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Posts posted by bethie88

  1. Return of the Ridge Raiders:

    Luke: your granddad sure does keep that thing in fine shape.

    Bo: That aint the only thing in fine shape round here. :wink:

    and of course my quote at the end

    Bo didn't say, "I hate kids" to Luke. Luke wasn't there. He said it to Jill Dodson. But don't worry about it, I nitpick too much.

  2. And that was just what all the Dukes planned to do.

    When Beth found out about the run, she was a little angry, but she tried to understand. But understanding didn't keep her from worrying. She loved Bo, and the last thing they needed then was for him to go to jail.

    The night before the run, Bo and Beth lay awake in bed talking for hours.

    As Bo explained to her where the run was going to go, Beth suddenly....

    Cue Dixie

  3. Me: Meanwhile, back in Hazzard, Beth, Daisy, and Debbie, with the help of Ruth Anne, Laura, and Jessica, were cleaning up the Boar's Nest. Beth was getting aggravated with the others, who kept telling her to sit down and rest. She finally said, "Girls, for gosh sakes! I've been pregnant how many times now? I think I know what I can and can't do!"

    Debbie and Daisy had to laugh, and yet, knowing Beth, they knew that they were frustrating her. So they finally gave in and let her help, as long as she left the heavy lifting to them. Beth agreed to those terms. She and Daisy took the tablecloths off the table to be cleaned, and saved by Dixie in the trunk her mother had given her.

    Debbie walked over to the others and said, "You know, girls, I've known Dixie a long time. But I have never seen her happier than she is right now."

    To which Daisy replied, "I'll say amen to that."


    Meanwhile, Bo was driving home from the line...

    Cue Dixie

  4. Meanwhile, Beth and Bo were relieved to see Luther Davenport's wrecker coming around the curve. He came over to them, and hooked the car up, pulling it out of the ditch. Beth was relieved to see that, other than the tire, and a few scratches, the car was just fine.

    Bo changed the tire, and thanked Luther profusely. Luther just smiled. "I thought you two were going with Luke and Cooter and them," he said

    "No sir," Bo said. "I need to get Beth home. She needs her rest."

    Luther smiled. "Oh, I see how it is. Well, I better git."

    Bo nodded, grinning.


    Meanwhile, at the lake...

    Cue Dixie

  5. "You know, Bo... I'd love to. But... But I just wouldn't feel right about that. Just tell them that I wish them all the best."

    Bo nodded. "I understand." He hugged Robin and said, "You take care of yourself. OK?"

    "I will." Robin smiled weakly. "I will."

    Bo nodded. "You'd better. Mark would go nuts if you didn't."

    Robin smiled. "God knows!"

    She turned and walked to her car as Bo climbed into Luke's truck. He headed toward the county line wondering just what Luke was up to.

    Cue Dixie

  6. In the meantime, Bo was trying to radio Luther to bring the wrecker. "Old Shotgun, this is Lost Sheep Two. We got a towin' job we need done, come on."

    But no answer. Beth was getting more and more annoyed as the time passed. "If Jeb and Cooter hadn't had to go to the lake..." she began.

    Bo nodded. She didn't have to finish her thought. He knew what she was talking about.

    "Shepherd," Bo said over the CB, "This is Lost Sheep Two, come on."

    No answer. Bo shook his head. And then, he resorted to something he'd never wanted to do. "Sheriff Coltrane, this is Lost Sheep Two. Come on."

    Beth smiled when Rosco replied, "This is Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane, come on." Neither she nor Bo ever thought they'd be so happy to hear Rosco's voice.

    "Rosco," Bo said, "Me and Beth got a flat on Atlanta Highway, headed back in toward Hazzard from the Boar's Nest. Can you see if you can find Luther Davenport? We're in a ditch, and there ain't no way we can change the tire without gettin' it out."

    Rosco spoke quickly! "Alright! I'll go get Luther... right now. Khee!"

    Bo heaved a sigh of relief as he and Beth settled into the soft grass to wait for Luther and the wrecker.


    Meanwhile, at the lake, Jeb Stuart Duke was having the time of his life....

    Cue Dixie

  7. Daisy smiled as she walked across the room to Dixie. "Well, honey," she said, "It's about that time."

    Dixie smiled. All of the unmarried women gathered around for the tossing of the bouquet. Dixie was smiling as she turned her back to the group of women. Most of them had a very important reason to want that bouquet. Dixie carefully, but with no planned receiver, tossed the flowers over her head. They landed neatly in Debbie's hand! She blushed bright red as Jeb winked at her. She couldn't believe this!

    Then Luke had to throw the garter. Luke wasn't altogether comfortable with the idea of holding something like a garter. It made him feel funny, but he smiled. It was worth it. He took the garter, and tossed it into the waiting group of men, grinning when he turned around to see a highly uncomfortable Jeb holding the garter.

    Bo told Daisy to get the rice ready. Then he nodded to Cooter that it was time to help the bride and groom get out.

    Bo quickly took over the mic. And in true Bo Duke showman's fashion, he said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, if you'll just step outside and see Miss Daisy, the bride and groom will be out presently. And then, it's off to the honeymoon for them."

    Dixie blushed again. She'd get Bo when she and Luke got back from the honeymoon.

    Cue Dixie

  8. Before they had gotten there, Lisa and Jeb had pretty well decided what THEY were going to do during their trip to the lake. Jeb, being a Duke, was quite the charmer. And Lisa had quickly set her eye on him. Luke was keeping an eye on them, knowing that Lisa was at least 19, most likely older, and that Jeb was only 16. Jeb was a little annoyed at his cousin, knowing that Luke was keepind an eye on them.

    Dixie was having fun with Luke, since Cooter, Kathy, Jeb, and Lisa were paying them absolutely no attention. They talked about cars, and things, and then Luke had the strange urge to tell Dixie, "Hey, you look real nice tonight."

    Dixie smiled at Luke's comment, but was a little confused about the butterflies in her stomach. "Thanks," she said.


    Bo and Beth were headed home in Beth's Camaro, when all of the sudden...

    Cue Dixie

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