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Everything posted by 426GeneralLee

  1. Personally, I don't think the 2003 Charger's looked that bad, but they really ****ed up when they made them a four door and changed the front end.
  2. Plus they stay there to help Jesse and Daisy with the farm. I belive they say that in many episodes. Which is why they don't have a "normal" job.
  3. No car is beyonf restoration! well.....some are, but I cvould see this General being restored. You can do anything if you have the mony...I myself am getting close to buying a couple 68, 69 or 70 Charger's and making 1 General out of them.
  4. The General Lee will always be my favorite car, sure the Batmobile was cool, but it wasn't "yeehaw cool". Seeing that big 440 Dodge Charger all twisted up and sideways, now that's what the top car ever does. Jumpin over creeks and cars.......sounds like the best car ever to me
  5. Here's one of my favorites Green Day - When I Come Around I heard you cryin loud All the way across town Cause you be searchin for that someone and it's me out on the prowl As you sit around feeling sorry for yourself Don't get lonely now Dry your whining eyes I'm just roaming for the moment Sleazin' my back yard so don't get so uptight you been thinking about ditching me No time to search the world around Cause you know where I'll be found When I come around I heard it all before So don't knock down my door I'm a loser and a user so I don't need no accuser to try and slag me down because I know I'm right So go do what you like Make sure you do it wise You may find out that your selfdoubt means nothing was ever there You can't go forcing something if it's just not right No time to search the world around Cause you know where I'll be found When I come around When I come around
  6. I wonder what kind of brew's Bo, Luke and Cooter drank...
  7. Yeeeeeeehaww! This should be good
  8. One of my friends who's idol was Dimebag.....didn't come out of his room for 2 days when he heard the news...
  9. I dunno....it seems fine the way it is. If you start putting for together then they get too crowed and it gets hard to find topics...I think it's great the way it is.
  10. How long do you think it was take for someone to paint the new 2005/2006 Charger like the General Lee? I'd give it a max 2 years before we see one.
  11. Cale's Charger was pretty crazy too.....with that turbo charger and all.
  12. Lets not forget the "imposter Duke" in "the Duke of Dukes"
  13. I love the song "Flash"
  14. Hewey Hogg was the worst....and by worst I mean the best.
  15. Yeah same here. I like the 426 Hemi more then the 440 Magnum, but it's not like I'd turn down the offer...... 426 Hemi + 727 Tourqueflight = Awww yeah
  16. ey should...I've never heard one myself, but if it says Dukes of Hazzard somewheres, it should be good.
  17. Some just had chrome, some didnt, it depends on if they could get a hold of it. Unless the base model Charger didn't have any, but I don't think that's the case
  18. There's that limo-General
  19. Bo - "Well, we were just gonna borrow your car." Daisy - "Un uh...I just waxed it" Luke - C'mon Daisy, the General sticks out like a sore thumb" Daisy - "Well ok, but there better not be ONE spec of dust on it when it comes back" later.....Bo and Luke jump it off a cliff
  20. I have no rememberance of that episode at all....but "he wears a suit" sounds more like the right answer.
  21. Lulu - (after finding her Rolls' crushed into a doorstop.She takes the hood ornament and hands it to Boss) "You start with this, and get me the rest by tonight!"
  22. The Base model The Charger R/T (Road and Track) The Charger SE (Special Edition) The Charger R/T SE (Road and Track Special Edition) Personally, I like the base model. It has that nice little Charger logo on the grill instead of "R/T". I just like it being the "basic Charger"....weird... Anyway, how about ya'll?
  23. Rosco - "You know this is the first time I ever caught anything in this here creek, kew, kew" (as he catches Bo and Luke) Waylon - "You know if it'd had been a month earlier, Rosco would-a had to throw 'em back.."
  24. Hmm I really can't remember right now, it'll come to me. It's within the firdt 7 episodes...so I'll find out
  25. I always justr figured Rosco parked in front of Enos....seein' as he was his "Supeirior Officer"
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