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Posts posted by bethie88

  1. Jesse had arrived at Doc's with Dan and Austin. He'd made sure to hurry Austin past the mirror so he couldn't see his face. It was burned pretty badly. Jesse hoped the Doc could fix it.

    Austin knew that it was bad. He couldn't stand it either. "Jesse," he said, trying to sound strong, but failing due to the quivering of his voice. "Jesse, I'm grown... I don't need you to protect me."

    Jesse looked at his younger brother for a moment. "Austin... don't you worry about a thing. We'll get you fixed right up. And Dan too."

    Dan was more worried about his brother than himself. His hands were burned, but not as badly as Austin was burned.

    Austin sat in the waiting room chair, flipping through some mail-order catalogue, and wishing that he knew that he'd be OK.

    That was when the Doc came in.

  2. Meanwhile, Jesse was driving the truck to Doc's. Austin was sitting in the middle seat. He knew his brothers had put him there to keep him from looking in the outside mirror and seeing his face. It burned really bad, and he was scared.

    Of course, he'd never admit it, being a mostly-grown Duke boy. But he was really scared.

    There was this pretty girl named Katie Anderson who'd moved to Hazzard a year or so ago, and Austin had known from the moment he'd seen her that he wanted to marry her. But he figured his face looked bad. And what if she didn't want him now. Tears filled the blue eyes, but refused to fall. He would let them see him cry.

    He ran his hands through his blonde hair and sighed. He wouldn't cry. He couldn't. Not in front of his older brothers.

  3. Luke took an early lead, leaving Ralph way behind. But the other man would not be put off so easily. He upshifted, and closed in on Luke a little.

    Dixie was yelling like crazy. "Go, Luke! Come on, Luke, don't let 'im getcha!"

    Bo was standing at her side yelling for his cousin.

    Ralph kept closing in on Luke, but he didn't know just how much power the General Lee had. Luke put it in high gear, and by the time they'd gotten to the "turn around," he was flying. Ralph didn't have a chance for anything but watching Luke slide across the finish line.

    Luke climbed out of the General's window, and smiled at Dixie. "Can I have my beer back?" he asked.

    "Sure," she handed it to him and smiled. "Great race, Luke."

    "No kiddin'," Bo added, patting his cousin on the back.

    Unfortunately, Ralph didn't seem to think it was such a good race....................

    Cue Dixie

  4. After the girls had cleaned up, Luke and Cooter took Bo, Daisy, Beth, and Dixie aside. Luke said, "Y'all get dressed up tonight. We're gonna go to the Boar's Nest and have a little fun."

    "Yeeehaaa!" Bo exclaimed, hugging Beth to him.

    Beth smiled weakly. She was really tired from painting the nursery, but she wanted to go.

    "Honey, are you OK?" Bo asked, looking at her with concern in his eyes.

    "Yeah, I'm fine."

    "Maybe we should stay home tonight," he suggested.

    "No!" Beth said. "I wanna go!"

    "Well, all that smokin' can't be good for the baby OR you, and you..."

    "Bo..." she interrupted. "It'll be OK... I'm going!" She pulled his head down and kissed him.

    Cooter, always the one with a comment, said, "................

    Cue Dixie

  5. "Uncle Jesse, I'm sorry... I went in there, trying to get her to come with me away from there. I'm standin' there, tellin' her how much I care for her, and trying to show her. Lord, I kissed her, begged her to come with me, told her I'd take care of her. And she starts screamin' at me, callin' me stupid, tellin' me that 'takin' care of her' ain't nearly what it'd cost me. I just kept beggin' and pleadin', and she slaps me in the face. Next thing I know, the barkeep's on me, and I'm tryin' like all he-- to keep my teeth in my gums. Then, the owner calls the cops on me, and Bo and Luke show up, and it's lucky for me, 'cause they kept me from spendin' the night in jail. The owner told 'em not to bring me back." He sighed.

    Jesse looked at the boy for a moment. "Jeb... I'm glad you were honest. It sure couldn'ta been easy."

    Jeb replied, "No sir."

    Jesse shook his head, and said, "We need to check site 3."


    Meanwhile, Dixie had returned to the girls...

    Cue Dixie

  6. Dixie said, "Sure... We can sit over there under that tree."

    Luke grinned. "Couldn't have picked a better spot myself, Dixie."

    Dixie noticed that he'd called her "Dixie" instead of "kiddo." She smiled as she sat down, being as graceful as possible.

    Luke plopped down beside her with a "Hmmph..." making Dixie gasp, quite sure that he was going to spill his lemonade. Somehow, he didn't, though, and Dixie looked at him in disbelief.

    He just grinned and winked at her. "Years of experience at ploppin' down with a glass of... somethin'..." he said, grinning a goofy grin.

    She half-smiled as she thought about the fact that what he was speaking of probably consisted of plopping down in the hay with a girl and a glass of beer or some such thing.

    He leaned against the tree and said, "Y'know, Dix, I never really asked you all that much about things... Like, what made you decide to come back to Hazzard?"

    Dixie sighed as she answered, "............

    Cue Dixie

  7. Beth was going crazy worrying about Bo. She loved him, and wished that he and his twin could get along better.

    She just wished that he was with her, holding her, so she could make him feel better. Tell him the things he needed to hear. Remind him that he was her everything, and that was one thing he never had to worry about Garrett taking over.

    God knew how much she loved him. And God knew how much she wanted him to love his brother.

    She shook her head as she left the window to sit back down on the bed and worry some more.

    (cue Garrett!)

  8. At the still site, after breakfast, Jeb and Jesse were hard at work, making sure that everything was in order to keep the best shine in Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi flowing...

    Balladeer: Not to mention North Carolina, South Carolina, AND Tennesee.

    Jesse spoke softly to Jeb, who was checking a copper pipe. "Now, Jeb... I was just wonderin' what made you decide to run away last night..."

    "I'm a jack@$$, Uncle Jesse, to put it quite bluntly," Jeb said.

    Even old Jesse had to fight laughter on that one, but he firmly said, "Jeb, tell me what's goin' on."

    "Uncle Jesse... Can I just say I thought I was in love with the wrong woman, and I caused a little trouble and leave it at that?"

    Jesse looked at his young nephew. "No, we can't. I need to know what happened."

    "OK..." Jeb hung his head. "I'm sorry, Uncle Jesse."

    "Why don't we establish what's bein' apologized for before we apologize?" Jesse said in that tone of his that made it hard for Jeb to decide whether to smile or cry.

    "Uncle Jesse, I made a big mistake," Jeb said. "There was this girl, and... well... I thought she liked me, but it turned out that she was just a 'working girl,' and she really didn't care about me at all. But, unfortunately, I didn't figure that out until I had gone to make a fool of myself tellin' her that I cared about her... and I got in alot of trouble, and the owner said for me not to comeback on the next run."

    Jesse sighed. "Jeb, ........................."

    Cue Dixie

  9. Jeb sighed. He knew his cousins were right, but that only made him more upset. He didn't want to be bossed around by Bo and Luke, but they were right, and there was nothing he could do about that.

    He sighed. Why did Paige have to be a 'working girl'? And, if that was what she was, couldn't she get in trouble, since he was 16. And... Well, she could get in trouble anyway, but... He had thought that maybe... maybe she cared about him.

    Luke was sitting silently, trying to let things sink into Jeb's mind. "Jeb," he finally said. "I'm just telling you this because I love ya, and I don't won't you to make a fool of yourself... I want you to find somebody you really love, and who really loves you. Not just some girl on the rebound, or a girl who gets paid for 'loving' you."

    Jeb sighed. He leaned back and closed his eyes. He had nothing more to say.


    The next morning.....

    Cue Dixie

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