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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Gilligan:"I made that decoy out of an old shoe with feathers on it! How does it look?" Skipper:"Like an old shoe with feathers on it!" Gilligan:"It's very good looking." The duck decoy/shoe sinks because it has a hole in it. Gilligan:"I forgot I had a hole in my shoe!" Skipper:"You forgot you had a hole in your head!"
  2. Yeah feeling crappy. Fevers, headaches, and now body aches and throwing up and poops.
  3. Carrie Underwood, Taylor Swift, Britney Spears and Jessica Simpson
  4. (Season 3 All About Eva) Eva Grubb:"I couldn't look like you Ginger, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." Ginger Grant:"Well, what do you see?" Eva Grubb:"I'm the most beautiful girl I've ever seen!"
  5. (Season 3 Gilligan Goes Gung Ho) Gilligan:"Skipper, I don't even care if that rock can glow in the dark!" Skipper:"Gilligan, that's what phosphorescent means!"
  6. (Season 1 The Sound of Quacking) Skipper:"Good morning, Mary Ann." Mary Ann:"Good morning, Skipper." Skipper:"And how are you this morning?" Mary Ann:"Just fine." Skipper:"You know what I'd love to have for breakfast?" Mary Ann:"What?" Skipper:"Some nice soft scrambled eggs and a nice thick slice of tinned ham." Mary Ann:"So would I. But all you're gonna get is mackerel and sliced banana." Skipper:"Mackerel and sliced bananas? That sounds awful." Mary Ann:"Probably will be."
  7. Snowman:(To Fred)"I'm in a hurry, and you wanna take a swim!"
  8. Arnie Cunningham:(To Leigh Cabot, in Darnell's Garage. After seeing what Buddy Repperton, Moochie Welch, Don Vandenberg and Richard Trelawny did to Christine.)"DON'T TOUCH ME SH***ER!!!!!! Oh this is just what you wanted GET AWAY FROM HER GET AWAY FROM HER!!!!!!!!!!"
  9. Bobby Fleet:"Ooooh! That kid is a menace!" Andy:"What happened?" Opie:"He called you a hick trouble maker, so I kicked him!" Andy:"He didn’t mean it. Opie:"I did too!"
  10. Opie Taylor:"Are you a criminal?" Bobby Fleet:"According to your Pa I am. He framed the whole thing, the hick trouble maker!"
  11. (Season 3 Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow) Skipper:(Looking in mirror on hut wall. Finding out he's bald.)"Bald! I'm completely bald!"
  12. Hobie Hartkins Dawn was one of the words in this game, I said Wells(Mary Ann Summers) cuz Dawn Wells.
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