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Boss JD Hogg

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Everything posted by Boss JD Hogg

  1. The General Lee!
  2. Hi Andrew, welcome to Hazzard Net! I'm also a model builder and I've had some of my work featured in issues 36 and 38 of Sci Fi & Fantasy Modeller . I'm also a member on ARC and go by the user name 'crowe-t' over there. I'll check out your Uncle Jesse's Ford pickup build there.
  3. RogerDuke - I'm from Howard Beach, Queens, NY. Roth Potter - I do have 2 of the Revell 1969 Dodge Chargers in the stash. However for this build I'll be using a newer issue MPC General Lee kit from Round 2. It has the correct rear window. I have a correct 1969 hood from an MPC Charger 500 kit that will replace the incorrect 1970 hood that comes in the GL kit. I also have a 440 which will replace the kit's Hemi engine. The wheels from either the AMT Ecklers Corvette or the AMT 1969 Riviera kit are better than the MPC GL wheels. I have a set of those for this build as well. A friend also made me much more accurate decals with a correctly sized flag for the roof. I really want to see what I can do to modify the MPC kit before I start one of my Revell GL builds. I'll keep you all posted on the progress as soon as I get started. Thanks guys for the warm welcome! I'm happy to be among friends.
  4. This is a favorite of mine! It has all the elements of a great episode, Boss' scam, trying to frame the Dukes... It then ends on a real warm note when Boss shows up at the Dukes with the gifts and they welcome him with open arms. A definite must see show at Christmas time.
  5. I like the more realistic and grittier feel of the Georgia episodes. Although some of my favorites were California episodes. I would have liked to show to have retained the feel of the Georgia episodes and remained there but as stated above it probably wouldn't have been on the air as long.
  6. Hi Keith, I'm new here and just found this thread. You have a beautiful 1969 Charger! I hope too see some more posts with information on your Charger.
  7. Hi everyone, My name is Mike, live in NY and I'm a big Dukes Of Hazzard fan and recently came upon this forum. I've been watching the DOH since it first aired back in 1979. I have all 7 seasons on DVD as well as the 2 TV reunion movies and watch the show often. One of my hobbies is building model kits so I will be starting a General Lee model build soon and will post it here at the forum. As you can see from my user name I'm a big fan of Boss Hogg. I'm happy to be a member here and hope to make some friends with you all. Mike aka 'Boss JD Hogg'
  8. How true this is! It's sad that a great wholesome show like the Dukes OF Hazzard is under the chopping block.
  9. This is awesome! Great job. Any updates?
  10. This is a great thread! I always liked how the Boars Nest interior looked in the early California episodes which made it resemble the Goorgia episodes Boars Nest. It had the columns inside, an actual ceiling and the main bar room was wider than the later episodes. It was also dimly lit which made it match the 'Georgia' episodes Boars Nest a bit closer.
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