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Wow Roger Duke, good memory, you sure remember more than I do! I know they went thru Hard Labor Creek into Hatchapee County to face Sheriff Emmett "Spike" Loomis, but that's about all I remember. You're welcome for the help and good luck with your map.

  • 1 month later...

This is interesting. From "Treasure of Hazzard" (season 2) when Jesse was going through the Duke family Bible, his ancestors refered to "Hazzard" in 1762. Yet in "Go West Young Dukes" from season 7, it was called Sleepy City in 1872 (110 years later). Since the idea of writer error doesn't sit well with me, I'm trying to figure out if Hazzard changed to Sleepy City and then back to Hazzard again or if it went by two different names for awhile. Anybody have any thoughts on this? I'm gone.


Its quite possible that it was always Hazzard but got re named Sleepy City because in 'Go West Young Dukes' something was happening and all the farmers were being driven out of the town. Therefore as the town got barer and there was no one left in it, people might have re named it to Sleepy City.


Any of those may be true, but if you look back through the seven seasons of the Dukes, there is a lot of inconsistencies. It could just be another inconsistancy that they placed throughout the series and didn't catch as they didn't catch the others or didn't care. Just a thought. . .

Keep it between the ditches

Garrett Duke


Yeah that's always a possibility, but the great thing about those inconsistencies is you can make of them what you like. Some are annoying, like Jesse's wifes names, which I firmly believe to be Lavinia but others are great for fan fic writing and speculation on what may have happened and the like.


Being a fan-fic writer, I agree with you on both accounts. Some are interesting to work with while others can be annoying and puzzling on how to work with the inconsitancies.

Keep it between the ditches

Garrett Duke


;) Though I often visit fanfiction.net to look over DOH and Numb3rs fan-fic, I have never sent anything into there to be posted nor am I registered. I have my stories posted on MaryAnn's submitted fan-fic page (dukesofhazzardfanfic.com) under my other pen name of Kristy Duke. So far I have three or four stories posted there including one that I am currently writing. :)

I take it you post your stories at fanfiction.net? I will have to keep an eye out for one of your's to read. :)

Keep it between the ditches

Garrett Duke

  • 2 weeks later...

I was wondering if I can get one of you good folks of Hazzard to give me a hand sometime. My "R.I.P. Henry Flatt" episode (DVD) from season 2 has some problems and I can only see part of it. I would appreciate it if someone could watch it sometime and tell me what map items might be on it. It's not necessary to include any businesses in town. I did manage to get Miller's Creek Road and the Hazzard Veteran's Cemetary which is near a swamp within walking distance from the Duke Farm. Some episodes don't have a lot of map items on them so maybe this is one. I sure would be obliged if someone can check this out for me. Remember, you can use closed-captioning if you aren't sure of a spelling. Also, I know Capitol City is on this one. I DON'T need the names of any roads or businesses there. I'm gone.

  • 1 month later...

I know I haven't mentioned the progress of my map lately so here goes...

After watching the entire series and recording all the map items in a notebook (see previous posts) I decided to watch it all again and use red ink to correct any items that I may have made a mistake on or omitted. I am also using "closed captioning" to get spellings that I need as well as to understand words that were mumbled. I didn't think of that idea until the start of the fifth season last time. I have double checked the first 3 seasons and am now starting the fourth season again. I plan on actually putting the first map on poster board after the holidays. I'm sure I will end up making a few before it's perfect. One thing I do know, the final map will be big....even though I might make some small ones at first that only feature the major landmarks. I will also make a seperate map of the town of Hazzard.


Hey, Uncle Jesse!

I just was reading this thread, and how impressive! I think that it's SO cool to make a map of Hazzard, and surrounding areas. I give you lots of credit, you put in tons of work on this, I hope to see it when it's done. I wish I could get a map of Hazzard.

I see that in October you asked someone to watch "R.I.P. Henry Flatt" Do you still need someone to watch it for you? If you do, I would be happy to do that for you.

Great job, again Uncle Jesse! Keep telling us how the map is coming along, I'm really excited about this! If there's anything else I can do, let me know! I sure would be happy to try to help you with this.

Laura Duke


Sure Laura, I'd appreciate that. Remember you don't have to write everything that was on. Don't worry about the businesses that are shown in Capitol City because I don't need them. Also, if they're driving through the streets of Hazzard, I don't need you to write down those businesses either. Checking a previous post and looking at the catagories I listed will give you an idea of what I'm trying to accomplish...I suspect you've already done that. Remember, closed caption can help with spelling but it has been known to be inaccurate at times. Fortunately, this is the only episode I need help with. Thanks again Laura.


Hey Uncle Jesse!

I would be honored to check out the show. Besides, I've been watching the second season anyways, so I don't mind watching "R.I.P. Henry Flatt" Okay, looking back on your previous posts, and seeing what you want and don't want, correct me if I'm wrong, but this is what you would like me to find:

Residents (Homes, not individuals)

Roads (in Hazzard? or also other counties? And do I need to tell what county/town it's in?)

Water (creeks, lakes, swamps, ponds, etc.)

Landmarks (canyons, hollows, caves, mountains, bridges, etc.)

Neigboring counties (including bosses, towns, and sheriffs) Do I need to try and telll you what direction (north, south, east, west) the town is from Hazzard?

You know, I feel bad that you can't watch this D.V.D. Just an idea, but sometimes when I have a D.V.D. that doesn't work, you can take a soft cloth and wipe the D.V.D. and sometimes that helps.

Okay, well, I'll try to watch "R.I.P. Henry Flatt" sometime this week! Anymore exciting progress on your map. It just sounds SO cool!

Laura Duke


I don't need any details about other counties except the name of counties and cities outside of Hazzard County and what direction they're in (if stated) as well as the Boss and Sheriff of those places if mentioned.

Despite what the lists states "Homes-not individuals" I DO want the names of residents and any other info they might give.

Example: Cooter Davenport has a farm on Jessup Road 5 miles north of town.

I guess you should figure that if you're not sure about something, write it down anyway and I'll sort it out.

Thanks a million Laura. You should make a map too. Even if you only had the main characters on it, it would still be fun. If you need some basic info to get started I could post it here. Maybe other people would want to do this too.


Hey Uncle Jesse!

Okay, I think that I figured everything out that I needed to know. Thanks for explaining.

Like I said, I'll try to watch the show sometime this week. I'm looking forward to this project, it sounds kind of fun!

As for me making a map. It sounds fun, but I wouldn't know where to start! And I didn't know that you knew where Cooter lived! Very cool! You have got to show us this map when you get done with it!

Okay, I'll get this done for you as soon as possible!

Laura Duke


Actually Cooter really does live on his farm on Jessup Road but I made up the part about him being 5 miles north of town. In "Mason Dixon's Girls" they don't say the exact location of the farm or even which direction from town Jessup Road is. That's part of the fun of map-making...you get to use your imagination and make it whatever you want it to be, within limits of course.

Hazzardnet might have fanfic but I got mapfic....hey I just made that up just now! I'm gone.


Hey Uncle Jesse!

You're a wealth of knowledge! I never knew Cooter lived on Jessup Road, much less on a farm! But, then again, just about everyone on the Dukes of Hazzard lived on a farm!:p

I just watched a Dukes of Hazzard show that named Mill Pond Road as were the Dukes lived, and that they lived 15 miles away from town! I was so excited to hear that! So, no wonder they can get from town to their house so fast, especially when they "go as the crow flies."

Have you started drawing a map?

Laura Duke


Well Laura, I don't mean to confuse you (but this is Hazzard County after all).

You must have watched "The Runaway" if you learned that the Dukes live on Mill Pond Road.

If you watch "Treasure of Hazzard" you'll find out that they live on Mill Road.

If you watch "Sound of Music Hazzard Style" you'll find out that they live on Old Mill Road.

In reality, a lot of rural roads have more than one name. It's hard to say what's the official name of the road the Dukes live on. Obviously there used to be a mill or two on it (or still is). The first time Mill Pond is mentioned is early in the series (season 1-episode 6)

So, what do you think? If you were making a map of Hazzard County, what would you call it? I'll tell you what I'm doing after I hear your response. Remember, there is no right or wrong answer so don't worry about getting it wrong. Well, I guess you could get it wrong if you said Hogg Highway or something like that!!!


Hey, Uncle Jesse!

Sorry for not getting back to you that quickly. Hmm.. That's a tough one. But, I was thinking, they are all some form of Mill Pond Road. Couldn't it be that the "Old Ridge Runners" just call it Old Mill Pond Road? Then people like Bo and Luke who are younger just call it Mill Pond Road?

But, you said that you were convinced that they were two different roads. So, first I thought I should choose between one of them. But, then I thought about it some more, so this is my answer to your question: I would put the Duke farm on the corner of Old Mill Pond Road and Mill Pond Road.

So, how did you do it? You know, this map making is tough-but it sure seems like fun. I can't wait to see how your map turns out.

Laura Duke


Hi Laura, if you reread my last post slowly, I DIDN'T say that I thought there were two different roads. I did say that there might have been (or still are) more than one (grain) mill on that road. I also said that (one) rural road can have more than two names. Maybe one of those 2 statements threw you off.

I am proud of you for figuring out what (part) of my plan is. On my map, I'm putting the Duke Farm on "Old Mill Pond Road". I thought that was a good way of combining all the confusion. After all, you can never have enough confusion in Hazzard County. That's why it's never boring. I'm gone.


Hey RogerDuke!

Oh, that's a great idea! I would do the same thing, combine! That makes sense to me. But, I'm still a little confused, I guess that I'm the "blonde" of the group!:p And don't let that get to your head, I see a lot of jokes coming my way!;)

The way you write, you kind of remind me of a lawyer! Ha! Ha!

At any rate, in the words of you, "I'm gone!"

Laura Duke


Hey Laura, that reminds me of the line in "Southern Comfurts" (I think that's the episode) where Waylon said that Uncle Jesse is a fairly good country lawyer. Of course, right after that Uncle Jesse fainted!!!



Now you're making me think! I can remember Waylon saying he was a fair country doctor, but I don't remember Uncle Jesse fainting! Would you know off-hand if that's season 2 (Southern Comfurts)? Now, I think that I'll have to watch that to see what you are referring to!

Laura Duke

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