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Posts posted by bethie88

  1. *****Name: Jessica Lauren Hansen

    Born: April 8, 1974


    CB Handle: None as of yet, though that's sure to change

    Hair: Brown

    Eyes: Green

    Height: 5'4"

    History: A true Hazzard County girl, Jessica can't resist the Duke charm. Which may get her in trouble when she meets Bo, Jr. She's a waitress at the Boar's Nest

    Personality: Sweet, but a little rebellious.

    Hobbies: boys... at least Bo, Jr... Cars, and friends

  2. "Da--it, Bo... Why am I so dumb? I thought..."

    "Thought she loved you?" Bo asked. "I hate to break it to ya, Jeb, but I doubt she even knows what love means... She's a hard one, Jeb. Not like Hazzard girls. Not every girl's like Beth or Daisy."

    "Or Dixie," Luke added softly, so that they barely heard him, not even sure himself what made him say it.

    "You can't believe in that, Jeb," Bo said."You need a good woman."

    "Like Beth and Daisy and Dixie?" Jeb asked, shocking Luke, who'd thought noone had heard him.

    "Yeah," Bo nodded. "Like them."

    "Well, looks like I'm out of luck," Jeb said softly.

    "What's that supposed to mean?" Bo asked.

    "Well, you're married to Beth, and I don't like her like that anyhow... Daisy's my cousin... and..." Jeb was always the instigator. "And Dixie's eyes ain't on THIS Duke boy... But they might be on another one."

    Luke's head snapped around to look at his cousin. "Jeb Stuart Duke, you take that back!" he said, a little angry at his cousin, but more shocked than anything. Dixie didn't feel like that, did she?

    "I ain't lyin', Luke," Jeb said. "There's alot of things I'd do, but lyin' about Dixie ain't one of 'em."

    Luke replied, "..........

    Cue Dixie

  3. *****Name: Ruth Anne Duke

    Born: July 27, 1975

    Vehicle: 1970 Oldsmobile 442, still being restored

    CB Handle: Little Lady/ Little Lost Sheep

    Hair: Brown

    Eyes: Blue

    Height: 5'

    History: First daughter and second child of Bo and Beth Duke, Ruth Anne was born and raised on the Duke farm. She loves Hazzard County, and likes living on the edge, though it scares the crap out of her father

    Personality: Outspoken, but sweet. Very smart, a trait which Bo says "comes from her mother." Daredevilish and spontaneous like her father.

    Hobbies: Cars, history, volleyball

  4. *****Name: Beauregard Jackson Duke, Jr.

    Born: June 22, 1973

    Vehicle: 1969 Dodge Charger, black, named Stormy

    CB Handle: Storm Cloud or Stormy

    Hair: Blonde

    Eyes: Blue

    Height: 6'3"

    History: Oldest son of Bo Duke and Beth Smith Duke, Bo, Jr. is the spitting image of his father. He attended MSU, and transferred to GA Tech to be closer to home.

    Personality: He's alot like his father: hardheaded and a little crazy. He loves his family, and helps alot in the spoiling of his 10 1/2 year old sister, Michaela.

  5. OK, so, I thought y'all may be a little confused about characters... I would be, there's a ton of 'em...

    But I thought I'd explain 'em a little, with some help from Dixie of course!

    First up, Mrs. Bo Duke.

    *****Name: Beth Smith

    Born: June 30, 1956

    Vehicle: 1971 Camaro Z-28

    CB Handle: Sunshine (Also Bo's nickname for her)

    Hair: Brown

    Eyes: Blue

    Height: 5'5"

    Build: Average

    History: Born and raised in Hazzard County to a well-to-do family, Beth grew up with Bo, Luke, and Daisy. She had a crush on Luke as a little girl, but her best friend, Bo, grew on her, and she fell in love with him. When she was 16, she got pregnant with Bo, and they got married. By the time of "Going Home" she and Bo have 5 kids, and one on the way.

    Personality: She's kind and loving with her family, but she doesn't take any crap, either. She can be a little hard on Bo when she feels that he's setting a bad example for the kids, but she loves him dearly. She is fiercely loyal to the Duke family, and for a while there would have nothing to do with her own father due to his unkind comments about the Duke family.

  6. Jeb started to talk back, but finally just turned his back to Luke, facing toward Bo. "Sorry, cousin," Bo said. "Looks like Luke's set on this one."

    "Yeah, I am," Luke said. "I'm sick of havin' to hide everything. And I ain't gettin' the General's keys taken from me again for you."

    Jeb shook his head. "Always would give your right arm for Bo, but you can't wait to dump my @$$ out of the fryin' pan and into the flame, can ya?" he mumble.

    Luke angrily replied, ".............

    Cue Dixie

  7. Jeb was pretty upset. He thought he loved Paige, and thought she loved him. But unfortunately for Jeb, he had to learn the cold hard truth sometime. Luke almost felt sorry for his cousin. "Did you know that her goin' upstairs with you was just doin' her job?" Luke asked.

    Jeb's face told his cousin that he didn't know. At least, not until she was yelling at him and he was in cuffs.

    "Da--," Luke said. "Boy... I shoulda made that a little more clear."

    Jeb looked at his cousin for a long moment, and said, ".....

    Cue Dixie

  8. Bo grinned. "Good question. But the truth is, what happened with me and Beth had nothing to do with you. We make our own mistakes, Luke... And we can't blame 'em on nobody else."

    Luke shrugged. "All I know is, Jeb's in one heck of a hurry to make a big one of his own."

    Bo shook his head. "That girl's just gonna make him sorry he ever saw her. Ain't no tellin' what she's been through and done."

    Luke nodded. "Stupid guys like me, for one thing. And... Lord knows if she even knows what love means."

    As they headed toward Alabama, the boys were silent, hoping they weren't too late to keep Jeb out of trouble.

    When they arrived at the club, nothing could have prepared them for seeing.....

    Cue Dixie

  9. Bo shook his head. "Reckon not."

    Luke shook his head. "If I've told that boy once..."

    Bo interupted. "You have, Luke. Now let's go." Bo turned onto the road that would lead them through Chickasaw County and Osage to Alabama. "You better hope you're right," he said.

    "I just wish Jeb had a CB on that da-- bike!" Luke said angrily.

    "Same here," Bo said, as he upshifted the General.

    Bo ran the General for all he was worth, hoping that Jeb hadn't gotten very far.

    But unfortunately, he had gotten far enough ahead of them that Bo and Luke both figured he'd be in Alabama before they got their hands on him. Luke keyed the CB mic, and said, "Shepherd, this is Lost Sheep One. Seems Biker Boy left somethin' behind in Alabama. We're gonna go and try to get to him before he finds it."

    Jesse trusted his nephew's judgement. "OK, Luke. But y'all be careful."

    "Yessir, Uncle Jesse," Luke replied. "We'll find him."

    Luke put the CB mic down, and said, mostly to himself, "I hope."

    Cue Dixie

  10. Jesse unfolded the note and deciphered Jeb's chicken scratch.

    "Uncle Jesse,

    I'm sorry about this, but I'm just sick of being told what to do by everybody. I'm a man, Uncle Jesse, and it's time I was treated like one, so I'm leaving. I took my bike and my money. Everybody else's stuff's where it should be.

    I hate to be like this, but I've got to be my own man now.

    Love you all,

    Jeb Stuart Duke"

    Daisy was on the verge of tears. "Bo, Luke, go find him!"

    Bo stood and walked toward the door, Luke following close behind. As they walked out to the General, Luke shook his head. "What kind of dang fool thing is Jeb tryin' to pull now?" Luke sighed.

    Bo just shook his head as he climbed into the General's driver's side


    Cue Dixie

  11. Bo grinned, "I'll take Coy and Vance," he said, having no desire to tangle with Jeb first thing in the morning.

    "Thanks, cousin," Luke replied. "You're all heart."

    Bo simply smiled an innocent smile and kept walking toward Coy and Vance's room. Those two were no trouble to get up.

    Luke walked into Jeb's room and involuntarily gasped. Jeb was gone, and there was a note on his chest of drawers.

    Cue Dixie

  12. Uncle Jesse sat down by Beth with a smile. "What was that all about?"

    "Nothin', Uncle Jesse... Just thanking Luke for helping me last night. Which reminds me! Bo and Luke need to help me get the baby stuff I bought out of the car. Dixie had a few bags, too." Beth smiled, knowing what Dixie's bags contained.


    Luke scrubbed himself clean in the shower and put on his own cologne so as not to smell Dixie's perfume, which had been making him crazy all night.

    He got out of the shower wrapped in a towel, and walked out into the hall, not expecting anyone else to be up. But ..........

    Cue Dixie

  13. Beth was the first to join Luke, despite the small amount of sleep she'd had. "Mornin', Luke," she said. "I just wanted to thank you for last night."

    Luke grinned. "No problem. I thought we'd lost ya there for a minute. Just glad you're OK. You take care of that little nephew cousin of mine," he said, patting Beth's stomach.

    Beth smiled. "No other baby could ever have an Uncle like you."

    Luke grinned. "Lord, I hope not. I'd start feelin' sorry for 'em."

    Beth looked at Luke for a moment. "Thanks for takin' care of Dixie last night."

    Luke shrugged. "No problem there."

    "Maybe not, but it was good of you anyway. You looked like wild horses wouldn't have taken her away from you until she was OK." Then Beth smiled that funny little smile of a woman who knows something that a man doesn't think she knows, and maybe doesn't know himself.

    Luke knew that smile. Had seen it too often from Daisy, Beth, Robin... And he'd never liked it too much. "What's that supposed to mean?" he finally asked.

    Beth smiled mysteriously. "Stay out of trouble, Luke," she said simply.

    Luke looked at her, then shook his head. Women.

    Cue Dixie

  14. Name - Beth

    Age - 17... I'm the youngun' stuck drinkin' Dr. Pepper and not shine!

    Location - USA! lol.

    Occupation - Student

    Married or Single - single

    Children - None... like I said, 17 and single. lol.

    Favorite Movie - Where the Red Fern Grows and West Side Story

    Favorite group - Lynyrd Skynyrd, Green Day, Lifehouse, The Killers

    Favorite TV show - DOH and the Brendan Leonard Show

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