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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. This has always been my theory. You know how the movie Christine merged the characters of the LeBay brothers George and Roland into one? Roland sold it to Arnie in the book before dying. In the movie George sold it to Arnie cuz Roland was dead for 6 weeks. But having the back brace and looking the way he did at first, is it possible he was Roland's ghost when he sold Arnie the car, and then was really George later when Dennis went to see him? When George sold Arnie the car, he looked like how Rollie looked like in the book.
  2. (Season 3 Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow) Gilligan:"Don’t worry Skipper, there’s a lot of good looking bald guys. Look at Yule Brenner." Skipper:"Yeah but look at us. We look like two thirds of a pawnshop sign."
  3. (Season 3 The Pigeon) Gilligan:"Did he have to Go? I was just beginning to love him." Skipper:"Little Buddy, if Walter gets to Hawaii for us, we'll build him a special cage just for the 2 of you!"
  4. (Season 3 Topsy Turvy) Gilligan hit his head, and is seeing everything upside down. Skipper:"What a time for this to happen when all those headhunters closing in." Gilligan:"Yeah they'll probably mix up and cut off my feet!"
  5. (Season 5 Coy Meets Girl) In the kitchen of the Duke Farm house Run away orphan girl Bobby Lee Jordan's dog Max is sitting on the floor beside the table, while Bobby Lee stands up off to the side. He looks at her with sad puppy dog eyes and an "Oooh you lied to the Dukes Shame on you mom!" kind of look. Bobby Lee Jordan:"Now don't make me feel any worse than I do already. If we're gonna stay outta that orphanage, I gotta keep my mouth shut!"
  6. Gilligan's Island fans... The Skipper's hat in Red with Gold braid https://www.ebay.com/itm/Replica-Captains-Hat-Skippers-Hat-Yachting-Hat-Copy-/353747535527?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
  7. Arnie Cunningham:"What’s the matter? Don't you like BEER? I thought you liked BEER!"
  8. Arnie Cunningham:"A toast! Death! To the sh***ers of the world in 1979!" Dennis Guilder:"I can't drink to that." Arnie Cunningham:"Why can’t you drink to that?" (sarcastic, EYEROLL) "What can you drink to?" Dennis Guilder:"How 'bout to us? You know, to friendship." Arnie Cunningham:"Friendship. That's good." Arnie Cunningham:"Let me tell you something about love Dennis. It has a voracious appetite. It eats everything. Friendship, family, it kills me how much it eats. But I'll tell you somethin' else. You feed it right, it could be a beautiful thing, an' that's what we have." Dennis Guilder:"I had no idea you felt that way about Leigh." Arnie Cunningham:"What!? F*** no! I'm talkin' about Christine man!"
  9. (Season 1 Irresistible Andy) Ellie Walker:"How dare you think I'd wanna marry you? Who do you think you are? Just because I accepted what I thought was a friendly, neighborly invitation... And for your information, Mr. Sheriff, I've given dozens of children free ice cream cones - even if they weren't the children of such gorgeous, charming, desirable catches as yourself! Well, let me tell you something, you big, brave hero - I wouldn't go to the dance with you if you were the last man on Earth, let alone marry you! Nor do I need your generous help in getting an escort. Just to prove it to you, I'm gonna go with the first single unattached man who comes through that door!" Barney Fife walks in. Ellie Walker:"You!" Barney Fife:"Me?" Ellie Walker:"Yes! Are you taking anybody to the dance Saturday?" Barney Fife:"No." Ellie Walker:"Good! In that case, I accept your invitation, thank you!" Barney Fife:(to Andy Taylor, after Ellie Walker leaves.)"I just came in here for some foot powder."
  10. This set of tributes comes from the Season 3 episode The Producer. Gilligan wants to do Carpenter's Handbook as a musical.
  11. (Season 3 All About Eva) Mr. Howell:"You See Mrs. Howell Will Invite Eva to Tea. And if My Diplomacy's Intact ?, She'll never Know that It's a Bribe... Ha-Ha..."
  12. (Season 3 Bang, Bang, Bang) Gilligan:"Hey Skipper, these bananas have pits!" Skipper:"Bananas Don't have Pits! Your Head Maybe... But not bananas!" Gilligan:"These ones do."(spits out fillings.)"See? Pits." Skipper:"Gilligan, those aren't pits. Little Buddy, you lost 2 fillings."
  13. (Season 2 Gilligan's Living Doll) Ginger:(trying to seduce the robot.)Ginger:"Hiya tall dark and mechanical." Robot:"I do not understand." Ginger:"Let me make it clearer for you. I've been stuck on this island for a very long time. Understand?" Robot:"I understand." Ginger:"And I want you to get me off." Robot:"I am programmed for that task." Ginger:"Well then, gee whiz. Can't you put your mind to it. Concentrate on it for Ginger?"
  14. https://www.barnebys.com/auctions/lot/alan-hale-jr-the-skipper-hat-from-gilligan-s-island-cbs-tv-1964-1967-5QzO8R4DcjJ
  15. https://www.icollector.com/Alan-Hale-Jr-The-Skipper-hat-from-Gilligan-s-Island_i35004836
  16. (Season 3 Gilligan Goes Gung Ho) Everyone is locked in the Sheriff(Skipper's) makeshift rock/cave/bamboo jail by overzealous Deputy(Gilligan). Mrs. Howell:"What did Gilligan say this is?" Skipper:"It's own creation Missus Howell! Coconut potpie!" Mr. Howell:"I don't have to eat this slop! I've got friends on the outside, and one of them happens to be a chef!"
  17. (Season 1 The Big Gold Strike) Mr. Howell:"I hope that provisions have been made for my bag of gold aboard your raft." Skipper:"Nothing doing.The Professor here knows exactly how much that raft will support." Professor:"That's right. With our combined weight, and the weight of the provisions, we can't take a chance. Gold is very heavy." Ginger:"My bag isn't heavy." Ginger unsuccessfully tries to lift her bag of gold. Mary Ann:"Mine's as lite as a feather." Mary Ann also tries to lift her bag of gold. Mrs. Howell:"Can't I take a teensy-weensy little bag of gold?" Skipper:"How teensy-weensy a bag?" Mrs. Howell lifts a large bag of gold and shows it to Skipper. Mrs. Howell:"This teensy-weensy?" Skipper:"No!" Mrs. Howell drops her bag of gold, which lands on Mr. Howell's foot. Mr. Howell:"(in pain)"Oh!"
  18. (Season 2 The Ghost of General Lee) Waylon Jennings:"Daisy's just like all the Dukes. She could find trouble in paradise." (He says this after the bad guy sneak up on Daisy in Boss Hogg's Boars Nest office, when she's opening the place up for business. And the bad guy covers Daisy's mouth so she can't yell for help before they tie her up to Boss Hogg's barber chair.)
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