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  • 1 year later...

Which is better? This is a very hard question because I like them both and in my opinion, you can't have one without the other. If you know what I mean. Though if I had to really chose which one I like best, I'd have to go with Bo. He was always my favorite out of the two...or the show. Luke comes closely behind him in my favorite list though.

Keep it between the ditches

Garrett Duke


If the question were worded "who do you like the most?" I would say it's a tie. Since you are refering to acting abilities I give the slight edge to Luke simply because (in the first few episodes) there were a couple of moments when you could tell Bo was acting, like the scene were he threw Jill Dodson the bags of quarters. Of course, his acting abilities QUICKLY caught up to Luke's. With Luke, Jesse, Boss, Rosco, Cooter and Enos I never remember a moment in all 7 years that it looked like the were acting...they always were so believable. Daisy looked a little inexperienced in the first couple episodes too but matured quickly. That's just my opinion. Hope I didn't make anyone mad. Possum on a gumbush. I'm gone.

  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, here's my thought on this question: both!

I mean, there's certain things I like about Bo, and certain things I enjoy about Luke. Come on, their family. :) To me, you can't choose between family, that'd be wrong, and it would break the family up.

Laura Duke


lol In acting ability they are both equal, bless John was only 18 when he started and TOm was like lightyears ahead lol. JOhn did well for what little experience he had before doing the show. But when it comes to fighting...i'm sorry but John sucked lol. Even Gy waldren admitted it. John could drive much better than Tom but his fighting absolutly sucked and no one here can deny it lol.

They both have their qualities that make them loveable, I cant pick between them.


Sometimes I have the big fault of not noticing something that's right in front of me.......so I'm embarressed to admit this but I really hadn't noticed that John's fighting scenes weren't as realistic as Tom's. Maybe I'll notice after I start looking closer. It must be true though because I don't think I ever remember Bo (BoJamesDuke that is) to ever post something negative. Don't worry Bo, you'd have to post about a thousand more negative things before your reputation as a positive person could ever be questioned. LOL

I gotta go. I'm looking for John so I can pick a fight.


BoJames has got ya all fooled.... no not really (love ya cousin)

I agree and John would agree too I think. Tom is naturally more athletic...if you watch them run it really shows. I think it was at Dukesfest last year that John admitted that he runs like a duck and if you watch, he kind of does. (sorry John...hehe) Tom looks like a sprinter...John...looks like someone with a pebble in his boot....

As far as the fighting...well again...I guess John is a "lover" not a "fighter"... Tom has the demeanor about him that when he fights you get the feeling that he has had a bar fight or two of his own before...John's seems more of an act.


lmao I always said way before John ever said it that John runs like a duck...actually it was more like a demented (no offence ment to anyone) duck...lol...I love John, he is just so cute you feel sory for him. But for what he lacks in athleticism he makes up for in good looks, boyish charm, cheey grins and outstanding driving ability. :-D Love the boys


Hmmm...if the question was which character do I like best, the answer would definitely be Bo. But as for who is the better actor between John and Tom, I say they are equal. Tom's fight scenes may look a little more realistic, but John's demeanor is better overall than Tom's. For example, when Bo is supposed to be sad, even his eyes look sad, when he's supposed to be angry, he has an angry look in his eyes, etc. Tom seems to be me to always have the same look in his eyes reguardless of rather his character is happy, sad or otherwise. Although that could be just my opinion. So when you add it all up, like Tom has more realistic fight scenes, but John as a more realistic demeanor all together, it adds up to make them equal I think. That's my opinion anyway. lol.

Denver Pyle's acting skills made all them young'uns look like amateurs. Just kidding....just kidding!! Oops. maybe I shouldn't have stirred up that hornet's nest *ducks and runs for cover*

LOL! I agree, Denver Pyle was an excellent actor. Like in "The Ghost of General Lee", that look on Uncle Jesse's face and those tears in his eyes, man that looked so real. Made me feel like crying even though I knew they were not dead!


Hi all new here, loving the site. This is hard Bo is so cute and is a great driver but Luke is so witty and smart. I’m going to do this with points.

Bo is handsome, 1 point

Luke is smart, 1 point

Bo is a better driver, 1 point

Luke is the better actor, 1 point

Bo is funny n clever, 1 point

Luke is not cute (to me) 0 point

Bo 3 points Luke 2 points, Bo Wins For Me


Yeah Denver Pyle was an awsome actor, the Ghost of the General Lee was one of his best scenes in the Dukes and also when he's talking to Bo in Carnival of Thrills. Its not Bo that makes me blub so much, the fight between them does obviously, its the talk Uncle Jesse gives...gets me everytime. Rest in Peace Denver!!


Wow! I kind of think differently. I always thought that Bo was such a cool fighter. I just thought he had this extra flair, and was punching as hard as he could. I always thought he looked so tough and cool. I know what all of you are thinking, you can tell that I've never seen a real fight! You'd be right on that. But, I just think Bo looks cool when he fights.

I still can't decide on who is the better one, Bo or Luke. There's certain great characteristics about both of them, but it would be the same without them, so I definately can't choose between them.

Denver Pyle is great! He's the anchoring force for the Dukes (and in real life). It just wouldn't be as great of a show without him (or any of them for that matter)!

I hope that all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Laura Duke:-P


Welcome to Hazzard County DUKEGIRLFAN14.

Trying to decide who's best between Bo and Luke is, of course, impossible. (even though people like me vainly attempt to do so occasionally). All we can do is decide who we like more, and for a lot of us, that's impossible too. It would be like asking the question, who was a better actor, Jesse, Rosco or Boss? If anyone wants to tackle a question like that, good luck. We all know it will come down to who you like more because the actors on Dukes all deserved Oscars....especially Denver.....did I mention that that's who I like the most?


Tom is the better actor hands down. However when John started he was only 18 and very very green, but you could tell he caught up to Tom and played off of Tom very very well. There was chemistry there and that's what made the show. John became a good actor because of Dukes of Hazzard. It was practice for him. The others all had some sort of experience before this. John was just flying by the seat of his pants, literally.

Today if you were to compare the two it's like taking oranges and apples, two totally separate worlds. Tom is Broadway and more of a classical actor, where John is more of the Hollywood style. Neither is 'better' than the other and to tell you the truth, Dukes of Hazzard is not Dukes of Hazzard without both cousins. Bo has strengths and weaknesses that are opposite of Luke and vice versa. The reason the show is good is because the two lead male roles play off of one another and give the show drama. The best episodes were when those two were in some sort of trouble where one would have to rescue the other or when they were pitted against one another. The eps. that were the blandest were where they had both of the boys acting as one unit and there were a fair share of those. Seriously, I loved the plot twists when they did have plot twists, like Luke finding his little brother Jude, or where Bo was hypnotized to think he was Boss's son, or in Carnival of Thrills where they do fight one another. One cousin is not the same without the other...

They are very much their own characters as well as a team that is what makes Bo and Luke special and why it’s almost impossible to truly choose one over the other.


ach ya have to ask, when by far i think its rosco better, but thats not the question now is it? granted luke is smart, has the military training, but seems to have a real tough time with commitment. bo as someone pointed out is the better driver, is attractive (plus even in his age now, john still looks damn good!) and seems to be a little more committed as in carnival of thrills, i think if she wasn't using him, he would have stayed with her. my vote would have to go with bo.

  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

I would have to say bo but they are equal also this is so hard. And in the gohost of the general lee the part where jesse gets tears in his eyes rosco also does a really really good job I would have to say that them two are equal all the way around in there acting.

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