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this is a tribute to flash since she doesn't have a character forum. this is where you can comment on anything you like about flash. I love flash she was sooooo cute and it was really cute how rosco loved her and called her velvet ears!!! :D:D:D


Aww!! Flash!! I named my dog after her.. well I nicknamed her Velvet Ears since she has big ol' floppy ears. te he. I thought it was so cute how Rosco was always saying "buckle up for safety!" to Flash. In most episodes she wouldn't move an inch (unless she was carried) but then in a few episodes she'd like be running. I thought it was so cute when she like...moved.lol. Her ears were floppin in the wind, and how she barked at Boss. lol. I thought Flash was real sweet!!


Lost_Sheep3 said

I love how in Baa, Baa White Sheep Flash is the only one who can tell which is Boss and which is Abraham Lincoln Hogg...and for once it was Bo's idea to use Flash.

Bo wasn't in the episode because John was filming the movie Dream House. It was Luke that came up with the idea!! The episode you're thinking about may be the fourth seasons Coltrane vs. Duke!!

Lost_Sheep3 said
I love how in Baa, Baa White Sheep Flash is the only one who can tell which is Boss and which is Abraham Lincoln Hogg...and for once it was Bo's idea to use Flash.

Bo wasn't in the episode because John was filming the movie Dream House. It was Luke that came up with the idea!! The episode you're thinking about may be the fourth seasons Coltrane vs. Duke!!

You're right - my apologies - I had my episodes mixed up...


  • 1 month later...

Ya know what this is so dumb but I was out in back yard with my dogs. There were some guys chopping branches of a tree. When they threw some in the wood chipper some peices flew into our yard and landed near my furry pals. I screamed at them, "YOU DONE SCUFFED MY DAWGS!!!" I think they musta thought I was nuts. I stormed into the house with my dogs at my heels and stuck my tounge out at the guys. :oops: It was so stupid but ut was also fricking hilarious!! ANd sooooo worth it!! :lol:


yeah this funny, and I notice this Flash stole rosco's dairy book in dukes farm maybe she hate his dairy book.. lol why think that rosco tried find in his car... lol this cute.. and also she did stole boss's court gravel because she hate his noise.. this funny.. what think guys? did you see it? this cute... lol :lol::)

  • 2 weeks later...

I love Flash, one day I'm getting a little puppy like her and naming it after her too. Yeah, I remember when she ate Boss's gavel, that was funny. I loved how Rosco always referred himself as her "Daddy", I always thought that was super cute. I read somewhere on here where she got pregnant or something, but I don't remember it, anybody here know?

  • 5 months later...
  • 10 months later...

If I ever get a dog like Flash, Im gonna name it Flash.

Do Yall remember when Flash began steering Rosco's Police Car once Rosco lost control?

Waylon said something about that, but I dont remember it right now....

It was something like, "Even Flash knows how to drive......"

  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...
yeah this funny, and I notice this Flash stole rosco's dairy book in dukes farm maybe she hate his dairy book..

If you remember, at the beginning of that episode Rosco was filling in his diary and trying to lie about how much Boss pays him - every time he exagerated the amount Flash would bark until he finally got realistic. With all Boss's schemes in it, no wonder Flash hated the diary.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

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