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Posts posted by bethie88

  1. The principal sent Kool-Aid, who was on his off period, to the class room that Beth was in. "Can I see Beth for a minute?" he asked.

    The girl stood and walked over to him. "What is it?"

    "Bo's suspended, honey... He just wanted to let you know that either he or Jesse will pick you up, but if it's him, he's parking across the street."

    Beth nodded. "Thanks," she said softly, going back to sit down.

    The other girls snickered, having heard what Kool-Aid said. Beth said nothing, but kept the same dignified set to her self as she glanced at Daisy. "Daisy, honey," she said softly. "Did I give you my notebook?"

    Daisy nodded and reached down to the side of her desk. "Sorry, sugar. I forgot."

    Beth smiled. "That's alright," and she looked back at the teacher as if nothing had ever happened.

    ~ ~ ~ ~

    After school, Daisy and Beth rounded up Jeb. "Let's go," Beth said. "Before we have any more trouble."

    The three of them went outside looking for their ride.

    Looking around, the three of them found that...............

    Cue Dixie

  2. I've been to the race in Charlotte several times... I don't know how long you plan to be there, but every year they have what's called Speed Street, which is basically a street fair in downtown Charlotte. It's free, but they have alot of driver appearances and concerts by alot of awesome bands and singers for FREE!


    ^^ that's the URL for the site...

    I know that Three Days Grace, Staind, and Blake Shelton are playing Speed Street. There are some other bands/singers, too... Julie Roberts, Sevendust, REO Speedwagon... It's an awesome chance if you want to see some really good concerts for FREE! lol.

    You should definately check it out!

    And Charlotte isn't that far from alot of the driver's shops... So depending on how much time you have, check those out, too.

  3. In the office, the principal asked Bo, "What is it this time?"

    Bo shrugged. "Nothin', really. Just some people need to be taught some manners."

    Tommy nodded, hissing, "Ain't that the truth."

    Bo rolled his eyes, and scooted further back into a chair to keep from teaching Tommy those much needed manners right now.


    Beth and Daisy went to their next class, where a few of the stuck up girls managed to get their two cents in. "Did you hear about that Bo Duke causing trouble? But the Duke's always were trouble."

    Beth sat there, working her jaw angrily. Some people needed to be taught a lesson or two. And for that moment, she could understand Bo's anger when his cousins were talked about.

    She turned around in her seat and said so that only the offending girls and Daisy could hear, "From what I hear, you all have been trying real hard to get Jeb Duke to help you out of those pretty little skirts, so I wouldn't talk about the Dukes."

    A few of the girls glared at Beth, but a few blushed bright red, because Beth wasn't lying. Jeb was pretty popular, and alot of the girls did want a trip to the lake or a roll in the hay with him.

    "And," Beth added. "The only reason none of you have ended up like me yet is because Jeb had no desire to touch any of you."

    Daisy looked at Beth, shocked, but amused. Mostly because Beth was right.

    One of the girl glared at Beth and said, "..............


  4. Bo started off toward Tommy, and Beth saw him just in time to run after him. Unfortunately for her, she had gotten bigger, and couldn't run as fast as she was used to running. "Bo!" she yelled. "Bo!"

    Bo turned and looked at his wife, who was quite red-faced from running after him. "Bo, please," she said softly. "Don't."

    Bo looked at her, then at Tommy. "Beth..."

    Beth sighed. "Bo, if you do this..." she couldn't think of anything to threaten him with. But then, it came to her. "Bo, if you do this, you can sleep in Luke's room tonight." By this time, she was close enough to him to say it so noone else could hear.

    "Beth, Luke's my cousin, and this jerk has no right to talk about him like that," Bo pled with Beth to understand.

    Beth looked at him. He turned to Tommy and yelled out. "Well, at least Luke ain't the one who has to force himself on somebody!"

    Tommy whirled on him. "What the hell did you just say to me?"

    Bo glared. "Everybody knows you ain't never had a girl who wanted to do anything with you... I know more than one girl who wishes she'd never seen you walkin' her way." Bo had the good graces not to name names.

    Beth tried to grab his arm, but Bo stepped away. "So why don't you just keep your mouth shut?"

    Tommy ran toward Bo, ready to kill the blonde. Beth stepped closer, but by some miracle, both Daisy and Jeb had showed up just in time to pull her back before she got knocked down.

    Beth sighed. Daisy led her away while Jeb and Kool Aid, who had also recently appeared, pulled the two apart. "Come on, y'all," Kool Aid said. "That's enough."

    Bo's face was bright red with anger. "Come on, you two," the older man added. "What's this all about?"

    Bo glared at Tommy, but said nothing. Tommy spoke, "Bo just needs to learn some manners is all."

    "All right, all right... I'm afraid I'll have to send you two up to the office."

    Bo sighed. Kool Aid had bailed them out alot, but Bo knew he couldn't now. Too many other teachers had seen everything.

    Beth looked at Bo, who mouthed at her, "I'm sorry, Sunshine."

    Beth sighed. Fighting like that would get Bo suspended for at least a week. "You better believe you're sorry, Beauregard," she said, more to herself than anyone else.

    Daisy spoke up, ".....

    Cue Dixie

  5. Austin's cowboy hat was pulled down low over his face, but he could still see what was going on. That Sheriff had every intention of checking out the still site.

    "Well, Jesse," the Sheriff said. "I'll just go get a warrent if you don't let me look."

    Austin almost laughed. The Sheriff was stupid if he thought Jesse was going to let it go that easily. "Well now, Sheriff," he said in an extra slow drawl he only used when he was angry, or just trying to be tough. "I don't see where you can get the judge to give you a warrant. Ain't no reason to check around here other than the grudge you got against Jesse. So, I figure you might as well just go back to town."

    He nodded politely. "See ya, Rosco," he said.

    Then he stood up and walked to his room, suddenly feeling a little tired. He figured it was from the wearing off of the rush and shock in his system. Bo followed him.

  6. Bo and Beth were alone in their room late in the evening. Beth was still upset with Bo, imagining him being in jail for fighting or something. "Beth, Sunshine... I'm sorry," Bo said. "But you've got to understand something. Luke, Jeb, Coy, and Vance are like my brothers, and if I had to fight for them, I'd do what I had to do. That's all there is to it."

    Beth looked at him. "Beauregard Jackson Duke, do you think I can just sit here and accept the fact that, if Luke or Jeb or Coy or Vance got into a fight, you'd be right in it with him? Bo, what if you got in a fight right when the baby was all set to be born?" She sighed. "We might as well get some sleep. We've got school tomorrow."

    "Oh, Lord," Bo said. "And we've got that essay thing day after tomorrow, don't we?"

    Beth nodded. "Yeah... I finished mine."

    "What're we supposed to write about again?" Bo asked.

    Beth couldn't help smiling. Bo was plenty smart, but he was quite a slacker. "We're supposed to write about our best childhood memory."

    "What'd you write about?"

    "When we were little and you, me, Daisy, and Luke went to the carnival with Uncle Jesse, and we rode the Tilt-a-Whirl until we couldn't stand up. And then we came back to your house and played Are There Any Bears Out Tonight? until Uncle Jesse made us go to bed."

    Bo laughed. "I remember that. That was fun." He put his arm around her. She sighed. It was hard to be mad at her blue-eyed country boy for long. She loved him far too much.

    Bo leaned down to kiss her. "How's the baby tonight?" he asked, putting his hand over her stomach, which was now rounding out pretty well.

    "Fine," she said. "Busiest baby I ever knew anything about, though," she said. "He moves around all the time."

    "He?" Bo said. "So it's a He now?"

    Beth nodded. "I just gotta feelin's all."

    "What brought on this feelin'?" Bo asked.

    "Because, he's just like a Duke boy, keepin' a girl up all night," she said with a wink.

    Bo grinned. "Seems to me I know something about that." He pulled Beth close and kissed her long and sweet.

    Beth smiled. "We do have school in the morning."

    "But this is tonight," Bo said, with a wicked grin.

    Beth sighed. "So it is."

    Cue Dixie

  7. He hadn't stopped to see the expression on his young wifes' face, which at this point was a pained one, full of worry. Uncle Jesse, however, hadn't missed it. He knew not to ask Beth about it then, but to let it go until later.

    Bo was still angry. Beth slipped her hand into his, afraid to let go of him. Afraid of losing him.

    It was then that Bo remembered that his wife was at his side. "Honey," he said, seeing her face. "You OK?"

    "I'm fine," Beth said, fighting back the tears.

    Bo looked at her, knowing she wasn't fine. "Beth, talk to me..." he said.

    Beth looked at him, shaking her head. "Not now, Bo. Just not now."

    Bo's blue eyes filled with concern. "Is it the baby?"

    "No!" Beth snapped, immediately regretting it.

    Bo was hurt, but something stopped him from saying so. He just put his arm around Beth and whispered, "I love you, darlin'."

    She knew she shouldn't start something right in front of the courthouse, but she was angry. "Beauregard Duke," she said, turning angry, tear filled blue eyes on him. "You listen here,........................"

    Cue Dixie

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