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Posts posted by bethie88

  1. Bo and Daisy took Dixie back to the farm with them at her request. Both of them were just glad that Rosco hadn't shown up earlier and caught Dixie with Luke's beer bottle.

    Beth and Uncle Jesse heard the General's powerful engine in the driveway. Beth was up and headed toward the front door before she even had time to know what she was doing. She knew something was up. It was instinct. She saw Bo, Daisy, and Dixie headed toward the house and knew that there had to be a reason Luke wasn't with them. She met Bo on the porch and asked, "Where's Luke?"

    "He's payin' Rosco an overnight visit," Bo said softly, trying to keep Dixie calm. "Come on in, and I'll tell ya about it. First we need to get Dixie settled in."

    Beth nodded silently, taking Bo's hand and walking inside.

    Daisy volunteered to go to bed, mostly to keep Dixie from staying up and worrying about Luke. Dixie followed Daisy to her room.

    Bo told Beth, "Go on to bed. I'll be there in a little while, and we can talk then."

    Beth nodded, knowing that Bo needed to talk to Jesse.

    Cue Dixie

  2. Austin was much happier, and so he decided to join in on teasing Jesse.

    "Sorry I didn't get hurt when Anna was at Doc's, Jesse," he said slyly.

    "I don't know what you mean, Austin Hunter Duke, but I do know that you may be 19, but I can still whip you good."

    Austin shrugged. Jesse was always threatening a "whipping," but he wouldn't whip a grown man.

    Austin grinned. "Just cause Jesse's in love, he's gonna whip me." He almost started laughing, but a stern look from Jesse set him straight.

    He shrugged. "Whatever you say, Jess."

  3. Here's the lyrics...

    Artist: Dierks Bentley

    Album: Modern Day Drifter

    Title: Cab Of My Truck

    Cracked windshield

    Crumpled up cans and a beat up bag of red man chew

    Fix a flat, jonny cash box set

    Half a dozen parking ickets that I aint paid yet

    Litten on that long bed seat

    I got my shot gun girl right next to me


    Four wheel turnin

    Two hearts burnin

    We go runnin wild

    Gonna make a million

    Memories for every hundred

    Thousand miles

    Learnin everything I'll ever need

    To know about life and love

    In the cab of my truck

    Sliden rear

    Back window

    So it's an easy reach to where my cooler keeps em iced down cold

    Roll of duck tape, W D 40

    Ain't nothin too loose or licked too tight for a man like me

    Yeah, I might take it slow

    30 through town

    On a back dirt road

    Girl I put the hammer down


    Down by the river, two bodies in the glow of the radio dial

    Gonna make a million memories for every hundred thousand miles

    I'm learnin everything we'll ever need to know about life and love

    In the cab of my truck

    In the cab of my truck

    Man I can't find anything in this truck

    Oh, what's this? a little white tank top

    Get out of my way Cadilac, big white's comin through

  4. Austin nodded, feeling better already. "Yessir!" he said, trying to smile, but failing, because it kinda hurt.

    Doc told Jesse that he'd settle with him later on the bill, and the brothers stepped outside, just in time to see Madison coming around the corner, and Bo driving Black Tilly way too fast. Jesse shook his head. "Them dang cars is gonna be the death of this family!"

    Madison walked over to them and said, "Austin, Dan, you two OK?"

    Austin nodded, feeling much better since Doc had told him he'd heal up OK.

    Dan also nodded. His burns weren't that bad, but they were going to make working the farm difficult. He put his arm around Austin and said, "Come on, y'all. Let's go home."

  5. "Da--it," Bo moaned as Luke straightened up.

    "What's goin' on here?" Rosco asked, holding his pistol on them.

    "Uh... Nothin', Rosco," Luke said. "Ralph and me was just havin' us a little... discussion of sorts..."

    Rosco turned to Ralph, "Is that what it is?"

    Ralph was in no hurry to spend a night in jail, but he wasn't ready to let Luke off so easy either. After a moment of indecision, he said, "........

    Cue Dixie

  6. Ralph replied by punching Luke right in the jaw. "Is THAT cute enough for ya, Duke?" Ralph yelled.

    Luke tossed his beer bottle aside, saying, "Listen, Ralph... I don't wanna fight... Not here and now especially."

    "Why, you scared to have your @$$ kicked in front of your newest little challenge?" he sneered, gesturing toward Dixie.

    That was enough of that. Luke hauled off and punched Ralph, the other man's nose spurting blood. "That's enough, Ralph," he said, trying to calm down.

    Ralph still wasn't ready to quit. "I'll say when it's enough," he said.

    When he came back at Luke, the dark haired man was waiting for him.

    Cue Dixie

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