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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. (Season 5 Return of the Mean Green Machine) Rosco:"I wonder what the hysterical value of those coins are." Boss:"You mean "historical" don't you?" Rosco:"That too."
  2. (Season 3 The Kidnapper) Skipper:"The ransom is to be delivered by the one you call the Professor, and the skinny one in the sailor hat!" Gilligan:"Skinny one in the sailor hat, me must mean me!" Skipper(Points at self):"Well, he certainly doesn't mean ME!"
  3. The Castaways On Gilligan's Island(1979) Skipper(Trying to get it out of Gilligan where Robby is.)"Gilligan, you better tell me where that kid is, or the only thing wild around here is gonna be me!"
  4. The Castaways On Gilligan's Island(1979) Skipper:"Doop!"(Gilligan has accidentally hit him in back side with the load of tiki torches he's carrying to the beach from the hotel lobby Skipper is also carrying a load of them The other half.) Gilligan:"There, you see!? That proves it Skipper! We're having bad luck!" Skipper:"Gilligan, your bad luck hasn't even started yet! Now come on!"
  5. (Season 5 The Hazzardgate Tape) Boss Sharkey, Norton and Janco are chasing and shooting at Coy and Vance Duke and Boss Hogg, trying to get the video tape of the bad bosses back from them. Boss Sharkey, Boss Bowman, Boss Hopkins. Boss Sharkey(To Norton):"Smart kid, you haven't given us a decent shot yet! Gimme that CB!"(Norton gives him the CB. He calls Coy and Vance.)"Plough boys, you read me?!" Vance Duke:"Loud an' clear." Boss Sharkey:"Now we don't wanna kill nobody! All we want is that video tape. You just toss it out your window, an' we'll be on our way!" Boss Hogg:"No no! They're lyin' I tell ya! They'll kill me anyway. Listen boys, don't do it!" Vance Duke:"We're sorry, but this here tape is goin' straight to the State Police in Capitol City!" Boss Sharkey:"Don't even book on it!" Norton shoots at them again. Coy Duke:"Stop gettin' 'em mad!"
  6. (Season 5 Enos in Trouble) Bad Guy #1:"Watch out fer that log!"(Bad Guy guy number 2 hits the log, the car rolls over, coming to rest back on all 4 wheels.) Bad Guy #2:"Didn't you see that log?!" Bad Guy #1:"I HIT IT DIDN'T I?!" Waylon Jennings:"Awe cheer up boys! That ain't to bad fer yer first Hazzard jumpin'."
  7. (Season 5 Enos in Trouble) Coy Duke(About the bad guys in the green sedan.):"Those guys must be long gone after the drivin' lesson I gave 'em!"
  8. (Season 5 The Hazzardgate Tape) Coy and Vance are trying to evade the bad guys. Boss Hogg is in the backseat. Bad guys are shooting at them. Boss Hogg:"They're gonna shoot me! Do you hear, do you hear? I'm gonna get killed!" Vance Duke:"Nobody's gonna get killed Boss!" Boss Hogg:"Yeah! That's easy fer you to say! A skinny boy like you, you ain't such a big target as I am!" Boss Hogg:"Can't you shake 'em or nothin'?" Coy Duke:"It ain't easy! They got a real suped up engine!" Vance Duke:"Yeah. An' the General ain't used to carryin' this extra load Boss!" Boss Hogg:"Would you just stop referring to my stomach when my life is in danger!?"
  9. (Season 5 Enos in Trouble) Coy and Vance and Enos are being chased by the bad guys. Vance Duke:"They must've juiced up that engine! I can't seem to shake 'em." Coy Duke:"Vance, you want me to drive?" Vance Duke:"Son, you just said the magic word!"
  10. "Friends, beware of misunderstandings when buying online! I ordered a Skipper's hat from eBay seller Bluenox in Sialkot, Pakistan on October 3, 2020. While the hat arrived, it didn't have the exact braid style I expected. Initially, I thought it was a bait-and-switch, but now I realize that the product image might have been used as an example, and the actual product had a variation. I want to caution everyone to be careful when shopping online and to understand that mistakes can happen. It's important to communicate with sellers and consider multiple perspectives before jumping to conclusions. On a happy note, I did receive the hat, and it's a great item! I've learned a valuable lesson and will be more mindful in the future. Thanks for reading, and remember to shop online with caution and an open mind!"
  11. Cousin HossC... The big ones whole scenes I can put over in the favorite scenes thread.
  12. (Season 3 Gilligan Goes Gung Ho) Gilligan:"I'm not doing nothing at all. I could be Sheriff. Skipper:"Ridiculous." Mr. Howell:"Preposterous!" Gilligan:"How about a word from you Professor? Professor:"Idiotic." Gilligan:"Sorry I asked."
  13. (Season 2 Seer Gilligan) Gilligan had plans to go fishing tomorrow. Skipper has just told him "Well, Gilligan, nobody says that you can't go fishing right after you-" and launches into a list of things he wants Gilligan to do. After he's done naming the things: Gilligan:"Do you know what I think?" Skipper:"No!" Gilligan:"That's good!" It was probably something like "Do all stuff yourself!"
  14. (Season 1 Goodbye, Island) Gilligan and Skipper are glued to the S. S. MINNOW. Trying to get loose. Skipper:"Well, Gilligan, you've got to help too! Now, put your hand my shoulder!" Gilligan:"But-" Skipper:"Put your hand on my shoulder!"(Gilligan does so, which due to the glue makes a slapping sound.) Skipper:"Did you have glue on your hand?" Gilligan sheepishly nods. Skipper grabs Gilligan by the sleeve to try to free the hand from his shoulder. Gilligan & Skipper:"On the sleeve too!"
  15. (Season 7 Strange Visitor to Hazzard) The alien(Little Cousin) nicknamed by the Dukes, is carrying on a chatter agitatedly pointing at the sun. Luke Duke:"He's gettin' pretty agitated. It must be time fer his friends to show up!" Bo Duke:"Take a look. The sun's goin' down." Luke Duke:"It sure is." Bo Duke:"Don't worry little fella, we'll git you to yer plane on time!" Plane referring to his space ship/flying saucer.
  16. Dukes Trivia: What are the names of the Gold Dust bank robbers who originally owned the 1969 Dodge Charger that would become the General Lee?
  17. Skipper Duke

    Camp Candy

    Any of y'all heard of and seen this cartoon TV series starring the voice of John Candy? In the series, he runs a summer camp for kids. I watched episodes of this sent to me by a Facebook friend. I enjoyed it.
  18. *Disappointing Experience with Bluenox - Bait and Switch* I ordered the Alan Hale Jr. Mouse Braid Gilligan's Island Skipper's hat from Bluenox on eBay on October 3, 2020, but what I received was not what was advertised. Instead of the Mouse Braid, the hat came with a Gorget Braid, which is a completely different style. The Gorget Braid is simply a cap cord with double ropes over each other and a single knot on each end, whereas the Mouse Braid is a twisted, knotted, and intertwined braid. I was really looking forward to receiving the correct hat, but Bluenox's bait and switch has left me feeling disappointed and frustrated. Buyers beware! Make sure to double-check your orders before making a purchase from Bluenox. I rate my experience 3/5 stars.
  19. (Season 5 Coy Meets Girl) Rosco crashed into into a crater caused by a morter shell. Boss and Rosco have gotten out of the patrol car, and are hiding in a another crater made by another morter shell earlier. Uncle Jesse shows up, stops his truck, and honks the horn to get their attention. Rosco:"Boss there's Jesse." Boss:"Oh Jesse!" Uncle Jesse:"You boys better git in here, before yer blown into the next 4TH of July!"
  20. (Season 5 Coy Meets Girl) Rosco:"I knew those Duke Boys were tough, but I didn't think they would go this far!"
  21. (Season 2 Find Loretta Lynn) Bo and Luke try to stop Loretta Lynn's RV with their bodies as it crashes thru the hideout barn doors to make its getaway with half the kidnapping trio Bubba inside. Next comes the blue car with Cindy. Waylon Jennings:"I don't believe I would try to stop that with my body. You know, they don't learn too quick, do they?"
  22. (Season 4 Trouble at Cooter's) Cooter Davenport:"Hey!" Bonnie Lane:"Hey!" Cooter Davenport:"What do you got here?" Bonnie Lane:"Well, I brought us a picnic lunch. Are you interested?" Cooter Davenport:"Well, now, Miss Bonnie, I'm interested. But I gotta work!" Bonnie Lane:"I don't know about that Cooter. I got some Fried Chicken, I got some Potato Salad, I got some Corn Bread. Guess what I got fer dessert?" Cooter Davenport:"What?" Bonnie Lane:"BlackBerry Cobbler." Cooter Davenport:"You know somethin' Miss Bonnie?" Bonnie Lane:"What?" Cooter Davenport:"You sure got a way with words. Come on here!" Waylon Jennings:"Ain't amazing how a pretty girl with Fried Chicken could make a man forget about a carburetor float valve? Don't you just hate men that use women to mess up other men? Well, that carburetor float valve is somethin' that ol' Bo an' Luke could sure use on the General right about now."
  23. Roger Duke... "You mean got a girl out of a machine? Lordy, what won't they think of next?" Lol.
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