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On 9/27/2009 at 6:19 PM, texasdaisy09 said:

Cooter(he was supposed to be a crasher for Boss in a race, I just can't remember the name of the episode for the life of me)

texasdaisy09... Luke's Love Story


My entry is:



13 hours ago, Skipper Duke said:

Don't know. But I miss my buddy.

Skipper, you may be missing Roger, but did you forget what he said a few pages back?

On 9/4/2021 at 8:08 PM, RogerDuke said:

Hey, Skipper. You have to respond to "sailing". Don't dig up old words or it will get too confusing. Hey, this works out good. I bet you can think of a sailor. 

This is supposed to be a continuous thread - it makes no sense disrupting it by replying to 12-year-old posts. You have to link back to the previous post!

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