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Everything posted by K-Duke15

  1. I'm goin' to join in real fast and say that here in Ohio, we have no acent whats-so-ever. Me and my friend were even talking about this. We figured out that we have a farmer's acent (what ever that sounds like). But me I some how get a southern acent even though I never lived down there.
  2. I could totally do six. I'm out of school and will probably be aloud to be on till then.
  3. Well we normally have tons of snow, sometimes ice. But we can get close to 100 degrees. But everyone can tell that it's going to be a bad summer with how our winter was. And Ohio is stupider with weather. And I've been to Florida in the summer time. It can get hot and icky.
  4. We had that last night for sure. Not fun. But glad I didn't lose power. But here, we haven't even had a winter. Like barely half an inch of snow maybe and some barely below freezing temperatures. Ohio can be unpredictable. Can't wait for what the summer time will bring. Springs been good though.
  5. Come to southwestern Ohio. It's suppose to be 87 degrees with a 30% or 40% chance of rain. It feels good here.
  6. I would have made it but I was told to get off the computer. But I can say that I had some great experience with weather last night. We had a little bit of hail and rain. And a tornado warning that was just north of town.
  7. It's not working.:mad: I think we have to wait for tomorrow.

  8. I'm sorry. It's not letting chat come up. I logged out and logging back in to see if it helps.

  9. It's okay. It may not work for some people but works for others.

  10. I will try to make it but I don't think I'll be aloud on that late.

  11. I would chat but I can't get it up on the school computers. They block it. When I get home we can.

  12. Cooter (You had to have known that was coming Hoss:lol:)
  13. Yah, its always hard to draw on the computer. But easier with a tablet.

    It cool to know that it's Hoss that's doing it.

  14. That's good that you found one. And that's cool that you found a fun drawing program. I like to edit photos on line.

  15. I've read it. I'm also slowly working on it.

  16. (I'm going to get this rolling again) sundae
  17. Yah we can. With me in band right now, that works. And of course you playing and sometimes teaching. And I bet that as long as we can keep this seen on the main page, someone will see it and join in.
  18. Cool. I probably won't get to look at it till around Saturday afternoon. I'm staying the night at my friends.

  19. I like the idea of making a group. We can talk about what music we've played and help each other when needed.
  20. I'm doing good. should be done with it today. And I did like what was writen. I laughed about the plaid shirt comment.

  21. Well you know I do. The clarinet is my specialty. Right know it's the Bass Clarinet, which I'm so happy to have fixed the sliding problem. I would really like to know if anyone else plays an instrument. Good idea to ask.
  22. Good. Just need to reread and then it will be sent over to you.

  23. I read the story and working on it. I will say that I love it but of course sad that it had to happen.

  24. K-Duke15


    Guess I'm smiling now. I didn't know if they won or not yesterday. But thanks for telling me. I'm not sure how I like them. I don't really watch it but I hear a lot about it on the news. But with us winning the games we have, I'm guessing they're good to have. lol
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