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I like a good spread of answers, but in this case there's only one winner, and that's ... Lizzy. It's nice to know that two of you thought the 'quack remedy' was British - I won't take it personally :). Here's a grab of the sign in question (new question below):


Q. In 'The Law and Jesse Duke' Boss enlists the help of the Jones Gang led by Alabama Jones, but what characteristic is shared by Simon and Floyd Jones?:

A) Bald heads

B) Beards

C) Glasses

D) Moustaches

E) Mullets


Another good spread of answers, and this time the point goes to ... Roger.

Q. In 'The Great Bank Robbery' Boss posts a couple of extra guards on the bank. They get called away to attend a (phoney) fire, but who starts it?:

A) Jesse

B) Bo

C) Luke

D) Daisy

E) Cooter


Everybody got that one right - I must be making them too easy :).

Q. How many Texas Rangers did Jude Emery say there were in all the 50 states?:

A) 12

B) 37

C) 50

D) 94

E) 118


Looks like you're the only one guessing at this one Roger. Sorry, but the answer is 94.

Q. In 'Good Neighbors, Duke' a hardware store opens next to the post office. It appears in many episodes after that, but what is the name of the owner?:

A) Joe

B) Jimmie

C) John

D) Jack

E) Jerry

(Hint: his name is on the door).


You're both right - it's 'Joe's Hardware'.

Q. At the start of 'Coy Meets Girl', Coy and Vance are moving some antiques for a friend of Uncle Jesse. These friends are leaving Hazzard (much to the bemusement of Waylon) and moving to a town that shares its name with a neighboring county's sheriff from an earlier episode. Can you name the town/sheriff?.

(I know this is a hard one, so I'll post clues if no one gets it).


Well done Roger, you didn't even need a clue. The answer is Loomis.

Q. I recently posted the picture below in the Hazzard Square thread. It shows the Chickasaw Department of Water & Power, but where is the Hazzard Water & Power Co. office located?. (I'm sure Roger has it in his notes)



I'm sure it's in my notebook but I never check it when doing trivia because that takes the fun out of it. I'm going to say the Courthouse because that's all I can think of. I know the sign in front of the courthouse has several things written on it (and they change on occasion). I'm not sure but that's my educated guess.


I'm going to give it to Roger and BL, even though they're not quite right. You both had the right building but the wrong name. Until I started the Hazzard Square thread I too thought that the large building facing the square was the court house. It's actually the 'County Building', the court house is on the other side of the police station and faces Cooter's. Here's the sign outside. As you can see, the 'Hazzard Water & Power Co.' is hanging off the bottom. These hanging signs are sometimes omitted. (New question below)


Q. In 'Dead and Alive' Artie Bender is known as 'The Pitchfork Picasso', but who is called 'The Rembrandt of Hazzard County' in 'Money to Burn'?.


Hmmm, this one has me scratching my head. At first I thought it was a trick question. Then I convinced myself it wasn't. Later, I convinced myself again it was a trick question because I think Artie was mentioned in two episodes. I'm going to say Artie Bender.


It wasn't Artie, Roger, but seeing as you're in first I'll give you another try. It's not a trick question, and it was someone who appears in more than two episodes.

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