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Posts posted by bethie88

  1. Sorry..........Don't think so about talking myself into liking it. I have been very openminded about it since the beginning.

    Last thing I got to say about the movie...YEEEEEEHHHHAAAAAAAA

    -------Well Sparky, I`m just going by YOUR statement:

    " I have been preaching on here for the better part of a year to give this movie a chance. You know something , I did and the movie was better than what I expected. Hearing Waylon's Good Ol Boys in the opening I knew this would be a helluva good ride."

    .....That doesn`t sound too "openminded" to me, but more predisposed --or "Mind Made Up" if you prefer.

    Even from "the opening" you KNEW that this was going to be bla-bla-bla...

    My last word on the movie ..."YEEEEE---UCK !"

    Hey Goober, eh I mean PALADIN..........What is with calling me "Sparky" ?.....Just because you are a newbie on here and didn't like the movie, doesn't mean you do that....

    Read into it what you want. But you are dead wrong buddy....I will not get into me explaining myself to you in this thread. Go back and read my posts about it for the past year......

    I'm gone


    Us younguns just got no respect for you old folks, Darrell.

    JK! How are you? Long time no talk to!

  2. Sorry..........Don't think so about talking myself into liking it. I have been very openminded about it since the beginning.

    Last thing I got to say about the movie...YEEEEEEHHHHAAAAAAAA

    -------Well Sparky, I`m just going by YOUR statement:

    " I have been preaching on here for the better part of a year to give this movie a chance. You know something , I did and the movie was better than what I expected. Hearing Waylon's Good Ol Boys in the opening I knew this would be a helluva good ride."

    .....That doesn`t sound too "openminded" to me, but more predisposed --or "Mind Made Up" if you prefer.

    Even from "the opening" you KNEW that this was going to be bla-bla-bla...

    My last word on the movie ..."YEEEEE---UCK !"

    Hey Goober, eh I mean PALADIN..........What is with calling me "Sparky" ?.....Just because you are a newbie on here and didn't like the movie, doesn't mean you do that....

    Read into it what you want. But you are dead wrong buddy....I will not get into me explaining myself to you in this thread. Go back and read my posts about it for the past year......

    I'm gone


    Us younguns just got no respect for you old folks, Darrell.

    JK! How are you? Long time no talk to!

  3. Bo was on pins and needles until Doc Applebee had seen Beth. "She has a mild concussion," Doc said. "She'll be OK, but just keep her awake for a few hours. And call me if anything seems different. The baby should be fine... everything seems normal."

    Bo nodded. "Thanks, Doc."

    Daisy proved to be just fine, as well, though a little shaken.

    Bo helped Beth out to the truck, and she rode home on his lap. Beth was tired, so she laid her head on Bo's chest. "Honey," he said softly. "Somethin' must be wrong with those tires of yours... That's three of them blown in a very short time."

    Beth nodded. "My daddy bought them tires from Boss Hogg."

    Bo shook his head. "JD Hogg's gonna pay for putting you and the baby in danger. Not to mention Daisy and Dixie."

    Beth sighed. "Don't worry about it tonight, honey. Just get me home."

    He sighed. "Anything you say, Sunshine."


    Luke had towed the car back to the farm, and taken Dixie with him. The whole ride home, he had held her close to his side. She was still shaking even when they got back to the house. Luke decided to unhook the car later, knowing that Dixie needed him. He took her inside, and directed her to sit in a chair in the kitchen while he fixed her some warm milk. "Here ya go, honey," he said softly, handing her the cup.

    She took it and sipped it a little. She tried to calm her nerves, but her hands were still shaking alot, and she was scared to death. "Luke, I was so scared!" she said, beginning to cry again. "Beth and Daisy were both unconcious, and I was worried they'd..." she was sobbing by now. "I didn't..." She couldn't continue.

    Luke took her arm, helped her to stand, and put his arms around her again. "Honey, it's all over now. There's nothing for you to worry about. Please don't cry."

    Dixie's tears were soaking Luke's blue checked shirt, but he wasn't worried about that. "Dixie, please don't cry. I'm right here... I'll always be here if you need me. I promise you that."

    She was still crying, but Luke's comforting words helped. "Promise?" she asked, looking him in the eyes.

    "Yeah," Luke repeated. "I promise. On my life."

    She closed her eyes against the replays of the accident, and Luke just held her and let her cry into his chest. "It's OK, honey," he said. "Shh..." he whispered into her hair.


    When Jesse and Bo got back with the girls, ......

    Cue Dixie

  4. Bo was on pins and needles until Doc Applebee had seen Beth. "She has a mild concussion," Doc said. "She'll be OK, but just keep her awake for a few hours. And call me if anything seems different. The baby should be fine... everything seems normal."

    Bo nodded. "Thanks, Doc."

    Daisy proved to be just fine, as well, though a little shaken.

    Bo helped Beth out to the truck, and she rode home on his lap. Beth was tired, so she laid her head on Bo's chest. "Honey," he said softly. "Somethin' must be wrong with those tires of yours... That's three of them blown in a very short time."

    Beth nodded. "My daddy bought them tires from Boss Hogg."

    Bo shook his head. "JD Hogg's gonna pay for putting you and the baby in danger. Not to mention Daisy and Dixie."

    Beth sighed. "Don't worry about it tonight, honey. Just get me home."

    He sighed. "Anything you say, Sunshine."


    Luke had towed the car back to the farm, and taken Dixie with him. The whole ride home, he had held her close to his side. She was still shaking even when they got back to the house. Luke decided to unhook the car later, knowing that Dixie needed him. He took her inside, and directed her to sit in a chair in the kitchen while he fixed her some warm milk. "Here ya go, honey," he said softly, handing her the cup.

    She took it and sipped it a little. She tried to calm her nerves, but her hands were still shaking alot, and she was scared to death. "Luke, I was so scared!" she said, beginning to cry again. "Beth and Daisy were both unconcious, and I was worried they'd..." she was sobbing by now. "I didn't..." She couldn't continue.

    Luke took her arm, helped her to stand, and put his arms around her again. "Honey, it's all over now. There's nothing for you to worry about. Please don't cry."

    Dixie's tears were soaking Luke's blue checked shirt, but he wasn't worried about that. "Dixie, please don't cry. I'm right here... I'll always be here if you need me. I promise you that."

    She was still crying, but Luke's comforting words helped. "Promise?" she asked, looking him in the eyes.

    "Yeah," Luke repeated. "I promise. On my life."

    She closed her eyes against the replays of the accident, and Luke just held her and let her cry into his chest. "It's OK, honey," he said. "Shh..." he whispered into her hair.


    When Jesse and Bo got back with the girls, ......

    Cue Dixie

  5. Beth smiled when she noticed Luke in front of her. She picked up the CB and said, "Sunshine to Lost Sheep 1. What brings you out tonight?"

    Luke replied. "Rosco. 'Nuff said."

    Beth laughed. "Has my husband been behaving himself?"

    Luke laughed back, "Bo? Never."

    Dixie grinned. She loved just to hear the sound of Luke's voice. He was such a great guy. she just knew it. No matter what people said about him. But she also knew that he was too old for her, and that if she ever went out with him, the sh-- would hit the fan with Luther. So she just kept her dreams to herself.

    Beth was just following Luke back to the farm, when all of a sudden...

    Cue Dixie

  6. Beth smiled when she noticed Luke in front of her. She picked up the CB and said, "Sunshine to Lost Sheep 1. What brings you out tonight?"

    Luke replied. "Rosco. 'Nuff said."

    Beth laughed. "Has my husband been behaving himself?"

    Luke laughed back, "Bo? Never."

    Dixie grinned. She loved just to hear the sound of Luke's voice. He was such a great guy. she just knew it. No matter what people said about him. But she also knew that he was too old for her, and that if she ever went out with him, the sh-- would hit the fan with Luther. So she just kept her dreams to herself.

    Beth was just following Luke back to the farm, when all of a sudden...

    Cue Dixie

  7. Luke pulled his jeans on and went downstairs. Bo tried not to smile at his cousin. Once Luke was gone, Bo went to talk to Uncle Jesse. He'd had some things on his mind, and knew that there was nothing like the old man's wisdom to help him out.

    Jesse was in the kitchen, mopping up behind Coy and Vance who'd done no more than hit it with a lick and a promise. "Uncle Jesse?" Bo said softly.

    "Yeah?" Jesse said, smiling at his nephew.

    "I gotta talk to you. I mean, I woulda talked to Luke, but there's some things even Luke don't know."

    Jesse nodded. "Time is a good teacher. And experience is the best."

    "Well, Uncle Jesse, I know you helped take care of me and Luke and Daisy when we were babies and all... And you didn't have none of your own, but you still know alot about 'em... Dontcha?"

    Jesse smiled. "Yes, Bo. I know enough."

    "Well, Uncle Jesse... I don't know nothin' about babies... Except what we learned in Health, and that was 4 years ago."

    Jesse nodded. "Well, what they teach you in them classes don't amount to much. Every baby's different and special. And every baby needs to be took care of a little different."

    Bo sighed. "I was afraid of that. I don't know nothin' about takin' care of babies or anything!"

    Jesse walked over to Bo, who was sitting in a kitchen chair, and patted his shoulder. "You'll learn, Bo," he said. "And I'll be beside ya, and Beth will. And believe me, most mamas take to it pretty quick."

    Bo smiled. Leave it to Jesse to make him feel better.


    Meanwhile, in town...

    Cue Dixie

  8. Luke pulled his jeans on and went downstairs. Bo tried not to smile at his cousin. Once Luke was gone, Bo went to talk to Uncle Jesse. He'd had some things on his mind, and knew that there was nothing like the old man's wisdom to help him out.

    Jesse was in the kitchen, mopping up behind Coy and Vance who'd done no more than hit it with a lick and a promise. "Uncle Jesse?" Bo said softly.

    "Yeah?" Jesse said, smiling at his nephew.

    "I gotta talk to you. I mean, I woulda talked to Luke, but there's some things even Luke don't know."

    Jesse nodded. "Time is a good teacher. And experience is the best."

    "Well, Uncle Jesse, I know you helped take care of me and Luke and Daisy when we were babies and all... And you didn't have none of your own, but you still know alot about 'em... Dontcha?"

    Jesse smiled. "Yes, Bo. I know enough."

    "Well, Uncle Jesse... I don't know nothin' about babies... Except what we learned in Health, and that was 4 years ago."

    Jesse nodded. "Well, what they teach you in them classes don't amount to much. Every baby's different and special. And every baby needs to be took care of a little different."

    Bo sighed. "I was afraid of that. I don't know nothin' about takin' care of babies or anything!"

    Jesse walked over to Bo, who was sitting in a kitchen chair, and patted his shoulder. "You'll learn, Bo," he said. "And I'll be beside ya, and Beth will. And believe me, most mamas take to it pretty quick."

    Bo smiled. Leave it to Jesse to make him feel better.


    Meanwhile, in town...

    Cue Dixie

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