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Posts posted by bethie88

  1. Luke nodded, 'OK' as Jesse began, "Luke, you know that we Dukes fight for what we believe in, and I'm proud of ya for that. But we don't fight out of a steamed temper, and we sure don't fight at the wrong time or place. I know you were justified in being mad... even justified in fighting, but we got bigger things to worry about right now."

    Nodding slowly, Luke could only agree with his uncle. "I know, Uncle Jesse. And I didn't mean to cause trouble."

    Jesse knew that, and Luke knew that he knew.

    "Luke, just be careful," he replied, a small smile on his face. "Now, finish your coffee... You and Bo's got that load to run, and time's a-wastin'."

    Luke nodded, downed the coffee, and went looking for Bo, who was comforting a hormonal, tearful Beth.

    Luke knew as well as Bo and Beth did that under ordinary circumstance, Beth would have been understanding of the "family business," but that in her current state, she would cry at the drop of a hat, and the worry of Bo going to jail was too much for her.

    Beth looked up at Bo, face red. "Dang it, Bo, I'm sorry," she said, shaking her head.

    Bo sighed. "Honey, it's all right," he said, stroking her hair.

    Luke walked in, and, being the good cousin he was, sat in the chair by their bed. "Bo, mind if I talk to her for a minute?"

    "Nah," Bo replied. "I gotta finish gettin' ready."

    This particular run was going through Sheriff Big Ed Little's territory, so the boys always took extra precautions, including wearing camo in case they needed to hide in the woods. Bo grabbed his camoflouged clothes and stepped into the bathroom, letting Luke's words of wisdom comfort his worried wife.

    Luke looked at Beth, giving her a reassuring smile before he said, ".........

    Cue Dixie

  2. Beth sighed, before walking back toward the rooms that she and Bo shared on the back of the house. "Listen, I'm goin' back to bed. I'll get up when Luke gets here if need be."

    She was so tired.

    Bo nodded sleepily. "Me, too..."

    He followed his wife, not too happy at having been unable to sleep.

    Crawling back into bed, Bo kissed Beth. "Sorry we woke ya up, honey," he said, holding out his arm for her to rest her head on. "Love ya, Sunshine," he added.

    "Love you, too," Beth half-mumbled. And then, she was asleep again. But Bo still had his eye on the window.

  3. Meanwhile, at the bar, Beth entered, looking through the smoke for Dixie. She found her friend and made her way over.

    "Hey, honey," she said, sitting down by Dixie. "You doin' all right?"

    Dixie took another sip of beer before replying, "I've been better..."

    Beth smiled a little. "Sure enough." She knew that this was hard on Dixie. "Honey, I think you've had enough," she said, taking the beer and putting it on the other side of her.

    Dixie sighed, suddenly looking at the band, boredom covering the hurt she really felt.

    Beth shook her head. It was going to be a long night, and the first thing she needed to do was get her friend sobered up enough to really think about some things. "Come on, Dix," she said. "We're goin' back to my place."

    Dixie replied....

  4. Beth watched her husband deal with his cousin. "Thanks for keepin' the kids, Uncle Jesse," she said, heading upstairs to say goodnight to them.

    She hoped Dixie was OK.

    After saying goodnight to the kids, Beth turned and walked back downstairs. She kissed Uncle Jesse on the cheek before turning to Bo. "Sugar, I'm gonna go back to the Boar's Nest and keep an eye on Dixie, all right?"

    Bo nodded. "Just be careful, honey," he said. "Ain't no tellin' what kinda people might be down there."

    Beth nodded. "You got it, honey. I'll see ya later."

    She headed out the door to her Camaro, mind on getting to her friend before something happened.

  5. "Luke, you know somethin? You can't just make a choice like that tonight. Why don'tcha come inside and have a good time tonight? And tomorrow, spend some time away from both of 'em so ya got time to think..."

    Luke shrugged. "Sounds like an idea," he said.


    Beth hugged her friend. "Dixie, don't worry, honey. I know Luke loved you a long time ago. And y'know what Uncle Jesse always says. If ya love somethin, let it go. If it comes back to ya, it was yours all along. But if it never comes back, it was never yours to start with."

    Dixie sighed through her tears. "Beth, that's easy to say, but it sure ain't easy to practice."

    Beth nodded. "I know... Lord knows I do."

    Just then, the men who held these women's hearts walked through the door.

    Beth stood up. "Come on, honey. Let's go give it a shot."

  6. "Well, I can't believe that y'all didn't tell me what was goin' on!"

    Anger flashing in his blue eyes, he looked away from Dixie.

    Beth stood at Bo's side, witnessing the whole spectacle. "Bo," she whispered to her husband. "Go talk to him."

    She went after Dixie, knowing that her friend would need someone to talk to. She was glad that the kids were with Uncle Jesse, because it looked like this was going to be a long night.

    Bo started after Luke. "Cousin," he called. "You all right?"

    Luke shook his head. "Hell if I know, Bo," he said, shrugging his shoulders. "I just wish I knew what to do..." He sighed. "I shouldn't have said what I said to Dixie. That wasn't her fault back then..." He sighed. "And I sure hate that Lori's upset, but what am I supposed to do?"


    Beth put her arm around Dixie. "Honey... Talk to me..." she said, sitting down at a table.

    Dixie looked up at her, tears in her eyes, and said...

  7. Dixie meanwhile watching all of this was getting highly upset as she watched her cousin flirting away with the only man she'd ever loved.

    Just in the knick of time, Beth Duke walked into the garage, a 7-year-old Bo Duke Jr. holding her hand and 5-year-old Ruth Anne perched on her hip. "Hey, Daddy!" they both said, Ruth Anne wriggling loose from Beth's arms to run over to his father.

    "Go on," Beth said to the little boy with his father's smile, adding to the little dark haired girl, "You're heavy." Jesse and Caroline, Bo and Beth's two youngest, were home with Uncle Jesse.

    Bo leaned down to lift his son and into his arms, smiling back at his wife. "Hey, honey," he said. "You 'member Dixie and Lori?"

    "DIXIE!" Beth exclaimed running to hug her old friend. "Honey, I've missed you so much!" she said, looking at Dixie like she'd just come back from the dead.

    "Hey, Beth," Lori said.

    Beth slowly turned around. "Oh, hey there, Lori!" she replied, trying to sound excited, but coming off sounding more worried. Which she was. She'd always loved all of the Davenports, but Lori and Dixie being together now was hardly the best thing Beth could think of.

  8. "Honey, ya ain't three!" Luke said with a smile, then, trying to be discreet, he looked her over and said again, "You sure ain't three..."

    Dixie wondered what he'd meant by that, but, in the midst of eating dinner and talking, she'd missed his look. "Well, maybe I'm not, but that doesn't mean people don't treat me like I am."

    Luke grinned. "I understand that," he said.

    She smiled back, trying to quiet the butterflies that went crazy everytime the blue eyed man grinned at her.

    It was a strange thing, this feeling she had. But she sure believed it was real. And she wasn't complaining about it.

    Luke paid the tab, then said, "Well, I reckon we better get a move on, don't you?"

    To which, Dixie replied, "........

    ~Cue Dixie~

  9. Back at the house, Daisy and Beth seemed very interested in this parts run that Luke was making. When Bo mentioned that Dixie went along, Beth gave Daisy a knowing smile. "Hm..." she said, to her clueless husband. "That's interestin'."

    Bo shrugged. "I reckon..." But he really didn't. He couldn't imagine why a parts run was interesting.

    BALLADEER: Now, sometimes, ol' Bo wouldn't know interestin' if ya dropped it on his head.


    Luke and Dixie enjoyed their dinner immensely, as Luke asked Dixie what had been going on in school lately.

    There was so much gossip to catch up on, even in the short time Luke had been in jail. "So..." Luke said, grinning at her. "You find yourself a fella yet?" He winked. Dixie was a pretty girl, and getting prettier every day, so it would only make sense that she had a boyfriend now.

    With a small smile, Dixie replied, "....."

    ~Cue Dixie~

  10. Dixie laughed and replied, "Anywhere that DOESN'T have chipped beef as the special."

    Luke grinned. Was it just him, or had she grown up in the short time he was in the pin? It was almost strange.

    Dixie settled into the seat and smiled at the handsome driver. "So, tell me, Luke... Where do YOU wanna eat?"

    Luke shrugged. He had no idea. But he sure wanted something that wasn't Hazzard County jail food.


    Bo headed off to the school to pick up the others, knowing he was late. He knew that they wouldn't say anything, but still wanted to make sure to get home at a decent time so that Jesse wouldn't ask questions. Saying a quick goodbye to Cooter, he headed out the door.

    Climbing into the General's passenger's seat, Bo tore out for school, not wasting any time.

    ~ Cue Dixie ~

  11. I was pretty impressed with this movie. Granted, there were the sexual things and all, but over all, this cast really did a good job. There were times when I'd look at Randy Wayne as Luke and swear he could have been related to Tom Wopat. I was so glad to see Daisy as a sweet little brunette with a brain instead of an idiot. April Scott was great.

    I have to say that when I first saw the pictures of Jonathan Bennett, I didn't think he could pull Bo off, but he did. Some of the things he said could have come right from John Schneider's mouth.

    I think my favorite scene was the hood-slide... It was great!

    I didn't like the way they portrayed Lulu, but hey... not everything was going to be perfect.

    The southern accents were really not that bad, and I liked Enos alot.

    One thing I didn't like was that Cooter's part was a bit over acted. But overall, I appreciated it. I wasn't expecting a copy of the show, but I did think it was really a good tribute and something that we as Duke fans can enjoy and appreciate.

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