knight Rider as well. After Knight Rider went off the air I don't thing anything quite got me into watching anything every week until Beverly Hills,90210, Saved By The Bell and Baywatch and the now the show I watch every week in Smallville. I got all seven seasons of Dukes, all 4 of Knight Rider, All six seasons of Smallville, working on a Baywatch collection right now. Which brings up a good point now do you know that if you bought the third season of Baywatch if hadn't looked up all the episodes and by seasons. I've know what there passing off as the 3rd season is actually the 4th. I have one Saved By The Bell season set, it's actually the fifth and final season.

  • 4 months later...

I just noticed this thread and everyone had such interesting stories I thought I'd share mine. Although I will pretty much give away my age here, I was about 5 when the first episode came on. I loved it instantly! Every Friday Night was special. Not only was I allowed to stay up past my normal 8 o' clock bedtime to watch Dukes, but usually I had a special snack to have while I watched... and the snacks were never better than when you were watching a Dukes episode and one of the commercials during the episode was for exactly what you were eating...I think at the time it tended to be a Dolly Madison cream cake...you know the ones you can't find any more. But I digress...

Every Friday Night was the one night per week my brother would let me into his room (he was old enough to have his own TV...one of the perks of being older I guess.) Anyway I would sit on the floor (because he refused to let me sit on the bed with him...it was after all his room and his tv...he had to Lord over me somehow and set the standards LOL) I didnt care though...that 12 inch screen was all I needed...it didn't matter that the floor was hard...and that the room smelled funny...and I took the risk of getting Cooties...it was worth it for one hour of Dukes and arguing with my brother who was better: Bo or Luke... (I took turns who to root for cuz I didnt want either one to feel slated)

How much of a fan was I? Strawberry Shortcake was all the rage at that time for girls my age. I however took the scissors to my dolls...(cuz I had a big imagination and no Bo/Luke dolls) and made my own....Bo smelled like Lemons and Luke like huckleberries!the things I put them through rivaled any of the writers' on the show I assure you...preparing me for RP I suppose.

I stole at an early age...my brother won a toy General Lee at a birthday party...he saw it once and "lost" it...Don't leave your Generals lyin' around Bro! He he.

I wrote a letter once to Tom Wopat (no idea how old I was...maybe 7 or 8) I didnt have his address so I addressed it o Hazzard...I think my mom sent it to the tv station near us here not really in the hopes of anything happening...and nothing did...until about 7 months later I got an autographed picture saying Thank you for writing. All best wishes and his name...I was thrilled.

This was also before the days of VCRs. I made my own. I tooke my tape recorder and recorede episodes onto my cassete tapes. I would then set the tape recorder under my pillow and go to sleep the sound of Dukes in my head.... I remember playing Brotherly Love over and over this way...I loved the part where Bo was so worried for Luke...lol

I'd also developed a dramatic streak early on...armed with trusty taperecorder and that imagination I told you about, I would do what I thought were different voices and make my own Dukes episodes... complete with kew kew and making my dog bark on cue when I needed someone to be Flash...I still have some of the tapes...

How hooked on Dukes was I? Very...and still am...:p


Oh, Daisy Mae!

What a wonderful story! I was grinning the whole time. I can just picture everything so clearly, I see why you are in role playing! The Dukes are definately important to you, I'm glad that there are wonderful people like you involved in the Dukes!

Like I said, loved the story!

Laura Duke:D


I agree Laura, Daisy's post was pretty cool. I can relate to her obsession with the Dukes. The amazing thing about the Dukes is that you don't have to be a country boy who was a young adult when the show first came out (like me) to relate to the show. Just look at the wide variety of folks we have here on the Hazzardnet. That's proof of the show's appeal....and proof that everybody can relate in one way or another to Hazzard County and its residents. The Hazzardnet is the best way people like us can express that obsession....and posts like Daisy's are a great example of that. I'm gone.


This is a very interesting thread! It was great to hear how y'all got addicted to the Dukes and how you were introduced to the show.

Well I was five or six when the show got taken off of the air, so I remember very little of the show - though I was a big fan of it. I remember a couple of scenes back from then. One of the General flying and of Bo and Luke getting chased by Rosco and Boss and Luke blew out the water tower to get them both soaked. And then being very confused on why one day it was on TV and the next it wasn't...

I got readdicted to it in 1997 a year after they started to play the Dukes on TNN. The first episode I saw then was the second part to "10 Million Dollar Sheriff" I can still see the scene where I had turned it on at. I was a big C.H.i.P.s fan then, but instantly traded in C.H.i.P.s for the Dukes. ;) I've been a big DOH fan ever since. . .


I got addicted because in a wierd way it's in my blood, because my Mimi and uncles all use to watch it and they all loved it and the first time I saw it I liked and become totally obsessed with it the whole 9 yards and I have a good sized collection at my house too! YEEHAW! There the best!


Oh, I just love this thread! I think it's just so cool!

Hearing all yours still brings me back to mine (General Grant and I both have the same kind of story). But, after being a fan for 2 years (although i feel like I've known them all my life), I just can't put into words how happy I was to see Cooter in March at the World of Wheels. It was so amazing. He was such a kind man, and he had a wonderful wife! Plus, he was taller than i though he would be. After I met him, I just started crying because I was so happy to meet him- he was like a cousin that I hadn't seen in years! I am still grinning, and I grin even more when I go to turn on a Dukes show and see my good buddy Ben Jones!

Talk to you all soon!

Laura Duke:D


Great thread! Loved your stories!

Might as well reveal my age too. LOL I was 8 back in 1979 when DOH started airing. I don't remember how I got hooked but I did.

I was one of the rare TV shows that the whole family watched together. The other was the A-Team. You see my dad is not completely fluent in English but Dukes was more action than talk so he could still follow the story even if he misunderstood some of the things that were said. Them Dukes talk fast. LOL

Besides he and my brother love car chases. My brother was 5 in 1979 and he would sit on the floor and roll laughing when Rosco would crash. Whenever a scene would start with Bo and Luke in the car he would yell "Yay they're in the car, where's Rosco?? Car chase! Car chase!"

I remember his favourite t-shirt had the General on it. He also had wristband with a tiny General that would shoot out of it.

I had a huge huge crush on Bo. Mom always liked Luke and Enos.

I stopped thinking about the Dukes until a few years ago when I happened across an episode on CMT. It was love all over again.

Except this time Luke is more my type. LOL!

  • 4 months later...

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